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Beijing begins military exercise in South China Sea


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3 hours ago, LawrenceChee said:

There are times when really enjoy seeing Mickey mouse jumping up and down over a few boats.....in some of the earlier posts, there are perhaps close to 300,000 fishing boats ? Burning a few gets some so excited indicates the level of political understanding....when Vietnam were angry, they demonstrated by burning a few factories....the Chinese smashed a few iPhones and it went viral....


meanwhile anything else happened ? I just concluded a meeting with some ASEAN partners and this is a real level in Manila...government levels...all shaking hands and giving bear hugs with the Chinese delegates...any hatred ? They left that at the door for the politicians....after all politicians all over the world get a good shake of their legs when people are cited about the agendas....In ASEAN, the businessman rules the bulk of the infrastructure projects and there is always an unspoken agenda rule....leave the newspaper and politics outside the door so that we can strike a deal. 


for those like to make fun of business man, traders and an obsession for money....the group of businessmen understand....almost like the threads on the Thai Elite Visa.... where envy strikes into a pitiful conversation...


I just concluded a meeting with some ASEAN partners and this is a real level in Manila...government levels...all shaking hands and giving bear hugs with the Chinese delegates..


They know in Manila to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Yep, that's what they know, and that's what they do.


A couple of dayze later Manila and Japan announced the $2.4 bn new railway system for the capital and its major suburb  and plans for a rail system in  President Duterte's home province of Mindanao. The hugging had been so you'd feel comforted cause the Phils officials knew what they were doing. Youse guyz did not know. No clue.


In between time the recommendation from the first negotiations in Hong Kong between former Pres. Ramos and the CCP that there be a two-track approach got lost at sea between HKG and Manila. Ziltch and nope. CCP wanted one negotiation on the disputes and one negotiation on development projects in the Phils. Perhaps someone knowledgeable can explain what happened, cause there will be no of minor CCP projects in the Phils and no negotiations on EEZ disputes till Beijing recognises the PCA ruling.


Once youse guyz over there pull yourselves out of the bear hugs, do try to figure out what's going on so youse can advise us further.



Not a good week for your guyz in Seoul either, where the government ignored CCP threats to disrupt trade and economic relations if Seoul did not quit on putting the US THAAD missile defense system in South Korea. S Korean public opinion is all for THAAD (Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense) and for Beijing to get a grip on the lunatics in Pyongyang. (After all, nobody knows a lunatic like a lunatic.) THAAD in S Korea radically shifts the strategic missile calculus between US and CCP decidedly to the USA given THAAD takes out missiles going up and not just coming back down...very soon after getting it on up.  Xi Jinping is not happy. (Just to be sure, THAAD is already on Guam and in Hawaii with Japan next in line.) South Korea has no current plans to kiss up to Beijing...or in the future.


That's not all either...


South Korea also has problems with Chinese poachers. Many of these Chinese fishermen are armed with knives, saws, and axes and willing to use force to repel South Korean coast guardsmen seeking to arrest them.



Five Korea Coast Guard (KCG) officers sustained injuries while rounding up Chinese fishing boats illegally operating in South Korean waters Saturday, according to the KCG Sunday.

China protests the “rough treatment” of its fishermen but does little to curb the poaching or violence against South Korean coast guardsmen. South Korean regards this as another example of Chinese arrogance. While South Korea and China are big trading partners, they are also at war here.






Over in Burma Japan is now the country's largest foreign investor with the USA as number two. USA and Japan are constructing the massive new port of Dawei that Thailand fell down on during its political turmoil (which does in fact continue). 


Currently China is eager to buy some regional allies (especially Thailand, Burma and Malaysia) to get some support for Chinese expansion efforts in the South China Sea. China is willing to pay a lot for such support. But Burmese officials knew that most Burmese feared China and backed cracking down on illegal economic activity on the Chinese border and punishing Chinese firms that behave badly while building large new mines and power plants in thinly populated rural areas. Burma, much to the dismay of China, did not denounce the recent international court ruling that China was acting illegally.





