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Officials confirm three islands off Phuket’s east coast remain open to tours

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Officials confirm three islands off Phuket’s east coast remain open to tours
Chanida Summast


PHUKET: -- Following a number of concerns being raised with The Phuket News that tourists were still being taken to three islands off the east coast of Phuket which they believed had been closed to tours, officials have today (July 1) confirmed that the islands are still open for tourism but with restricted areas of activities.

Suchart Rattanareangsri, Director of the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources (DMCR) Phuket office said, “Tourist can continue their water activities at Koh Khai Nok, Koh Khai Nai and Koh Khai Nui but only in the areas set out by our department. However, their activities shouldn’t not have any impact on the coral reefs.

“We haven’t closed the three islands yet, but we are monitoring tourists’ activities and have advised tour companies to promote better marine tourism,” he said.

In May, Thai newspaper Thairat quoted Sakda Wicheinsil Deputy Director of the DMCR as saying that officials will monitoring the situation from June-August, and if it gets any worse then the three islands will be closed.

Meanwhile, Nares Choophueng, a fisheries expert from the DMCR added, “We have posted signs to let tourists and tour operators know what they can and cannot do while visiting these islands, and we will continue working to enforce the rules.

Full Story: http://www.thephuketnews.com/officials-confirm-three-islands-off-phuket-east-coast-remain-open-to-tours-58096.php#XJRmP3lq2vcAKPqd.97

-- Phuket News 2016-07-01

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