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SURVEY: What effect will Brexit have on Thailand?


SURVEY: What effect will Brexit have on Thailand?  

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Between now and the two years The UK,s dead line to leave the big money bets is that they Wont Go.A large number of people voting to leave are now "crawfishing" after waking up and finding out what the results might lead to.So will Brexit even happen ? Maybe.

If that happened there would be a lot of very angry people that actually thought their vote counted,even though it was non-binding.Too late now,you had your chance and stuffed it.

There will be an equally angry lot of people who realize that they have been lied to and deceived by the brexit politicians and wish they had not voted to leave.

They voted to leave. They are a clear majority of those who voted.

Before the referendum it was made abundantly clear that there would be no going back should the decision be to leave.

They voted to leave. It can be argued that they were wrong, that they were misled, that they have changed their minds. The simple fact remains, they voted to leave, they are a clear majority of those who voted.

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Between now and the two years The UK,s dead line to leave the big money bets is that they Wont Go.A large number of people voting to leave are now "crawfishing" after waking up and finding out what the results might lead to.So will Brexit even happen ? Maybe.

Unlike many decisions made these days " big money" doesn't have the final say. Big Money and assorted other interests has held sway as far as the UK's membership of the EU at least since the days of Margaret Thatcher. But now the electorate have had their say. That is the whole point of the referendum. Everyone with the franchise in the United Kingdom was asked. A clear majority of those who bothered to vote voted to leave.

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best thing to happen to pattaya in years.. now maybe a few cheap ass brits will actually leave

I wouldn't use the language that you do, but in essence this may be true not only for Pattaya, but for other places in Thailand, as well. The other side of the coin is, that quite a few nice British retirees, who won't be able to take a cut of up to 25-30% in their Thai income (converting their UK income in Sterling into THB) will also be forced to leave and that would be a pity!

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I think that Brexit is going to have an affect on Thailand, but I think it will have limited impact overall. Currency fluctuations and trade may be slowed a little mostly due to the conservative nature of business. I think the biggest affect will be on tourism and longer term residents, although this may be mitigated by the fact that if the UK leaves the EU, Spain and other Mediterranean countries may be less desirable and that might give Thailand a boost.

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I can't see them not pushing this through now, as there would literally be blood all over the streets if the perfect leaders were seen to be not representing the public but just doing their own thing (which they are anyway, but this one would make 'the beard slip').

EU will fail no matter what (almost certainly due to the state of the banking systems both in EU and also around most of the world, and superior alternatives to them on the horizon), but the exit voters will be blamed for it, whereas I would say they are not changing the outcome, but expediting the outcome. It's already baked in, but will take time to propagate.

I think USD will hold out slightly longer than the Euro and GBP. Asia will of course be affected, but they're not at the epicenter. Have you seen the price of precious metals lately going up *at the same time* as the indexes. There's somethin' a brewin' and it won't be pleasant, but it needs to be done.

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I can't see them not pushing this through now, as there would literally be blood all over the streets if the perfect leaders were seen to be not representing the public but just doing their own thing (which they are anyway, but this one would make 'the beard slip').

EU will fail no matter what (almost certainly due to the state of the banking systems both in EU and also around most of the world, and superior alternatives to them on the horizon), but the exit voters will be blamed for it, whereas I would say they are not changing the outcome, but expediting the outcome. It's already baked in, but will take time to propagate.

I think USD will hold out slightly longer than the Euro and GBP. Asia will of course be affected, but they're not at the epicenter. Have you seen the price of precious metals lately going up *at the same time* as the indexes. There's somethin' a brewin' and it won't be pleasant, but it needs to be done.

This is the UK, not America.

Civil war will not break out over Brexit !!

Life will go on and any pockets of discontent from the extreme left of the Remainers and race-hatred opportunism from the extreme right will soon be snuffed out.

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I can't see them not pushing this through now, as there would literally be blood all over the streets if the perfect leaders were seen to be not representing the public but just doing their own thing (which they are anyway, but this one would make 'the beard slip').

EU will fail no matter what (almost certainly due to the state of the banking systems both in EU and also around most of the world, and superior alternatives to them on the horizon), but the exit voters will be blamed for it, whereas I would say they are not changing the outcome, but expediting the outcome. It's already baked in, but will take time to propagate.

