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‘Do you think we’ll pay for bad things we’ve done?’ Revelations of Aussie sex tourists in Thailand


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Anonymous: Prostitutes have very improperly been styled women of pleasure; they are women of pain, or sorrow, of grief, of bitter and continual repentance,

That is so true.

Yes many choose the career but certainly don't enjoy it like some think

That's a very sweeping statement there can you back it up with facts not hear say or thai visa say. Are you reincarnated was you a hooker in that life. Or are you just saying what YOU belive sod what the real women working think. I have spoken to lots of so called Bar girls/prostitutes the over riding feeling that comes through is happiness. So don't genralizations your thoughts are just that say something like surley they don't or I wonder if they enjoy it.

And what do you expect bar girls to say?

Deary me, it is pretty easy to find real facts on the misery that surrounds prostitution, don't be lazy, look it up. I just hope you have the fortitude to read, absorb and reflect on your understanding of it all.

But whatever you do, don't listen to Bar girls who tell you its all ok, they may be ok but if they are not they still are unlikely to tell you. They lie for a living, they tell you whatever you want to hear, and they are good at it.

So now according to you they are liars as well. I belive you to be the lazy one sat on Google the font of all knowledge grow some balls man. Take the blinkers off and try to see it is what it is. Why would they lie to me????? I don't sleep with then or give them money or pay lady price drinks for them they are friends or are you saying all friends lie. Get down off that pulpit your on and go out and see the real world

No, you're right. They all send money home, all need the money for their children's education and they do love you. Oh, and you probably are amazing in bed and hung like an Elephant.. giggle.gif

What bit of my post did you not read then getting a bit confused are we can't remember who said what or why. To much wanking does that go out and get some real fun

I think you might be confused one here, you asked "why would they lie" as if the possibility had not occurred to you.

I was pointing out (in a tongue in cheek way) that of course prostitutes lie, whether you are going to pay them that night or not. If you think that they don't, or if you think they just don't lie to you (because you're special) then perhaps you should go and have some real fun, in the real world where women who don't require payment frequent.

A little tip if you are going to pick and chose what you want to read in someone's post then do it correctly I said and this is just for you to READ and digest. I do not pay them nor buy lady drinks for them they are friends OK got it have you. So they have no reason to lie to me. Now I know your mind if full of utter godliness and that you are so perfect in every way in your minds eye that is but read other people's posts properly before you engage gob or in your case fingers before thinking

Ok, they are just your friends, and you meet them in a bar and they would never lie to you,, got it.

But it seems the point you are making is that you are "friends" with these girls, not paying them and they tell you they are happy with being prostitutes, therefore you are directly endorsing that women are happy with engaging in prostitution.

Look, you can believe what you will but it is an absolute fact that there are many, many women that are forced or just trapped for whatever economic reason in the prostitution game. Maybe the family needs the money, maybe it is pressure from terrible parents, maybe drug addiction,, whatever,, It is widely understood that they will say whatever they need to say in order to get some business / money and are absolutely acting and saying what they think the punter will want to hear. You must accept that a prostitute is never going to "open up" to a punter when he says something dumb like "are you happy doing this", she is never going to say "no, I feel ashamed but I need the money so I try and cope emotionally and physically with people like you pounding away on me". Surely you accept this right?

So, I accept the point may not be so valid with your example but fact still remains. There are so many guys on here saying "I have spoken to them and they are all happy, they chose to do this and thy even enjoy the sex". You can read this on this forum for yourself. But it is known through countless sources that the truth is most are absolutely not happy.

So, forgive me if I misread your meaning. I just find it outrageous the things people say about the exploitation of young women. In my view no woman can or will be happy with selling herself to multiples of men.

You completely miss the point.

Firstly the man or woman and yes there are some who is paying the girl is never going to ask if she enjoys the job.

Secondly these girls work really hard for 12hr shifts sometimes drinking lots of beer the men buy them. For some this is enough a few of the girls I know only work the men for drinks to top up there crap days wage they don't and won't go off with them but as there bar girls you lump them as prostitutes.

It is always the girls decision if she wants to go with a man no pressure is put on them by mamaSan on that score.

You quote chapter and verse from books/articles/internet have you any real life experience of any of it. We all get you are discusted with it. That's your right but it us not your right to push your views as absolute truth on everybody else who belives diffrenty. You come across as a bible bashing hillier than tho sort of person. I'm sure your not that bad just a bit deluded maybe

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3 types of girl in this business, forced, desperate & those who don't mind it ...

laziness & poor education is a big roll in it, many girls who do it long term have no chance of returning to any proper work as physically & mentally incapable ...

