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Atatürk Airport attack – why did it happen?


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Atatürk Airport attack – why did it happen?


Gizem Adal, euronews: “Yesterday evening, Turkey was struck by an extremist attack, this time targeting İstanbul’s Atatürk Airport. We are going to get the latest developments now from Euronews’ İstanbul Correspondent Bora Bayraktar.

Gizem Adal, euronews: “The Turkish Prime Minister, Binali Yıldırım, has defended security measures at İstanbul’s Atatürk Airport. But how come these three suicide bombers could get into the airport? Both passengers and their relatives undergo a full security search so how could they bring in a Kalashnikov?”

Bora Bayraktar, euronews İstanbul Correspondent: “Just behind me you can see the entrance to the airport. This is the main entrance to the airport, you can see the place where cars are coming in.”

“There is a police check point here. Police look at the vehicles that arrive here and let them inside unless there is something suspicious about them. If there isn’t, then it is another 500 to 600 metres to the departure terminal of the airport.”

“The attackers probably came in this way via taxi and got to the site of the second security check. They tried to get through this check-point but they had their jackets on. It is very hot in İstanbul so the police were immediately suspicious, the attackers ran in and shooting began.”

euronews: The militant organisation ISIL recently declared that they are against the deal Turkey made with Israel in order to normalise relations between the two countries. Is the attack linked to this?

Bora Bayraktar: “This was a very sophisticated and complex attack. However the statement about relations between Turkey and Israel was a made only a few days ago.”

“It is clear a lot of preparatory work went into this attack. ISIL has a much broader strategy against Turkey than simply reacting to news of the normalisation of the relations with Israel.”

“This year ISIL has carried out 4 attacks in Turkey. The group is targeting Turkey because it is a member of the coalition that is fighting against ISIL.”

“It is also the second anniversary of ISIL’s declaration of its so- called caliphate. Tuesday’s attack could be linked to this as well. It has to be said that Turkey has also pursued a campaign of domestic operations against ISIL.”

euronews: “Thank you very much, Bora.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-30

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Well, and those in the EU who still want freedom of EU movement for Muslim terrorists, must be insane

It's going to get much worse...

Britain dodges European Union ‘superstate’ bullet with plans revealed days after Brexit vote
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...alternative media everywhere is stating that these attacks are 'staged'....

What kind of agreements or contracts they have with the relatives of the people that were used as props and blown up to pieces / shot ?

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I fear that ISIS will strike the Euro 2016 event. Just because it hasn't happened yet, it's human nature to lower your guard which is basically playing into the terrorists hands. It wouldn't surprise me that between now and before the final game it's likely to happen.

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I fear that ISIS will strike the Euro 2016 event. Just because it hasn't happened yet, it's human nature to lower your guard which is basically playing into the terrorists hands. It wouldn't surprise me that between now and before the final game it's likely to happen.

This could very well so. They might wait for the final game and then go with a boom (or chemical weapon released from a drone or something).

I believe the next big incident will be on board a cruise ship. It is an excellent target and in many places no security at all. Car ferries would be even better like the ones between Finland and Sweden but there the global impact (fear factor) would be limited. Who cares if something blows up in there... There is actually already a chaos inside Sweden but it is very limited what you can read in the news.

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It happened because of the existence of Islam . Islam is not a peace-loving religion , whatever they might tell you.

and are you a peace loving person with your hate speech? sure you are not.

or maybe your religion is not peaceful too so you can come up with such bs hate speech.

attack happened bc ISIS is seeing Turkey as a great threat now.

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If there was no islam, this sort of thing would not happen. But Turkey is an Islamic country, and so they sort of are asking for it. Same as Iraq.

so according to your logic if Turkey was a Christian country, this attack did not happen?

Turkey is a liberal country and only secular muslim one on earth. Most turks are seen as infidels in the eyes of ISIS and other bigot muslim countries.

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As ISIS comes under more and greater pressure in the ME, I think we will see much more of these types of attacks. As they lose territory, those committed to the fighting will be inclined to attack further afield.

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If there was no islam, this sort of thing would not happen. But Turkey is an Islamic country, and so they sort of are asking for it. Same as Iraq.

so according to your logic if Turkey was a Christian country, this attack did not happen?

Turkey is a liberal country and only secular muslim one on earth. Most turks are seen as infidels in the eyes of ISIS and other bigot muslim countries.

Turkey is liberal and infidels? What kind of news you're reading? Bigot muslim countries? How come bigot if they are following islam?

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There is obviously more going on than reported. Turkey has been aiding and abetting ISIS from day one, they have been allies

As such why would ISIS risk their ire and attack the airport? There again there are suspicions the US really controls ISIS, didn't Turkey just apologise to Russia? There is a long list of countries that move away from the script and then suddenly have a major terrorist attack, mere coincidence?

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