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Sukhumvit Smooth Talking Scammer Still On Loose

The Dude

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Welcome to thaivisa.com, the new home of the moral majority.

What a load of sanctimonious twaddle this thread is.

Thanks for some common sense!

Since the post '97 massive arrival of our upright citicen brigade life became so much more dull in this part of the world. I miss all the characters, the survival artists, and scamsters that made life so colorful here.

Yes, i have given this bloke, and many others like him, a few hundred baht, and would do so again. Everybody has a right to survive.

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I purchased and watched a counterfeit movie the other night - should I make an appointment at Thonglor Police Station to turn myself in? Oh, and one night last month I bought a beer at a pavement bar at 1.30am - to whom should I report this heinous outlaw act?

I think the difference here is that the victims of the two crimes you admitted to committing here are, in the first instance, a major movie distribution company and, in the second instance, no-one.

What this guy is going around doing is a crime in which people can see the victims, in this case normal members of the public, being preyed upon and so are more likely to act.

Edited by dantilley
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I feel sorry for the guy and I'd be more likely to buy the guy a meal if I ever bumped into him.

Are you sure you are ready for the big wide world? :o

You may have been smoking too many cigarettes.

Let me interpret that sentence for you as you seem to have comprehension difficulties.

What it means in the context of my entire post (rather than isolating one sentence) is that if I had to make a choice of turning him in, or buying him a meal, I would do the latter.

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I feel sorry for the guy and I'd be more likely to buy the guy a meal if I ever bumped into him.

Are you sure you are ready for the big wide world? :o

You may have been smoking too many cigarettes.

Let me interpret that sentence for you as you seem to have comprehension difficulties.

What it means in the context of my entire post (rather than isolating one sentence) is that if I had to make a choice of turning him in, or buying him a meal, I would do the latter.

I'm still not convinced your ready. :D

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I feel sorry for the guy and I'd be more likely to buy the guy a meal if I ever bumped into him.

Are you sure you are ready for the big wide world? :o

You may have been smoking too many cigarettes.

Let me interpret that sentence for you as you seem to have comprehension difficulties.

What it means in the context of my entire post (rather than isolating one sentence) is that if I had to make a choice of turning him in, or buying him a meal, I would do the latter.

I'm still not convinced your ready. :D

That's quite enough trolling/baiting for one day. If you can't contribute something to the thread, <deleted> off because I love flame wars and I really don't want to get a warning on this one.

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All of you suckers who would buy this guy a meal or give him money please PM me so that I can give you my PayPal account details and an accompanying sob story.

And in comes another poster with limited comprehension skills.

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All of you suckers who would buy this guy a meal or give him money please PM me so that I can give you my PayPal account details and an accompanying sob story.

And in comes another poster with limited comprehension skills.

Look, the guy is a low-life scammer, and has been lying to people for more than 3 years. If you want to give him your sympathy and money that is your business, but you and others who feel the same way are the soft touch suckers who keep these guys and others like him in business.

BTW, why aren't you asking the OP how he was so sure the scammer was Canadian? You surely would do so if he had said he was from the Philippines. Or are Canadians easier to identify??

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WHOOOOOOOOOOAAAAA? Don`t be sending that S O B back to Canada ...we have enough already....throw him in a Thai jail ...much more appropriate.

:D WOW!!! Thai jail? In this case I'd have some more guys, more painfull than him, like the touts trying to sell you fake watches, shirts, porn movies. He is just begging in a more stylish way that the other hundreds. Maybe he is one that got ripped off by some thai whore or something, or maybe he is mentally ill. At least after all this time he didn't commit any more serious troubles than many of the farangs in here. If this guy diserves to go to jail for that, what do the others diserve, those that commited murder, un/armed bank robbery, etc.? Get your head out of your arse and think for a second :o

If the guy would made me for 500 THB, I'd simply shake his hand and wish him all the best, in my heart I'd knew I helped the fellow and move on. I'd probably offer him a beer and a good meal too.

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BTW, why aren't you asking the OP how he was so sure the scammer was Canadian? You surely would do so if he had said he was from the Philippines. Or are Canadians easier to identify??

Mr OP, how do you know that the "scammer" is Canadian?

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P.S. I think the biggest victims of this kind of scam are the small number of genuine tourists and travellers who actually do have bad luck and need help through little fault of their own.