Main reason they struggle so much & stay in the game so long is they blow money faster than can customers . I've seen some offered paid support if take on education course but they don't stick at it long, too much like real work . for sure some heart breaking cases out there but also some crazy greedy people with no education or common sense. got blame the society too, don't see current pm injecting one satang to help ...

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You haven't met my ex-wife then. She's happy, bankrupted many for a pounding. Her family and friends are proud of her doing that. From poverty to a middle income family all by exploiting herself. She's a role model in her village.

This is so recognizable, that i sh*t my pants a little when i read it... gigglem.gif

If you have ever seen girls bragging about how they get to make some "stupid farang" send her money on a regular basis, then you know what i mean.

They brag amongst each other, amongst the families, and even to farangs if they want to show off...

Some girls even bought me dinner and drinks in pattaya, just to show that they have money. It makes them feel powerful when they show off i guess.

One of those girls told me she get 80000 baht every month and stays in a condo of 30000/month, all funded by her boyfriend. While smiling she said: and next year he will make house for me." Well i let you guess, in who's room she ended up that night. Who is to pity in this story?

Those moral knights should go and take a look at around 1 am in ibar/insomnia in walking street pattaya. That's where many hookers go after work.

Take a look and see the crazy amounts they spend on drinks. They just want to have a good time with their lady friend, and especially show off.

Some newbie farangs still think that is a good place to pick up a hooker, but then they are surprised that a girl turns them down or asks him a ridicilously high amount to ridicule him.

Those girls just want to have fun and show off. That picture shows a whole other side of prostitution.

Once you have seen all the bragging and showing off, once you realize how much money some of those girls make, then you see there is no place for terms like "eploitation" and "abuse". Conscented prostition is a give and take thing.

Being "forced" by the family is also a big word, most of the times it's just a girl that chooses to take the responsability on her to give her family a better life. Some families get greedy however and nag a lot for money when their daughter is in Pattaya, and i have seen some girls turn against their family for this, by cutting the money transfers, or even cutting any connection with their family or some members of the family. It shows that most girls have the decisions in her own hands. I never encountered a case of a girl being physically forced.

Maybe those "physical forced" cases are prevalent in the thai community itself, but certainly not in the tourist areas i have seen.

Edited by freestyle
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Anonymous: Prostitutes have very improperly been styled women of pleasure; they are women of pain, or sorrow, of grief, of bitter and continual repentance,

That is so true.

Yes many choose the career but certainly don't enjoy it like some think

That's a very sweeping statement there can you back it up with facts not hear say or thai visa say. Are you reincarnated was you a hooker in that life. Or are you just saying what YOU belive sod what the real women working think. I have spoken to lots of so called Bar girls/prostitutes the over riding feeling that comes through is happiness. So don't genralizations your thoughts are just that say something like surley they don't or I wonder if they enjoy it.

And what do you expect bar girls to say?

Deary me, it is pretty easy to find real facts on the misery that surrounds prostitution, don't be lazy, look it up. I just hope you have the fortitude to read, absorb and reflect on your understanding of it all.

But whatever you do, don't listen to Bar girls who tell you its all ok, they may be ok but if they are not they still are unlikely to tell you. They lie for a living, they tell you whatever you want to hear, and they are good at it.

So now according to you they are liars as well. I belive you to be the lazy one sat on Google the font of all knowledge grow some balls man. Take the blinkers off and try to see it is what it is. Why would they lie to me????? I don't sleep with then or give them money or pay lady price drinks for them they are friends or are you saying all friends lie. Get down off that pulpit your on and go out and see the real world

No, you're right. They all send money home, all need the money for their children's education and they do love you. Oh, and you probably are amazing in bed and hung like an Elephant.. giggle.gif

What bit of my post did you not read then getting a bit confused are we can't remember who said what or why. To much wanking does that go out and get some real fun

I think you might be confused one here, you asked "why would they lie" as if the possibility had not occurred to you.

I was pointing out (in a tongue in cheek way) that of course prostitutes lie, whether you are going to pay them that night or not. If you think that they don't, or if you think they just don't lie to you (because you're special) then perhaps you should go and have some real fun, in the real world where women who don't require payment frequent.

