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Rape-tainment: Officials seek punishment against 'Club Friday' TV soap for violent scenes


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Rape-tainment: Officials seek punishment against 'Club Friday' TV soap for violent scenes
By Coconuts Bangkok

A controversial scene from TV series "Club Friday to be Continued" shows a man forcing a female villain's face to a motorcycle’s exhaust pipe. Photo: GMM 25

BANGKOK: -- The National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) will decide today what punitive action they will take against the organizer of the popular TV series "Club Friday to be Continued" for featuring violent scenes against women.

Supinya Klangnarong, a member of the commission, said that the show, broadcast on GMM 25 channel, may have violated Section 37 of the Broadcasting Act, for featuring violent scenes that are against the code of moral conduct.

The famous series, which is known for being based on true stories that people call in and share, showed a violent scene where a man forced a female villain's face to a motorcycle’s exhaust pipe, causing her to become deformed in an episode called “Best Friends, Bad Friends.”

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2016/07/11/rape-tainment-officials-seek-punishment-against-club-friday-tv-soap-violent-scenes

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2016-07-11

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If you are interested in this topic which seems to keep coming back in the news lately. There was a talk at Thailand's Foreign Correspondent club on this recently. Here is the video in English with Thais discussing sex as entertainment including rape in Thai media.

Edited by Alive
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If you are interested in this topic which seems to keep coming back in the news lately. There was a talk at Thailand's Foreign Correspondent club on this recently. Here is the video in English with Thais discussing sex as entertainment including rape in Thai media.

Thank you for posting that. It should be required viewing for all Thais, especially the powers that be, (translated accurately, of course) and interested foreigners.

At 8:20, she makes the comment " If a wealthy man commits a crime in Thailand, and shows remorse, then all is forgiven". How many times have we seen this.

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Real life reporting the news - that then gets

up loaded on social media

crispy bodies, dead victims, suicides, the list goes on

the NBC is so politically correct then they should look at

this ghoulish behaviour as well ,

nothing better than the truth !

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Is this the equivalent to Game of Thrones, where men get their dicks chopped off, torturted and whatever and nobody cares, but when a women gets raped suddenly it's overboard and serious?

Dear society, keep your one sided 'men are perpetrators and women are innocent victims' propaganda up as long as you can, eventually it'll backlash. Hope I'll be alive to see that meltdown.

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Is this the equivalent to Game of Thrones, where men get their dicks chopped off, torturted and whatever and nobody cares, but when a women gets raped suddenly it's overboard and serious?

Dear society, keep your one sided 'men are perpetrators and women are innocent victims' propaganda up as long as you can, eventually it'll backlash. Hope I'll be alive to see that meltdown.

Yes, how dare people protest against rape. Don't these women know they are our playthings. For gods sake it's PC gone mad when a man cannot do as he wishes with a women.

Now if you don't mind I'm going to find a wall to repeatedly slam my head against in order to try and forget that some people do not view rape as entertainment as an appalling thing.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Yes, how dare people protest against rape. Don't these women know they are our playthings. For gods sake it's PC gone mad when a man cannot do as he wishes with a women.

Now if you don't mind I'm going to find a wall to repeatedly slam my head against in order to try and forget that some people do not view rape as entertainment as an appalling thing.

Don't care either way, but if there is only ever a shitstorm when something negative happens to women, but everything negative happening toward a man is fair game, I'm certainly not sitting here and wondering why things are "escalating" if you will. Violence in regards of women against men and women against women is a thing too, but it's only ever reported when it's men against women or men against men, people fail to put that into proper context about seeing these acts as individuals acting out but collectively demonizing a group.

There is no discussion that rape/murder/blabla is wrong and most everyone does agree with that, but if media and society just one sidedly opens fire, please don't attempt to act surprised when there is (rising) resistance and causing an actual rift, specially in this so called time of "equality".

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Yes, how dare people protest against rape. Don't these women know they are our playthings. For gods sake it's PC gone mad when a man cannot do as he wishes with a women.

Now if you don't mind I'm going to find a wall to repeatedly slam my head against in order to try and forget that some people do not view rape as entertainment as an appalling thing.

Don't care either way, but if there is only ever a shitstorm when something negative happens to women, but everything negative happening toward a man is fair game, I'm certainly not sitting here and wondering why things are "escalating" if you will. Violence in regards of women against men and women against women is a thing too, but it's only ever reported when it's men against women or men against men, people fail to put that into proper context about seeing these acts as individuals acting out but collectively demonizing a group.

There is no discussion that rape/murder/blabla is wrong and most everyone does agree with that, but if media and society just one sidedly opens fire, please don't attempt to act surprised when there is (rising) resistance and causing an actual rift, specially in this so called time of "equality".

I thought I would completely disagree with you but I don't. I do agree that society has be more balanced, if violence against women is wrong then so is violence against men. I do understand that.