I would doubt that many people who gave money to this "scammer" would ever find out they've been scammed.

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P.S. I think the biggest victims of this kind of scam are the small number of genuine tourists and travellers who actually do have bad luck and need help through little fault of their own.


I would doubt that many people who gave money to this "scammer" would ever find out they've been scammed.

That's not what he said Mr Comprehension :o , He meant that people who realy do need help are vied as possible scammers because of people like this ######.

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P.S. I think the biggest victims of this kind of scam are the small number of genuine tourists and travellers who actually do have bad luck and need help through little fault of their own.


I would doubt that many people who gave money to this "scammer" would ever find out they've been scammed.

That's not what he said Mr Comprehension :o , He meant that people who realy do need help are vied as possible scammers because of people like this ######.

Read what I said again and again, and maybe you'll understand.

If people don't know they have been scammed, they will not be on the lookout for these scams and just as likely to lend assistance to genuine needy.

Please, get a brain before you post again.

Edited by tropo
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I purchased and watched a counterfeit movie the other night - should I make an appointment at Thonglor Police Station to turn myself in? Oh, and one night last month I bought a beer at a pavement bar at 1.30am - to whom should I report this heinous outlaw act?

I think the difference here is that the victims of the two crimes you admitted to committing here are, in the first instance, a major movie distribution company and, in the second instance, no-one.

What this guy is going around doing is a crime in which people can see the victims, in this case normal members of the public, being preyed upon and so are more likely to act.

I'm still struggling to see what crime he committed. Even the OP said the only criminal thing he has been witnessed to be doing is going through a BTS barrier without paying his fare, so by your measure his only victim is the transportation company.

Is telling a passing holiday-maker that he needs 500 baht to pay his airport tax a crime? It's morally suspect, for sure, but criminal? I'm not convinced.

Would I give him money? No, but that's because I'm tighter than a camel's arse in a sandstorm. Plus I'm a passionate advocate of individual responsibility so my view is that anyone stupid enough to run out of money in Thailand doesnt deserve any sympathy or help from me. I'd assume he pissed it up a tree, or got shafted by one of Nana's finest. Tough luck, buster.

But would I report him? hel_l no. And, anyway, who too? The Special Unit for the Protection of Gullible Farang in Bangkok? Jeez, I suspect their casebook is full of many more fascinating cases than this one.

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P.S. I think the biggest victims of this kind of scam are the small number of genuine tourists and travellers who actually do have bad luck and need help through little fault of their own.


I would doubt that many people who gave money to this "scammer" would ever find out they've been scammed.

That's not what he said Mr Comprehension :D , He meant that people who realy do need help are vied as possible scammers because of people like this ######.

Read what I said again and again, and maybe you'll understand.

If people don't know they have been scammed, they will not be on the lookout for these scams and just as likely to lend assistance to genuine needy.

Please, get a brain before you post again.

WE ALL KNOW THEY HAVE BEEN SCAMMED :D Though maybe you still don't realise it's a scam :o

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This guy is still about on Sukhumvit, although looking slightly worse for wear than in the pic in the other topic.

He wasn't simply trying on the 500baht airport scam, but begging to "pay for a ticket home".

This was only about a week ago in the wee hours.

Don't be a rat Dude. Leave him alone. You don't know his problems, and at the end of the day he's only collecting around 500 baht per customer.

Sorry VanZam, I quoted the wrong reply. I meant to answer the OPs query as to whether or not he should turn in the bedraggled Canadian scammer.

Rather than feeling compelled to turning him in, I feel sorry for the guy and I'd be more likely to buy the guy a meal if I ever bumped into him.


I refer the right honourable gentlemen to the thread posted earlier by an other....


Enlighten yourself everyone -

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I purchased and watched a counterfeit movie the other night - should I make an appointment at Thonglor Police Station to turn myself in? Oh, and one night last month I bought a beer at a pavement bar at 1.30am - to whom should I report this heinous outlaw act?

I think the difference here is that the victims of the two crimes you admitted to committing here are, in the first instance, a major movie distribution company and, in the second instance, no-one.

What this guy is going around doing is a crime in which people can see the victims, in this case normal members of the public, being preyed upon and so are more likely to act.