A little tip if you are going to pick and chose what you want to read in someone's post then do it correctly I said and this is just for you to READ and digest. I do not pay them nor buy lady drinks for them they are friends OK got it have you. So they have no reason to lie to me. Now I know your mind if full of utter godliness and that you are so perfect in every way in your minds eye that is but read other people's posts properly before you engage gob or in your case fingers before thinking

Ok, they are just your friends, and you meet them in a bar and they would never lie to you,, got it.

But it seems the point you are making is that you are "friends" with these girls, not paying them and they tell you they are happy with being prostitutes, therefore you are directly endorsing that women are happy with engaging in prostitution.

Look, you can believe what you will but it is an absolute fact that there are many, many women that are forced or just trapped for whatever economic reason in the prostitution game. Maybe the family needs the money, maybe it is pressure from terrible parents, maybe drug addiction,, whatever,, It is widely understood that they will say whatever they need to say in order to get some business / money and are absolutely acting and saying what they think the punter will want to hear. You must accept that a prostitute is never going to "open up" to a punter when he says something dumb like "are you happy doing this", she is never going to say "no, I feel ashamed but I need the money so I try and cope emotionally and physically with people like you pounding away on me". Surely you accept this right?

So, I accept the point may not be so valid with your example but fact still remains. There are so many guys on here saying "I have spoken to them and they are all happy, they chose to do this and thy even enjoy the sex". You can read this on this forum for yourself. But it is known through countless sources that the truth is most are absolutely not happy.

So, forgive me if I misread your meaning. I just find it outrageous the things people say about the exploitation of young women. In my view no woman can or will be happy with selling herself to multiples of men.

You completely miss the point.

Firstly the man or woman and yes there are some who is paying the girl is never going to ask if she enjoys the job.

Secondly these girls work really hard for 12hr shifts sometimes drinking lots of beer the men buy them. For some this is enough a few of the girls I know only work the men for drinks to top up there crap days wage they don't and won't go off with them but as there bar girls you lump them as prostitutes.

It is always the girls decision if she wants to go with a man no pressure is put on them by mamaSan on that score.

You quote chapter and verse from books/articles/internet have you any real life experience of any of it. We all get you are discusted with it. That's your right but it us not your right to push your views as absolute truth on everybody else who belives diffrenty. You come across as a bible bashing hillier than tho sort of person. I'm sure your not that bad just a bit deluded maybe

I have not missed any point, I have been clear and consistent as my views have not changed and i have not seen 1 intelligent argument to persuade me otherwise from you or anyone else.

And when did I "lump" anyone into anything? Just so we are clear, a woman who sells her body for sex is prostituting herself, irrespective of the circumstances around how they met in a bar or otherwise, there is no confusion from me.

What chapter and verse have I quoted you? Please remind me as I don't remember quoting anything from anywhere. I simply know that there is a lot of real information out there on the realities of prostitution that go beyond someones experience of talking to a girl, taking her home and paying for sex (this seems to be the extent of most peoples experience on here and they believe that makes them experts in what they are doing).

I think everyone should understand the truth about what really happens to these women, how it really effects them, it's effect on mentally and physically, the children (these women are often mothers), the pressure they are under from the family and the entrapment they feel, the drug taking, alcoholism, and as I said before this is the people who may initially chose to do this but find they can't get out, there are many that do not chose or feel they have no choice. People should be fully aware before making the decision to pay someone for sex, simple. And hopefully when they do truly understand they may think twice about taking that girl home.

Yes, I have experience of this, unfortunately the desperately sad and bitter end of it and I am not old, or lazy, or a gutless keyboard warrior as many people have pathetically claimed, mainly because they have no argument.

Lastly, I have every right to push my views as you and everyone else has every right to push theirs, as you are doing now, you are even telling me I am a bible Bashing Hillier (I assume you mean Hitler) and how I come across to you, well I couldn't give a rats arse.

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90% of the posts in this topic appear to be from outraged and offended sExpats (ironically) who apparently must pay for sex and demonstrably show little respect for women period. Pathetic.

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Sex on it`s own is meaningless if not part of being in a loving relationship. And if some men, doesn`t matter what nationality they are, think that having pure sex is a substitute for being in a close bonding relationship they are going to find their lives becoming empty and meaningless. Sex is not all that it`s cut out to be especially if it becomes mechanical when it involves prostitutes. It`s like eating a basic meal that can be dull without the trimmings that go with it.