India now has a dozen US made P8-I recon aircraft for its navy with another dozen on the way. They fly the Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal spotting CCP submarines and range down the Strait of Malacca to Singapore from the new India massive naval and air forces bases in the Andaman Islands. 


Can't leave Japan out of the post given CCP has Japan tied at the top of its list, along with the USA...and Australia.


The region’s deepening fault lines after the ruling were exposed last weekend as a fleet of Chinese coast guard and fishing vessels sailed near Japanese-controlled islets in the East China Sea. Japan warned China on Tuesday that ties were “deteriorating markedly.”


Tokyo worries that Chinese control of the South China Sea, through which much of the oil it imports is shipped, threatens its national security and takes Beijing a step closer to extending its influence into the western Pacific.


Japan has cranked up assistance recently to two countries that have territorial disputes with China in the South China Sea: the Philippines and Vietnam.





Yep, China, the neighbor from hell. 

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I am going to ignore your posts Comrade P....reading it is like watching Trump.....it's boring and your language school experience is only focused on China bashing. you are truly the poster from hell with your one sided Trump Views. 


If I do read your other posts on other threads...your new name is Comrade Trump. 

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When Japan actually coughs out the money for the railway...it will be interesting to see.....lots of promises made....let's see if they actually materialise....I hope the Japs have not learnt from the folks from USA...looks impressive for the amount pledged vs actual amount paid. 


But the PR spin masters ......are from USA. They are the best in marketing and that I acknowledge as a skill set. 

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10 minutes ago, LawrenceChee said:

When Japan actually coughs out the money for the railway...it will be interesting to see.....lots of promises made....let's see if they actually materialise....I hope the Japs have not learnt from the folks from USA...looks impressive for the amount pledged vs actual amount paid. 


But the PR spin masters ......are from USA. They are the best in marketing and that I acknowledge as a skill set. 

I do believe the PR spin masters are from China.  Lots of talk, little done.  Ask the PI.

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Nope...in the matters of marketing ...USA are the best and I mean this in a good way as much as I admire the Japanese for the JIT stuff they always manage to do in their manufacturing processes.


if you are talking about communist PR...then the Russians are the best at this and the Vietnamese in their propaganda posters...really nice and avaliable if you have kept the older ones...they sell very well and I collect them

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13 hours ago, LawrenceChee said:

I am going to ignore your posts Comrade P....reading it is like watching Trump.....it's boring and your language school experience is only focused on China bashing. you are truly the poster from hell with your one sided Trump Views. 


If I do read your other posts on other threads...your new name is Comrade Trump. 



Sorry to not be up to the stature and the status of the CCP rich and powerful business corporate tycoons with their handshakes and bear hugs.


I'm more than pleased however to be with this crowd.....



Anti-China protestors, in front of the Chinese Consulate in Makati, Philippines, on July 12, 2016, mount a protest rally against China’s territorial claims in the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. The International Tribunal of the Permanent Court of Arbitration came out with a ruling later that day on the dispute between the Philippines and China in the South China Sea.  Dondi Tawatao—Getty Images


These are people holding accountable the leaders whom they've chosen in election and who are expressing the national sovereignty its leaders must respect and uphold. In CCP these kind of people get mowed down by tanks and the PLA (unless of course they were expressing loyal obedience and support). 


Phils can play the long game here as the PCA ruling chews and gnaws away at the CCP in all matters due to its elites' impudent arrogance and lawlessness. 


The neighbor from hell.

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Hmm, against a simulated naval task force...that wouldn't be something like a US Navy Aircraft Carrier Strike Force now, would it....



Chinese ships, planes hold war games in Sea of Japan


The Defense Ministry said in a statement that the long-range exercises staged Friday pitted a red army against a blue one in a simulated bomber attack on a naval task force. 


Chinese planes and ships held war games in the Sea of Japan last week, the military said, during which Beijing displayed its latest-generation frigate at a time of bitter territorial disputes with Asian neighbors.