I think your point is losing its impact and relevance because you make it when the authorities are doing the right thing and addressing women being raped on daytime TV. It sounds like you agree it is wrong but you feel there needs to be more balance and fair enough.

Just next time don't make your point by appearing to demonise the authorities for slamming this rape scene.

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Good news and lets hope there's more to come. Having a rape and violence scene on daytime TV is pretty disgraceful and it does nothing to promote the fact the rape and violence against women is wrong.

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Good news and lets hope there's more to come. Having a rape and violence scene on daytime TV is pretty disgraceful and it does nothing to promote the fact the rape and violence against women is wrong.

And also does nothing to prevent future generations to think that it is wrong; since the youngsters and young children probably watch that within any control or explanation from the parents...

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I think your point is losing its impact and relevance because you make it when the authorities are doing the right thing and addressing women being raped on daytime TV. It sounds like you agree it is wrong but you feel there needs to be more balance and fair enough.

Don't suppose it's just a "daytime TV" issue here, matter of fact I wasn't even considering it. I'm also not even on about the authorities themselves, if there is a breach of conduct and they are enforcing it, then I actually applaud these otherwise seemingly good for nothings.

I don't consider media or society an authority, and those are the ones I do take issues with nowadays. It's them who cherry pick what to focus on and what to outcry next about and what/how it gets published. The things, at least in the west, seem to get more and more mundane by the day. People need to either accept it as it is with a +/- shift in either direction or actually make a stink out of everything that's "done wrong". Meaning to say, if it's wrong to show rape of women on TV, then stop showing the murder of both men and women. Stop showing that a woman slapping a man in an argument is "deserved" and likewise stop showing men beating up women losing their temper.

Fact remains, it happens both ways all the time, sometimes more, sometimes less with a swing in either direction with either combination, but the reporting is one sided most of the time regardless and I do think it's causing more harm than good.

It's also intellectually dishonest to believe not showing any murder/rape/violence/something in games/tvs will magically make it stop over the course of whatever timeframe. It won't. Ever.

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Yes, how dare people protest against rape. Don't these women know they are our playthings. For gods sake it's PC gone mad when a man cannot do as he wishes with a women.

Now if you don't mind I'm going to find a wall to repeatedly slam my head against in order to try and forget that some people do not view rape as entertainment as an appalling thing.

Don't care either way, but if there is only ever a shitstorm when something negative happens to women, but everything negative happening toward a man is fair game, I'm certainly not sitting here and wondering why things are "escalating" if you will. Violence in regards of women against men and women against women is a thing too, but it's only ever reported when it's men against women or men against men, people fail to put that into proper context about seeing these acts as individuals acting out but collectively demonizing a group.

There is no discussion that rape/murder/blabla is wrong and most everyone does agree with that, but if media and society just one sidedly opens fire, please don't attempt to act surprised when there is (rising) resistance and causing an actual rift, specially in this so called time of "equality".

I believe the topic at the FCCT was "Sex as entertainment". The depiction of rape on TV during soap shows is part of the problem as the ladies on that panel were discussing. Invariably, the "rapist" is from a well to do family and it is expected his advances will not be spurned by the woman. It is his right, so to speak.

Violence against men, as serious as it often is, pales when compared to the opposite. However when a woman is in a room, surrounded by 3 or 4 men, she is often terrified.

Men, OTOH, sometimes would think they'd died and gone to heaven surrounded by 4 women about to have their way with him in a sexual way. OK, granted, willingness is a major part of the situation, but no woman deserves to be held against her will to gratify a man's lust.

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Is this the equivalent to Game of Thrones, where men get their dicks chopped off, torturted and whatever and nobody cares, but when a women gets raped suddenly it's overboard and serious?

Dear society, keep your one sided 'men are perpetrators and women are innocent victims' propaganda up as long as you can, eventually it'll backlash. Hope I'll be alive to see that meltdown.

I think that GOT would be treated as fantasy (with all the dragons and stuff).

This thread is about a sop opera supposedly representing real life Thainess.....

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Is this the equivalent to Game of Thrones, where men get their dicks chopped off, torturted and whatever and nobody cares, but when a women gets raped suddenly it's overboard and serious?

Dear society, keep your one sided 'men are perpetrators and women are innocent victims' propaganda up as long as you can, eventually it'll backlash. Hope I'll be alive to see that meltdown.

Yes, how dare people protest against rape. Don't these women know they are our playthings. For gods sake it's PC gone mad when a man cannot do as he wishes with a women.

Now if you don't mind I'm going to find a wall to repeatedly slam my head against in order to try and forget that some people do not view rape as entertainment as an appalling thing.

You miss the point! the gentleman is not condoning rape he's suggesting that sexual assualt against a man is just as important as sexual assault against a woman! Women are not always the "victim" as men are not always the "perpetrator"!