Matey, I don't know if you have banged a Thai prostitute before, but I can tell you some of the ladies I have had, enjoyed the sex as much of if not more than me. Mechanical is using a tin can like the loser monk, finding a good bonk amongst these darlings is part of the challenge and the best part is if the one tonight is rag doll, there is always tomorrow. A loving relationship is all fine if your partner is 20 years younger than you, then you know that good sex is going to be there for much longer. Reading between the lines on most of these soppy high moral posts, I get the impression that there is a few closet gays amongst us., I have screwed ladies (some I shouldn't call ladies) from every SE Asian country and have been pleasantly rewarded whereas the majority of the women I have had the misfortune of laying from western countries should be fed dog kibble. Pity you can't make a complaint with Consumer Affairs for a refund. Just for the record, I have had my fair share of these little darlings starting in the sixties but I can't ever recall any one of them complaining they were forced into working.
Disgusting read.

Sorry to disappoint you, must be hard trying to keep up the moral standing, especially if you bat for the other side.
I really feel sad for you.If you were a monger in the 60s, you must be old and still addicted to prostitutes.

They are probably 50 years at last younger than you, that is bordering on deviant.

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Since there are still drooling morons posting about how wonderful this idiot "Dan" is, ask yourself a few questions.

1. Dan is "undercover." As a what, exactly? A John that never barfines any girls? How long do you think before the girls figure out he's just a <deleted> and avoid him?

2. He "looks for illegally trafficked women." How exactly does he do this?

3. When he does find them, exactly what does he do to "rescue" them?

4. After his heroic rescue, does he check on to make sure everything is going well? Give them some money if they can't find work that he finds morally acceptable? If he does, he's a customer. If he doesn't, he's useless. So which is it then?

If Dan has a secret recipe for getting hookers to stop selling their asses, why not share it with us all so we can be as useful to world? More likely, he's just a self-congratulatory tosser with more money and spare time than sense.

Edited by BudRight
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Western women show little respect to Men . Thats show life last 30-40 years in western countries. western womens have so much money from state or care organization and unions or other sssck. so they dont need men. just check how many scandinavians and germans or swiss last 20 years married with thai. w. . still better than western feminazi arogant average women.

Men s dying here on earth.

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I couldn't be bothered to read all of this (so, sorry if this has been said), but I do have a comment. If you added up all the places in Pattaya that girls are available, and then compared it to the total number of "bars" in rural towns (with no farang), I'm sure the numbers would be at least comparable. I lived in issan in a small town, and there were at least 30 establishments with twinkling lights on the outskirts of the town. Women working for sex is a sad situation, but blaming tgourists is, in my opinion, wrong. The only thing tourists do is pay the girls more money.

Sad old men paying for sex for companionship and kudos, is as sad as vibrant young ladies assuming all they can do is sell their bodies to make a living. Education is crap in this country, start there

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Since there are still drooling morons posting about how wonderful this idiot "Dan" is, ask yourself a few questions.

1. Dan is "undercover." As a what, exactly? A John that never barfines any girls? How long do you think before the girls figure out he's just a <deleted> and avoid him?

2. He "looks for illegally trafficked women." How exactly does he do this?

3. When he does find them, exactly what does he do to "rescue" them?

4. After his heroic rescue, does he check on to make sure everything is going well? Give them some money if they can't find work that he finds morally acceptable? If he does, he's a customer. If he doesn't, he's useless. So which is it then?

If Dan has a secret recipe for getting hookers to stop selling their asses, why not share it with us all so we can be as useful to world? More likely, he's just a self-congratulatory tosser with more money and spare time than sense.

all this can be answered if you bother to look for it.

all I will say is he works undercover, but clearly he doesn't work alone, what he is doing is very dangerous.

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To the poster who seems to believe that I am getting into the personal business of Thai bar girls- I assure you I don't go around to bars attempting to 'save them'. Their lives are their own. The fact that I understand their rationale and why they do the things they do is simply a matter of fact.. It appears i have struck a chord. It may hurt some people to find out that their bar girl honey doesn't really care about them; is faking just about everything and is only after the money but the truth sometimes hurts. I make no judgements- you can believe what you want. My post was simply a statement to set the record straight based upon my many years in Thailand. Yes, I am one of the many who has gone to bars and have known scores of bar girls so I speak from personal knowledge. Actually, my hope is that they get their dream and can exit the trade. I have no animosty towards them or their customers.

Are u sure the girls go with me for my munney and not my sexual prowess..............................................hahahahahaha. They laugh too when i say i give u orgasm and no need to pay.....................i say its a joke and pay and we separate all happy............