I'm still struggling to see what crime he committed. Even the OP said the only criminal thing he has been witnessed to be doing is going through a BTS barrier without paying his fare, so by your measure his only victim is the transportation company.

Is telling a passing holiday-maker that he needs 500 baht to pay his airport tax a crime? It's morally suspect, for sure, but criminal? I'm not convinced.

Would I give him money? No, but that's because I'm tighter than a camel's arse in a sandstorm. Plus I'm a passionate advocate of individual responsibility so my view is that anyone stupid enough to run out of money in Thailand doesnt deserve any sympathy or help from me. I'd assume he pissed it up a tree, or got shafted by one of Nana's finest. Tough luck, buster.

But would I report him? hel_l no. And, anyway, who too? The Special Unit for the Protection of Gullible Farang in Bangkok? Jeez, I suspect their casebook is full of many more fascinating cases than this one.

Wise Words Bendix, you can meet someone like this every 10 yards on Sukhumvit, whether they are selling hard luck stories, fake watches, porn or whatever - how long before you have given ALL your hard earned money to each one of them? then what? you end up doing what they are doing !

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Perhaps he's mentally ill, and need professional help?

Thank you George

Let me share with all what little I know about the story with this guy.

While our first response is often one of critisism, in this particular case he is an individual with some very deep seated problems, who if back home would be under the care of a psychiatrist, if not hospitalised.

The criticism here I have to say lies with his embassy who know of him and are aware of the problem – but have done nothing to help.

Nope, he has no family and he has no friends (here or back home – except a very elderly mother who is in no position to help).

Expect him gone within the next few months.

To date he has managed to keep his visa in order and keep his nose clean, but the one senior copper who knows the problem here, is fortuneatly a genuine guy, who is hoping to do something after the 90 day period is up - as he almost certainly is going to fall foul of the regulations and not have the funds to fly out and get a visa (one good thing to come from the new "3 strikes and you're out ruling") – and will then push to have him sent home, at which point the embassy will step in – funds or no funds.

I have no personal involvement in this case, but before anyone says the embassy won't do anything, while yes, it is true embassies are nortorious for not wanting to financially help people, when asked to formally they tend to agree - it doesn't look nice when their mentally ill citizens are forciably put on aircraft because they declined to help - and it has happened before in Thailand on several occassions.


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Tropo, I can see where your coming from, to summarise (please correct if wrong)

1. Basically to report him to the police would be overkill, and the punishment would not fit the ‘crime’ and

2. There may be good reasons he is begging, so think twice before condemning him.

I basically agree with your points, Maizefarmer confirms that there is some sort of problem.

However it has been 3 years scamming (see The Dudes previous thread), so it is fair to classify him as a professional scammer, not someone who needs a meal or ticket home, but someone who has adopted scamming as a lifestyle.

I don’t see it as a victimless crime. If you gave 500 baht for a good cause one day, it is likely to decrease your propensity to contribute to a worthwhile charity, multiply this by the scale this guy is operating on and he is doing damage to genuine charities.

Again, with respect, this guy needs some tough love (preferably not the police but if needs be), which seems is on its way.

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Tropo, I can see where your coming from, to summarise (please correct if wrong)

1. Basically to report him to the police would be overkill, and the punishment would not fit the ‘crime’ and

2. There may be good reasons he is begging, so think twice before condemning him.

I basically agree with your points, Maizefarmer confirms that there is some sort of problem.

However it has been 3 years scamming (see The Dudes previous thread), so it is fair to classify him as a professional scammer, not someone who needs a meal or ticket home, but someone who has adopted scamming as a lifestyle.

I don’t see it as a victimless crime. If you gave 500 baht for a good cause one day, it is likely to decrease your propensity to contribute to a worthwhile charity, multiply this by the scale this guy is operating on and he is doing damage to genuine charities.

Again, with respect, this guy needs some tough love (preferably not the police but if needs be), which seems is on its way.

Actually, I am told he's been at it since mid 2002!

Yes - however looked at, and whatever the reasons are, it is time something was done about it.

Hopefully that will now happen (within the next few months).

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So did you give him the cash My Friend Same?

If you came up to me dressed like that Soph I would give you everything :D

:o:D Well your in Bkk, so I dont know if id make it over there from Nottingham dressed like that :D

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