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My wife has poor eyesight, I believe shortsighted 400.

She has mentioned lasik surgery at 85,000 in BKK.

Two aspects to my request for info:

I got lasik in CM about 12 years ago for 45,000. Not long after I got dry eye syndrome and still have to use eyedrops as my first action of the day and cannot think of using contacts in future and am very sensitive to smoking.. I can neither say nor deny that the lasik was related but it came soon after. I am told there is a different procedure now and it is free of the dry eye worry. Comments?

About the price. A friend just had his eyes done in the UK where one would expect a stiff price and could almost swear he paid 1500GBP for the pair of eyes. Is this likely correct and if so wheres the cheapest (but obviously good quality) place to get the procedure done in or within spitting distance of Thailand. Is it much cheaper again in say India? (We live in CM)



I will never do Lasik, but everyone I spoke to who had a procedure done had no problems whatsoever.

My wife's sister has done one at Vejthani (a nice private hospital in Bangkok), but at that time they had a promotion. It was 22,000 baht... definitely under 30,000.


A friend just had cataracts removed from both eyes, by Lasik procedure, here in Toronto. All he had to pay was for the eye drops which are part of the recovery procedure after the operations. No other fees required. His only complaint was that the drops caused trouble of stinging after use. He has experienced only a few minor problems but after a month all is now well. The eye drops, three different kinds, started the day before each procedure and he had to keep to a regulated programme for a month as they counteracted any infection. He just received permission to get his driving licence changed and had the part about having to use glasses removed, just in case he was stopped by the police and they would have noted he should wear glasses.


(I had PRK done 20++ years ago in bristol UK, and had one eye redone by PRK a couple of years ago in Bangkok at TRSC.)

Most good, modern Lasik places will now use two lasers - one to create the flap, and one to correct the eye. This improves the flap reliability - but it is the creation of this flap that is blamed/assumed to be the main cause of some people suffering from dry eyes after Lasik surgery.

Rutnin Eye hospital and TRSC (www.lasikthai.com), Bangkok General and the other major hospitals can do Lasik.

There IS an alternative which is also laser correction. In this procedure a flap is NOT created - the laser creates a disc that is removed from a small 'slot' that a laser creates to the side.

Google 'Relex Smile' for more inormation.

TRSC is as far as I know the only place that does this procedure in Thailand :-


IF I was going to have my first laser eye corrective surgery done now - I'd opt for the Relex over Lasik, even though it is more expensive.

(And I'll just add, even though when I did the PRK they only did on eye at a time and recovery was painful and took a week, and a 6 month wait before treating the other eye... it was still the best 'thing' I've ver spent money on.)


I would never consider doing such a procedure - cheaply

it is just not worth the risk...

There are laser machines and software produced and licensed for this procedure.

If I was satisfied the correct system and competent staff are being used i would pay as little as possible.

Paying triple may give you no advantage.


I will never do Lasik, but everyone I spoke to who had a procedure done had no problems whatsoever.

My wife's sister has done one at Vejthani (a nice private hospital in Bangkok), but at that time they had a promotion. It was 22,000 baht... definitely under 30,000.

Hi there

when you say "has done one" I presume you mean a pair of eyes.

If so i'm very interested and would appreciate any more info you or anyone can provide.


A friend just had cataracts removed from both eyes, by Lasik procedure, here in Toronto. All he had to pay was for the eye drops which are part of the recovery procedure after the operations. No other fees required. His only complaint was that the drops caused trouble of stinging after use. He has experienced only a few minor problems but after a month all is now well. The eye drops, three different kinds, started the day before each procedure and he had to keep to a regulated programme for a month as they counteracted any infection. He just received permission to get his driving licence changed and had the part about having to use glasses removed, just in case he was stopped by the police and they would have noted he should wear glasses.

Rather confused are we talking apples and oranges?


(I had PRK done 20++ years ago in bristol UK, and had one eye redone by PRK a couple of years ago in Bangkok at TRSC.)

Most good, modern Lasik places will now use two lasers - one to create the flap, and one to correct the eye. This improves the flap reliability - but it is the creation of this flap that is blamed/assumed to be the main cause of some people suffering from dry eyes after Lasik surgery.

Rutnin Eye hospital and TRSC (www.lasikthai.com), Bangkok General and the other major hospitals can do Lasik.

There IS an alternative which is also laser correction. In this procedure a flap is NOT created - the laser creates a disc that is removed from a small 'slot' that a laser creates to the side.

Google 'Relex Smile' for more inormation.

TRSC is as far as I know the only place that does this procedure in Thailand :-


IF I was going to have my first laser eye corrective surgery done now - I'd opt for the Relex over Lasik, even though it is more expensive.

(And I'll just add, even though when I did the PRK they only did on eye at a time and recovery was painful and took a week, and a 6 month wait before treating the other eye... it was still the best 'thing' I've ver spent money on.)


(I had PRK done 20++ years ago in bristol UK, and had one eye redone by PRK a couple of years ago in Bangkok at TRSC.)

Most good, modern Lasik places will now use two lasers - one to create the flap, and one to correct the eye. This improves the flap reliability - but it is the creation of this flap that is blamed/assumed to be the main cause of some people suffering from dry eyes after Lasik surgery.

Rutnin Eye hospital and TRSC (www.lasikthai.com), Bangkok General and the other major hospitals can do Lasik.

There IS an alternative which is also laser correction. In this procedure a flap is NOT created - the laser creates a disc that is removed from a small 'slot' that a laser creates to the side.