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i'm afraid that sooner or later i will be punished for a hideous crime i committed. i smoked a cigarette in a one-way street on a sunday morning crying.gif

u r nothing more than scum !!!!thumbsup.gif

I can only think of one thing lower and Im sure you wouldnt stoop that low..............a nuclear power worker

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Sex on it`s own is meaningless if not part of being in a loving relationship. And if some men, doesn`t matter what nationality they are, think that having pure sex is a substitute for being in a close bonding relationship they are going to find their lives becoming empty and meaningless. Sex is not all that it`s cut out to be especially if it becomes mechanical when it involves prostitutes. It`s like eating a basic meal that can be dull without the trimmings that go with it.

u mean like being married for 40 years?

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Sex on sale at Karaoke Bars.....You MUST be KIDDING!

Certainly not in Chiang Mai where my wife and a bunch of her cronies from their days at University hang out .

You'd never meet a more sedate bunch anywhere. I KNOW, she often drags me along kicking and screaming to listen to her and her friends sing every hit song from the 1960s, 70s, 80s and 90s in Thai, English, Spanish... you name it but as for Sex being on sale, you are out of your cotton-picking mind !

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I have not missed any point, I have been clear and consistent as my views have not changed and i have not seen 1 intelligent argument to persuade me otherwise from you or anyone else.


Lastly, I have every right to push my views as you and everyone else has every right to push theirs, as you are doing now, you are even telling me I am a bible Bashing Hillier (I assume you mean Hitler) and how I come across to you, well I couldn't give a rats arse.

That's because you don't know what the hell you are talking about. Please go to a bar or something and spend some time with the girls. It isn't likely to conform to the narrative you have. There's nothing stopping you, and you are clearly to dense to believe anyone.

Besides, no-one here is claiming that prostitution is wonderful - only that nearly all women who work in foreign oriented bars are there by choice. This "Dan" guy is chasing unicorns and his motives are selfish.

Edited by BudRight
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I can understand a bloke going off the rails and having a sex fest for a while. But after the novelty wears off it will dawn that you are just paying for sex and maybe there is more to life that 5 minutes of sexual gratitude? I mean you might want something more fulfilling than proping up the bar and throwing money round to get financial friends? Regarding the girls they do it for the money; their hearts are mainly with loved ones back home and supporting loved family. So thats what keeps them going. The balcony jumpers are either pushed, have lost the plot, broke or terminally ill.

Edited by MaiChai
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Seriously? Blokes get old. Yes they could be lonely. Wife could be gone, kids have moved on, plenty of mates dead. That's life but we would you rather be? In some pub or RSL in Sydney on your pat? Or halfway up some bird in Pattaya? Gee let me think....

So ur a Aussie sex tourist then?

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Sex on sale at Karaoke Bars.....You MUST be KIDDING!

Certainly not in Chiang Mai where my wife and a bunch of her cronies from their days at University hang out .

You'd never meet a more sedate bunch anywhere. I KNOW, she often drags me along kicking and screaming to listen to her and her friends sing every hit song from the 1960s, 70s, 80s and 90s in Thai, English, Spanish... you name it but as for Sex being on sale, you are out of your cotton-picking mind !

U must be walking around with ur eyes closed. I've just come bac from another few days in Chaing Mai staying in the old town an all along Loh Kroh rd there are karaoke sex bars with women foaming at the mouth to try an entice you in. Certainly no different from Pattaya apart from them being older an a bit rough.

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Sex on sale at Karaoke Bars.....You MUST be KIDDING!

Certainly not in Chiang Mai where my wife and a bunch of her cronies from their days at University hang out .

You'd never meet a more sedate bunch anywhere. I KNOW, she often drags me along kicking and screaming to listen to her and her friends sing every hit song from the 1960s, 70s, 80s and 90s in Thai, English, Spanish... you name it but as for Sex being on sale, you are out of your cotton-picking mind !

U must be walking around with ur eyes closed. I've just come bac from another few days in Chaing Mai staying in the old town an all along Loh Kroh rd there are karaoke sex bars with women foaming at the mouth to try an entice you in. Certainly no different from Pattaya apart from them being older an a bit rough.

Ah the farang know it all strikes again, There is a common type of karaoke bar where customers sing songs and drink cheap drinks and at the end your bill might be 200 baht total, it is part of the "real" Thailand. the ones you are familiar with are not the same. In your type, you get ripped off and maybe beaten up, in the other, only your ears suffer.