The Defense Ministry said in a statement on its website late Saturday that the long-range exercises staged Friday pitted a red army against a blue one in a simulated bomber attack on a naval task force.

It quoted the commander of the East Sea Fleet, Zhang Wenzhong, as saying the planes found, identified and struck their targets in a “radically short time.”





All the while CCP Dictators in Beijing continue to isolate themselves throughout the region except for Russia, Cambodia, Laos and Rwanda too.


Here is a statement in this exact respect from the former defense secretary of India from a conference last week in Vietnam....


According to Shekhar Dutt, former National Security Advisor and Defense Secretary of India, China has not respected treaties reached with other nations in its approach, affecting the preservation of peace and stability.


He called on the international community to coordinate their opposition to Beijing’s activities in order to restore the status quo, adding that the United States and other powers should also put more pressure on China.


China can force most ASEAN member states to cooperate but will never build the image of a friendly nation, Dutt affirmed.




CCP have no notion of the common people of Asean member countries, nor does it have any notion of the middle classes of countries such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia/NZ, Singapore. CCP Dictators are completely out of touch from reality and remain dangerously aloof and remote. 


CCP salami slicing has been confronted and frozen. Now CCP has seen it necessary to start to trot out its military. Next month will be joint naval exercises in the SCS with Russia. However, CCP gets nothing either militarily or by its failed salami slicing. It gets instead both the immediate and the long term harm to itself of the PCA ruling and the UNCLOS, each of which CCP must respect or become known as a lawless state that is in fact an international outlaw. 


An international outlaw state does not use its military for self-defense. It uses its military in the ways of outlaw states.

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Admiral Scott Swift who is 4-star commander of the Pacific Fleet has now issued a six-point document that says the Fleet needs to be ready to “reinforce the international order” by working with allies and partners in the region. 


ADM Swift called on the Fleet to support an Indo-Asia-Pacific maritime domain where established international norms, standards, rules and law are preserved. 


4-Star Pacific Fleet boss releases new guidance amid increasing uncertainty


In assertive language, the document calls on sailors to be ready to fight and to posture the fleet to present a credible deterrent to challengers. Sailors should “Posture forward physically and mentally to deter and, if required, defeat potential foes,” the document reads. 


The serious tone of the guidance reflects the growing threat of great power conflict between the U.S. and China, said Bryan Clark, a retired submarine officer and former senior aid to Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jon Greenert in Washington. 


“Fighting is a much more important element in this guidance than in other documents like this that we’ve seen in recent years,” said Clark, now an analyst at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. “He’s saying that being ready to fight is an important element in our ability to deter aggression.” 





CCP hosts the G-20 September 4th and 5th then there is the Asean leaders summit in Laos on the 7th, 8th and 9th. Things should remain verbal until after the meetings conclude.  It is likely to become open season after that. 

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Here's a precious photo of an apparently balanced group with a purpose taken 16 August on a rock in Scarborough Shoal in the EEZ of the Philippines.


The link to the photo and caption is below. However, a rather shaky and imprecise translation of the Chinese on the banner is offered as saying, 'We the CCP Chinese are here in Scarborough Shoal because it is our indisputable right to wreck the reef completely in the interest of bringing civilisation to the South China Sea...and eventually to our first Asean food and natural resource colony, the Philippines, which actually think they own this rock, this millions years old property of China, and indeed the Philippines itself. And we are going to build military bases here too, just for a good measure.' 



Factually beyond dispute, these are presented as Marine Biology faculty and students from Guangxi University in land locked southwestern China.


No guarantee China will honor code of conduct

THE DEPARTMENT of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said China’s agreement to the general framework of the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea was not enough guarantee of Beijing’s commitment to peacefully settle disputes in the contested waters.

He said China’s presence in the waters of Scarborough remained a violation of the Declaration of Conduct in the South China Sea signed by China and Asean in 2002.