I think USD will hold out slightly longer than the Euro and GBP. Asia will of course be affected, but they're not at the epicenter. Have you seen the price of precious metals lately going up *at the same time* as the indexes. There's somethin' a brewin' and it won't be pleasant, but it needs to be done.

This is the UK, not America.

Civil war will not break out over Brexit !!

Life will go on and any pockets of discontent from the extreme left of the Remainers and race-hatred opportunism from the extreme right will soon be snuffed out.

You're right in as much as that civil war will not break out. But ignoring the referendum will destroy confidence (already shaky) in our political system and our politicians.

The two main parties will be utterly spatchcocked, the Tories by bitter sustained factional infighting which will destroy it as a viable political force for at least a generation; and as for Labour it will be the final chapter in the current slow motion train smash.

The political classes know this, and whilst they may pull a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp they will follow the decision of the great unwashed.

But as for the Thais - well it is a political argument in a far away country about which, with the exception of Football, they know little and care less.

Football hasn't exactly been glorious lately either....


Edited by JAG
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I wouldnt be too quick to judge the UK harshly for leaving... for sure there will be some tough times ahead - but the direction it was heading anyway was down down down... if history has taught us anything the UK excels at beating all odds... how did a small miniscule island in the middle of nowhere rule a worldwide British empire?, become one of the worlds super powers, dominate asf the most popular international languages? Become the standard for higher education? win the second world war (no america it wasnt really you, and neither was vietnam) and lets not forget who colonized the states... If any country can - the UK can....

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I can't see them not pushing this through now, as there would literally be blood all over the streets if the perfect leaders were seen to be not representing the public but just doing their own thing (which they are anyway, but this one would make 'the beard slip').

EU will fail no matter what (almost certainly due to the state of the banking systems both in EU and also around most of the world, and superior alternatives to them on the horizon), but the exit voters will be blamed for it, whereas I would say they are not changing the outcome, but expediting the outcome. It's already baked in, but will take time to propagate.

I think USD will hold out slightly longer than the Euro and GBP. Asia will of course be affected, but they're not at the epicenter. Have you seen the price of precious metals lately going up *at the same time* as the indexes. There's somethin' a brewin' and it won't be pleasant, but it needs to be done.

This is the UK, not America.

Civil war will not break out over Brexit !!

Life will go on and any pockets of discontent from the extreme left of the Remainers and race-hatred opportunism from the extreme right will soon be snuffed out.

When Lehman Bros went down (just a small section of a housing sector slice of the economy of just a single country), I think it did a little more than just contain itself to the US.

I didn't say civil war would break out because of Brexit, I said if the 'leaders' didn't give the peasants bread and circus there would be trouble. It would make people think crazy ideas like 'Democracy' doesn't exist and never can (Democracy translates into something like 'Mob rule').

EU (inc Britain) is a dead duck. America is screwed too, but it has a slightly different issue in that the USD is its currency, but it's also a world currency which complicated matters. America has no gold, Canada has no gold, even though they product plenty they sell it. China makes gold as does Russia, how much of their gold do you think they sell? The Chinese in particular are buying up chunks of land in other countries as they see it as the only collateral they can get for their unpayable USD Bonds. Strangely, Middle East and some parts of the African continent have some of the strongest banks, Asia is a real mixed bag, but Europe,,,well, pull up a chart of Deutsche bank over the last half a dozen years and compare it to Lehmans chart, and Germany is not the worst of them, Lots of Spanish and Italian banks are in far worse shape. I wish we (Britain) were out of EU years ago. It took 10 years to get in since France vetoed acceptance, and when trying to leave they get the sulky treatment. It's not the EU it used to be, and is the same in name only. A lot of my friends over there are remainers so I'm not the height of popularity right now, and my views are nothing to do with ethnicity, religion, migration (refuge or economic), I'm just looking at it at a country level thing. If I were looking at it from a personal point of view (like, hey, do really do think these wolves will have a pension for me when the time comes...LOL...no, I quit paying it more than 20 years ago, as the way it was going was clear even then, and I knew I had to provide for myself, which in the end made me leave the place as I hate throwing good money after bad (i.e. taxes for something that are of no benefit other than to not be imprisoned for not paying them - enforced with my own resources!

There will be winners and losers to either decision to stay or leave, but asking the public what it wants them to do then ignore it. I still maintain that there would be blood on the streets.

Edited by Shiver
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