Google 'Relex Smile' for more inormation.

TRSC is as far as I know the only place that does this procedure in Thailand :-


IF I was going to have my first laser eye corrective surgery done now - I'd opt for the Relex over Lasik, even though it is more expensive.

(And I'll just add, even though when I did the PRK they only did on eye at a time and recovery was painful and took a week, and a 6 month wait before treating the other eye... it was still the best 'thing' I've ver spent money on.)

Very informative post thank you a good start to my re-education.

Rather disappointed TRSC don't give some idea of prices.

Here's the thing......I am unable to travel much myself but would like to give the wife every opportunity to see the world.

So if the procedure abroad at a qualified clinic was cheap enough it paid for a foreign trip for her it might even be preferable.

If it can be found in Thailand at a really good price (as suggested by a post above mentioning 22k) though that would be best the saving can be put toward a trip sometime.


A friend just had cataracts removed from both eyes, by Lasik procedure, here in Toronto. All he had to pay was for the eye drops which are part of the recovery procedure after the operations. No other fees required. His only complaint was that the drops caused trouble of stinging after use. He has experienced only a few minor problems but after a month all is now well. The eye drops, three different kinds, started the day before each procedure and he had to keep to a regulated programme for a month as they counteracted any infection. He just received permission to get his driving licence changed and had the part about having to use glasses removed, just in case he was stopped by the police and they would have noted he should wear glasses.

OHIP in Ontario pays $397.99 for cataract surgery. I do not know if it is Lasik or not. I inquired from my insurance provider. The provider pays 4 times what OHIP pays which would be $1591.96 converted to bahts at 27 equals 42982.92 That would still not cover the operation at Chiang Mai Ram. That would also only give you either short range vision or distance vision not both. Both would cost about 55,000 last years rates approximately as I recall my friend had it done. I have heard of 2 cases where the operation had to be redone some months later.

As far as doing the Lazio, how old is your wife? I had a cataract in one eye only and asked Dr about getting Lazio on the other eye. He said if I was in my 20s or 30 yes but if older the odds are I would get a cataract in that eye also and having cataract surgery soon (within a few years,)after Lasik would make it more difficult for the cataract surgery.The Dr could have earned two surgical fees so I took his suggestion and didn't get it done. Three years later I have a small cataract but it can wait.


Very informative post thank you a good start to my re-education.

Rather disappointed TRSC don't give some idea of prices.

Here's the thing......I am unable to travel much myself but would like to give the wife every opportunity to see the world.

So if the procedure abroad at a qualified clinic was cheap enough it paid for a foreign trip for her it might even be preferable.

If it can be found in Thailand at a really good price (as suggested by a post above mentioning 22k) though that would be best the saving can be put toward a trip sometime.

You can email or phone TRSC for idea on prices - I would estimate the price you quote around 85,000 baht would probably cover the Relex procedure and Lasik cheaper.

It's important to remember the follow up check ups that will be needed ( you can possibly arrange that locally but then you'd have to pay for those, whereas TRSC, Rutnin etc include all follow up in the price - and usually any 'touch up' ie redo if necessary...


A friend just had cataracts removed from both eyes, by Lasik procedure, here in Toronto. All he had to pay was for the eye drops which are part of the recovery procedure after the operations. No other fees required. His only complaint was that the drops caused trouble of stinging after use. He has experienced only a few minor problems but after a month all is now well. The eye drops, three different kinds, started the day before each procedure and he had to keep to a regulated programme for a month as they counteracted any infection. He just received permission to get his driving licence changed and had the part about having to use glasses removed, just in case he was stopped by the police and they would have noted he should wear glasses.

OHIP in Ontario pays $397.99 for cataract surgery. I do not know if it is Lasik or not. I inquired from my insurance provider. The provider pays 4 times what OHIP pays which would be $1591.96 converted to bahts at 27 equals 42982.92 That would still not cover the operation at Chiang Mai Ram. That would also only give you either short range vision or distance vision not both. Both would cost about 55,000 last years rates approximately as I recall my friend had it done. I have heard of 2 cases where the operation had to be redone some months later.

Very new Eye Center now open on the grounds of Sri Phat/Suan Dork (Maharaj) hospital. A Google search will get you loads of information.

IMHO I would avoid RAM and their excessive costs... most of the doctors working there also teach or practice at the above government hospital.


I did lasik surgery in Singapore about 10 years ago. It went well and I am still happy with the results. I did it at The Lasik Surgery Clinic in Singapore, and at that time it cost me around THB 50,000 for both eyes. If you decide to go ahead with it, find a reputable clinic who has loads of experience in doing this type of corrective surgery and it is also very important to take extra care during the 1st week after the surgery - avoid outdoor activities, swimming, dusty places, etc.


I had pretty poor eyesight .. I was near sighted and couldn't really see details in anything more than 10 feet from me ...So I had lasik done in 1985. I was so happy to see the bikinis on the beach with out glasses ... and swimming and seeing ...

So, I've been a satisfied customer ...

Some problems for me ... in dim lighted situations, I see small "halo's" around bright lights ... My brain tends to tune this out and I never think about it. In bright light there is no problem.

It's now 31 years later ... and I have developed dry eyes about two years ago .. and must use eye drops. I can not say this is related to lasik vs age (I'm 61) ... And in the last few years my eyes are failing to read the "small print" ... Again, this is probably age ...

I would do lasik again "in the blink of th eye"

But use a reputable doctor .... you can not afford to have this screwed up

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