The DFA official said the Philippine government continued to monitor Chinese military activities in the disputed waters of South China Sea. 




President Obama in March told Xi Jinping in Washington Scarborough is a no-go zone under the Philippine-US mutual defense treaty. Xi withdrew some CCP maritime ships shortly after returning to Beijing.


However, in recent weeks the usual three or so CCP ships at the Shoal have increased to a dozen and everyone is beginning to believe that CCP will move to build on the Shoal before the USA election.


CCP may well want to make the point that opposition to it in the SCS and in the East Sea against the Senkaku Islands of Japan is futile. If so, this would be exactly the wrong attitude the klutzes in Beijing should have learned by now from history...to include US history. 


Nobody in the region and in Asean especially believes or trusts CCP at this point as it has established itself beyond doubt or repair as the neighbor from hell.

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Strategic conflicts created by the CCP Dictators in Beijing keep causing the CCP Dynasty to lose foreign investment openings in the East Asia and the Indo-Pacific region.


This is due exclusively to the CCP Dynasty's military aggressions throughout the region and despite their hard driving efforts to buy off using hard cash "loans" to governments, political leaders and financial elites in the various countries.


Australia is conducting an extensive review and rejection of CCP state investments, those related to national security infrastructure, the land and its resources, and its economic base. Here are more lost opportunities in but one place in the region down under....

Push to review electricity network security over Chinese ownership

Foreign ownership of Australian assets is under the spotlight after Treasurer Scott Morrison cited national security fears as the reason for blocking the sale of the Kidman cattle empire and the NSW electricity network to State Grid.


Australia needs foreign investment and China needs somewhere to invest its money but experts say there is a conflict between China’s commercial interests and its military and strategic ones. Defence adviser Peter Jennings, the executive director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, said a review of foreign-owned and internet-enabled assets including those in SA was needed to find any weak points in case of a “potential conflict situation”.


“The South China Sea has given us a flavour of what can happen — you see China become more militarily aggressive,” he said.





Beijing same as Moscow uses its economics and bucks as direct leverage in strategic disputes and conflicts. If this flawed strategy in Beijing continues, it may be unavoidable that it begins to suffer direct economic harm to include trade, finance, currency. (There are already more than a dozen countries globally taking up declining CCP factory production of cheap goods at low wages.)

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CCP Dynasty of Dictators in Beijing would be most unwise to move against the Scarborough Shoal which is only 120 miles off the coast of Luzon island and 185 miles from Manila.


CCP Dynasty would be equally unwise to move to occupy the Senkaku islands of Japan in the East Sea. The concerns in Washington and in the capitals of the East Asia Indo-Pacific strategic region is that CCP intends to take those actions between September 10th and the US election November 8th.


The tensions in the entire area continue to escalate....

US B-2, B-1B, B-52H Bombers Conduct Unusual Joint Patrol over South China Sea

Aug 22, 2016 
United States Air Force’s bombers B-1B, B-2 and B-52 fly over Guam. (Photo: AFP)

United States Air Force’s strategic bombers the B-52 at left, the B-2 center, and the B-1B, lower right, depart Anderson Air Force Base in Guam for their integrated patrol mission over the South China Sea. (Photo: AFP)


The United States has sent a powerful aerial patrol consisting of a B-52H Stratofortress, a B-1B Lancer supersonic bomber and B-2 Spirit stealth bomber on a joint mission over the South China Sea in a dramatic message targeting both China and North Korea.


The U.S. Department of Defense said the patrol was the first coordinated operation in Asia under the United States Pacific Command (USPACOM). The Pentagon deployed the strategic bombers to conduct "Continuous Bomber Presence" patrols.


"These bomber deployments visibly demonstrate our readiness and commitment to the Indo-Asia-Pacific region," said US Air Force Gen. Terrence O'Shaughnessy, commander of the Pacific Air Forces (PACAF), which is part of USPACOM.



