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Video: Smile please! Local official flattened by backhoe in photo op gone wrong


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Thais are oblivious to noise.

Thais don't do health and safety.

Photo op trumps everything.

Put them all together and what have you got. A removed video due to an important government official looking like an idiot.

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...stand next to 20 tonne digger for a photo....obviously motor was running and the motor sound being projected directly at the ear level of the officials.....nobody told the driver ???....achine should have been completely shut down pre-photo

Absolute stupidity......you really have to wonder at the sheer brainless acts of people..........lucky he wasn't crushed to death...trust he makes a swift recovery.

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Just a quick look, it appears the machine is fitted with very wide "swamp" tracks, these apply very little pressure onto the ground, the reason he wasn't seriously injured.

Edited to add, the pressure applied to the ground could be in the order of 6 / 7 psi, this is probably less than a good sized guy standing on you with one foot.

Edited by Artisi
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Thais are oblivious to noise.

Thais don't do health and safety.

Photo op trumps everything.

Put them all together and what have you got. A removed video due to an important government official looking like an idiot.

Damn! I should've downloaded it while I had the chance. sad.png

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A lot of people blaming the officials..........it was the driver who drove over them, not the other way round?

The driver carried on working for another 30 seconds or so after backing into the group.

Don't you think someone should've told him to stop working before they did their photo-op?

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A lot of people blaming the officials..........it was the driver who drove over them, not the othher way round?

Never been on a construction before. The driver had no idea they were there. They're lucky he didn't swing the shovel around.

Edited by Rob13
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