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Yeah...those Aussie sex tourists always ruin it for the rest of us....

The rest, who undoubtedly are righteous and puritanical......lol

Meantime...it is Thailand that corrupts us as we were innocent babes in the woods before we arrived in Thailand.


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These sex addicts are, like all addicts, totally selfish and most are in denial.

They don't care about ruining the young woman's life. I've seen first hand the problems these girls get into with drugs and alcohol as I worked voluntarily in a drug rehab centre.

The best thing would be to start an SAA or sex anonymous meeting in Pattaya to try to help these old men.

Ruining the young girl's life?Are you for real?They should start a clinic for seriously patronizing people!

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Another self-righteous, misinformed, and misleading missionary tirade. If you can read and write Thai, search Google for the phrase "rap ngan ka" (in Thai - sorry, the TV rules don't allow me to type the Thai characters). It literally means "accepting work" and is the standard phrase for women and ladyboys seeking part-time freelance sex work on the internet. More than 1,830,000 results...

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I have not missed any point, I have been clear and consistent as my views have not changed and i have not seen 1 intelligent argument to persuade me otherwise from you or anyone else.


Lastly, I have every right to push my views as you and everyone else has every right to push theirs, as you are doing now, you are even telling me I am a bible Bashing Hillier (I assume you mean Hitler) and how I come across to you, well I couldn't give a rats arse.

That's because you don't know what the hell you are talking about. Please go to a bar or something and spend some time with the girls. It isn't likely to conform to the narrative you have. There's nothing stopping you, and you are clearly to dense to believe anyone.

Besides, no-one here is claiming that prostitution is wonderful - only that nearly all women who work in foreign oriented bars are there by choice. This "Dan" guy is chasing unicorns and his motives are selfish.

I know exactly what I am talking about, I have been to the bars, seen the girls, spoken to the girls, it is you who lives in denial and is too dense to really understand what is going on.

it seems the best argument people like you can come up with is because a woman is not forced you are actually offering a kind of public service by paying them for sex because they send money back home,, win, win. How bloody stupid are you.

Many women are forced, absolutely true but lets say they are not lets say they are there by "choice" as you say, what do you think that really means? Do you think that a young, pretty woman wants to take off her clothes and be used by an old fart? Really? Forget what they tell you because you will never know the truth by talking to a prostitute when she's on the job.

The reality is that they feel they have to do something to try and earn money and their options are so limited they "choose" to sell their bodies. So, give them no other options and this is your definition of choice. Once they start it is a difficult cycle to get out of, they earn money, often more then they could get doing a regular job so how do they quit now? They send money back home but will likely never tell the family how they earn the money as it will bring shame on the family. Or, it may even be the worse case that the father / mother are actually pushing the young woman into it to earn money for the family. Many of these poor women become alcoholics, some become addicted to drugs, some get pregnant and abandon their babies (you can validate this by calling the orphanages but this will be a stretch too far for you I'm sure). Some catch an STD such as HIV, some end up taking their own lives.

So, these are scenarios for woman who have "choice". of course there are also women that are forced and trafficked. Did you know that Thailand is a hub fro human trafficking and modern slavery? This includes the sex trade, or do you believe this is all a myth too and all the agencies and "do gooders" are chasing unicorns here as well?

I suspect I have not even scratched the surface, i imagine you will still go to the bars, talk the girls and tell yourself everything is alright and you are actually helping her tonight by getting your rocks off.

I conclude that it is you who does not know what is actually going on, you see nothing beyond the bar stool and will kid yourself that this wonderful paradise where you can pay for sex with a beautiful woman every night is all good and does not harm the women, families or society. What a well informed man you are, contributing to society and doing your bit for those "happy" women.

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GAZZPA says " I have been to the bars, seen the girls, spoken to the girls" THEN LATER IN THE SAME POST.. " Forget what they tell you because you will never know the truth by talking to a prostitute when she's on the job" Dude, she was on the job when talking to YOU, she was just working a different angle, they can be very clever.

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@GAZZPA. You have your views I have mine we will differ always on this point. As you are fixaed to a point of single vision. To every one who posted your replies have always been to try and be the alof person I'm right your wrong. According to you were all lazy. So be it it's a discussion with no end. Prostitution is older than the bible older than Christianity. I will not go away it's part of life now. Do gooders come and go it's the way of the world. I personaly would not like to live my life trying to take the bread of someone's plate as you do.

Edited by Deepinthailand
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