CCP has one such bomber which it began to fly over the SCS last month, to include over the Scarborough Shoal which CCP has illegally possessed in the Philippines EEZ since 2012 but has not built on. So the integrated US strategic bomber mission might be intended to make the Dictators in Beijing think again about any further aggressions anywhere in the region.


Washington has an immediate action plan with allies to implement should CCP Dictators do anything brash, rash, stupid. Which means there will be no distraction in Washington due to the election campaign.

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Beijing's aggressions throughout the region are the natural course of action by a one party state dictatorship. History has demonstrated the nature and the course of dictatorships that are based on an ideology of ethnic supremacy, revanchism, irredentism. These are the Boyz of the CCP.


Nothing good in the modern world has ever come from a single-party state. We should not expect any change in the present situation and circumstances of the newest instance of it in the CCP.  


Here, from the Singapore Straits-Times...


China warming to new Cold War?


A July 29 commentary by the state Xinhua news agency was headlined "New Cold War looms large in North-east Asia as Seoul accepts Thaad". It argued that the deployment would spark an arms race and force countries to choose sides like they did during the Cold War.

An Aug 12 editorial in Global Times, a tabloid linked to the Chinese Communist Party, said a "US-Japan-South Korea coterie linked by Thaad is forming, and it is unknown whether China, Russia and North Korea will respond in unison". "What is sure is North-east Asia is under imminent threat of a new Cold War," it added. 

Children with Russian and Chinese flags before a welcoming ceremony for Russian President Vladimir Putin in Beijing in June. Analysts say that rather than a Cold War-style confrontation, what is happening instead is a deepening of the Sino-Russian re Children with Russian and Chinese flags before a welcoming ceremony for Russian President Vladimir Putin in Beijing in June. Analysts say that rather than a Cold War-style confrontation, what is happening instead is a deepening of the Sino-Russian relationship due to increasingly aligned strategic goals, such as opposing American unilateralism. PHOTO: REUTERS



Chinese analysts are also interpreting issues through a "new Cold War" lens that pits China, Russia and North Korea against the US, Japan and South Korea.


American studies researcher Fan Jishe of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences told a Singapore conference last month that Asean nations might have to "pick sides" between Beijing and Washington as a result of the latter's intervention in the region, fuelled by its Cold War mentality.


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As has been noted by China analysts and historians such as Jonathan Spence, Perry Link, Orville Schell, among many others concerning recent CCP aggressions throughout the region, “In the Chinese imagination, this is not subjugation of neighbors but simply restoration of the normal order.”  The Central Kingdom, which anyway was always a fantasy, just as this CCP revanchism and irredentism to restore its greatness is further fantasy.


We see the consequences as they are developing presently....


Claiming Dominance, China Sheds Pretense of Peaceful Rise

Frank Ching
YaleGlobal, 23 August 2016


There was a time when China tried hard to convince the world its rise is peaceful.


That pretense was abandoned seven years ago when in the wake of Great Recession China thought its time had come to claim its place as controlling "all under heaven," or tianxia in Asia.


Like all great powers in history, China's emergence is accompanied not just by military expansion but also assertion of its own law.





Then there is Bill Hayden in his excellent and focused book, The South China Sea: The Struggle for Power in Asia....


“They start from the position that everything China does is virtuous and correct and therefore that anyone who disagrees must be wrong.” What China thinks is right must be the law. The day the tribunal’s decision was made public, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi called it a “farce” and said that China, by refusing to accept the ruling, was “upholding international rule of law.”





In 2010 when the imprisoned democracy advocate Dr. Liu Jiaobo was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, CCP Dynasty Dictators in Beijing called the Nobel Committee "a bunch of little clowns." Dr. Liu is the first Chinese to be awarded a Nobel.


Think for a bit about this mentality, attitude, character, nature, because all of this is not an act, it is not simply rhetoric, it is not a bargaining position, nor is all of this anything like it. It is the world of the CCP Dynasty of Emperors in business suits and it is communicated daily to the receptive mass of the population.

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