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Bringing dog from Thailand to Australia, Quarantine requirements ?

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My partner (American expat on retirement visa in Thailand) and myself (Australian in Australia) want to live together in Australia. She has a little Silky Terrier living with her in Thailand whom she originally brought with her to Thailand from America just over 1 year ago. The little fella is healthy and has had all relevant shots. He is still quite young and we are both obviously very concerned about his well being during such a process.
I have sourced some info online from Australian Quarantine and Inspection Services..., but not yet a full book on the regs. I'll go back to their website soon and re-read it over again and I'll also be phoning. As I so far understand it, we will need to bring the little fellow temporarily to a 3rd intermediary country - Singapore or Malaysia for 1 weeks quarantine plus 5 months and 3 weeks of living in some kind of pet care facility. No doubt we'll eventually have this confirmed of not, by AQIS when we formally contact them.
My purpose here is to ask....., if other people can share their similar experiences in this process ? Names of reputable export agents and/or care facilities who will take care of the little fellow while in either Singapore or Malaysia would be most welcome...., especially sharing of recent experiences of bringing pet dogs from Thailand to Australia. We are also wondering if previous clearing of dog from USA to Thailand will cut us any slack with AQIS ?
Feel free to post here and/or message me privately.

Thank you in advance.

Edited by Sandy Freckle
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I used Jetpets in Australia to bring my dog here. Maybe they can help the reverse. They are based in Melbourne.

The info I have is one month in quarantine in an AQIS approved country like Singapore then another further 5 months stay there. This is basically the time needed to prove for Rabies or not.

It was until recently another month in quarantine in Australia in Sydney or Perth but have read that this has been reduced to 10 days.

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I am not entirely sure about the laws and regulations in Ausrtalia, but I reckon they'd be similar to those in Europe. There could a way to prevent quarantine, by having blood samples take here in Thailand have those send to Australia to be examined for rabies and other deceases.

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I am not entirely sure about the laws and regulations in Ausrtalia, but I reckon they'd be similar to those in Europe. There could a way to prevent quarantine, by having blood samples take here in Thailand have those send to Australia to be examined for rabies and other deceases.

I think you'll find Australia is a whole lot tougher on quarantine than either the US or Europe - no rabies, no foot & mouth disease, clean agriculture ... and no exceptions, as those f/witted American film stars found out recently when they descended from their private jet. Oh rilly? you mean the law here applies to us too?

Australia even makes American military vehicles, including tracked vehicles, get steamcleaned before they arrive for military exercises. How unallied is that!

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I had a quick conversation yesterday with a lady from 'Dept. of Agriculture and Water Resources'...., importing a dog from Thailand to Australia is doable. I main part seemed to have blood test in an 'authorised facility' in Thailand for Rabies antibodies....., send blood to a specific Australian testing lab for verification and testing. The dog must spend 180 days(6months) in Thailand..., I think further blood samples may be required within that time..., If all is ok dog spends 3 to 4 weeks in either Malaysia or Singapore(1 week of which is quarantine, the rest a care facility)....., then if all tests are ok'ed by Aussie authorities dog can come to Australia..., there are some more tests and chip authentication required also but the way I see it they are procedural things. The way I read it the dog lives it's normal life with owner in Thailand while having the occasional test then if all is ok'ed by the responsible Aust. Gov. Authority then pet dog spends 3-4 weeks in 3rd country mostly with owner or similar carer before coming to Australia. The above are not all of the details but the time it takes is about right I think...., unless I missed something...., anyway I will be double and triple checking the details but the above seems to be the gist of it.

Edited by Sandy Freckle
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As far as I am aware it takes a long time for the Rabies to be proven or not in the blood test and hence the time. If a blood test was sent from here, Thailand, the dog could be bitten by a rabid dog after that then carry the disease to Australia. Hence the 6 months in an AQIS approved country with no rabies before entering Australia.

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I know, previously a friend imported greyhounds from USA to Australia. 4 Animals 1 dog and 3 bitches who were all in pup.

The foursome traveled from the US to England where they spent 6 months in quarantine and then traveled to Australia where they spent a further month in quarantine. Pups were born during the quarantine period but unfortunately there was very little space for the dogs to run around or exercise whilst in quarantine and consequently were not in good condition when they were finally released to the owner in Sydney.

You must remember that Australia is quite unique with the number of diseases it does not have and does not want to have. So the quarantine requirements are quite severe and even so called "famous actors" receive no leniency. All of which I think is very important to maintain for the good of the country and future generations.

Good luck with your importation but don't be surprised if it takes a period longer than you would like to receive your puppy.

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I know, previously a friend imported greyhounds from USA to Australia. 4 Animals 1 dog and 3 bitches who were all in pup.

The foursome traveled from the US to England where they spent 6 months in quarantine and then traveled to Australia where they spent a further month in quarantine. Pups were born during the quarantine period but unfortunately there was very little space for the dogs to run around or exercise whilst in quarantine and consequently were not in good condition when they were finally released to the owner in Sydney.

You must remember that Australia is quite unique with the number of diseases it does not have and does not want to have. So the quarantine requirements are quite severe and even so called "famous actors" receive no leniency. All of which I think is very important to maintain for the good of the country and future generations.

Good luck with your importation but don't be surprised if it takes a period longer than you would like to receive your puppy.

Yes thanks..., plan for the worst, hope for the best is one of my mantra's.

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I previously worked for AQIS

but i will not comment,,,

the laws might be different now,

get your info from the Australian website i think

good luck though.


My previous AQIS ID

G'day John..., I'm hopeful that Australian Dept of Agriculture and Water Resources (and whomever else is involved in manufacturing the rules for the import of animals etc into Australia) and AQIS are on the same page. AQIS to my understanding are the point of entry inspectors and enforcers of rules manufactured by Dept. of Ag. and Water Resources...., and others etc. That's why we'll be double and triple checking (of course with the relevant Australian authority) the requirements to import our little 4 legged friend into Australia.

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  • 1 year later...
2 hours ago, MazH said:

Hi Sandy


Im also trying to bring a dog from Thailand to Australia.

Did you succeed in the end?  How did you do the 180 day quarantine requirement.

Any help or advice would be great


Many thanks



Things have changed. No more 180 days quarantine. Now a slight different kind of headache at still a high cost.





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