Please try and maintain a little balence, eh! facepalm.gifthumbsup.gifwai.gif

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Violence against men, as serious as it often is, pales when compared to the opposite. However when a woman is in a room, surrounded by 3 or 4 men, she is often terrified.

See, that are statements of subjectivity, to a large degree at least. Taking those 2 examples to the most extreme, you just argued that murder is less significant than rape. Objectively speaking I'd imaging having your life forcefully ended is worse than still being alive with a trauma related to rape. On the lesser end of the extremes, you still suggest that beating up a man is better than a woman feeling terrified around 3-4 men. Why would a woman need to feel terrified? Is it because every headline and topic you ever hear about is "male perpetrator blablablabla....blabla female victim"? That's what I'm referring to. If all you ever hear "how bad men are" then you obviously will start to get jumpy around them eventully, despite (mostly) good experiences. You judged and demonized people you don't even know before anything has happened. That may not be inherently wrong per se, but it does show how propaganda causes social problems.

Do we have social problems that need to be taken care of? Of course, but for the love of god I don't see how it will be solved by repeating "don't hit women you male scum". As much as I hate the human race, I do realise that the vast majority is still inherently good natured by default and aside from that that men are the ones committing more crime. Don't ask me for solutions though, so far I've only stated to wanting fair reporting as far as female on male violence and the likes goes, neither dismissing violence against women or otherwise, yet I already got this bit of a pushback for not white knighting it.

I think that GOT would be treated as fantasy (with all the dragons and stuff).

This thread is about a sop opera supposedly representing real life Thainess.....

People can't seem to differentiate between reality and fiction anymore though. The series is full of murder and stuff, but when the rape happened, all bets were off.

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If you are interested in this topic which seems to keep coming back in the news lately. There was a talk at Thailand's Foreign Correspondent club on this recently. Here is the video in English with Thais discussing sex as entertainment including rape in Thai media.

Many thanks for that.

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Is this the equivalent to Game of Thrones, where men get their dicks chopped off, torturted and whatever and nobody cares, but when a women gets raped suddenly it's overboard and serious?

Dear society, keep your one sided 'men are perpetrators and women are innocent victims' propaganda up as long as you can, eventually it'll backlash. Hope I'll be alive to see that meltdown.

You are confusing fiction and fact.

Why should Thais get worked up because guys get their dicks chopped off in Game of Thrones? It's the classic Thai wifes' way of cutting short the career of a philandering husband.

There's even a hospital in Bangkok which specialises in stitching severed willies back on!

And no, I'm not talking from personal experience - thank God.

Edited by Krataiboy
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Thailand is a country that has really only just walked in to the modern world.Just a few generations ago the people here were still using hand carts,the women went topless all the time and the sword was still being used to execute criminals up until 1934.

A few generations later and they are now driving cars,watching Tv and using mobile phones.Its all come too quickly for them.Women are still chattels over here to be used as and when the male species sees fit.Stealing is not really a crime and violence is their normal way of life.They refuse to let the outside world have any bearing on the country or their way of life.It was,and still possibly is no crime for a male member of the family to have sex with his daughters.They have had no time to understand the meaning of ethics,compassion or to an extent common decency because they dont know what it is.The people are controlled to a degree that will never see equality.The reason is that the populace does not react to heinous crimes is because it is what they have grown up with and have known all their lives.Becoming a tourist hot spot,has not really done any good.Of course the money that comes with it has made rich men out of archaic and draconian people.It has created a further divide between the rich and the poor,.It is really not their fault.Tourism has hit them too early.You now have people who had lived in places such as Pattaya when it was a fishing village,now owning properties and outstanding wealth,when 30 years ago could hardly sign their own names.

The west has always looked upon the Asian races as being somewhat cruel,ie the japanese and the chinese.Its not cruelty to them,its what they know,understand, and expect.

This will not change anytime soon,maybe over the next 2 centuries.The problem could arise that the outside world would out grow them and this part of Asia will become a dinosaur in the modern world and will be left behind.

The consequences of this is that the people that had nothing and have now got riches beyond belief will find it horrendous when they have to return to being poor because of their own actions with regards to the modern world.

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Unfortunately, many (Thai) guys relate to and see the power that the "baddies" wield in these soap operas and use them as role models, wannabe gangster mafia types etc. Personally, I think they should be declared mentally deficient, the stigma of that label might take the "cool" out of this behaviour.

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If you are interested in this topic which seems to keep coming back in the news lately. There was a talk at Thailand's Foreign Correspondent club on this recently. Here is the video in English with Thais discussing sex as entertainment including rape in Thai media.

Many thanks for that.

Yes, thank you. Very interesting discussion.

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Have seen only brief excerpts.

I do not look that garbage.

Fortunately, my thai mother in law has forbidden the children to see this scrap.

Where's your wife?

She monitors the entire family educational process.

The senseless violence is also rejected by many Thai people.

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