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Sinners! Thais online blast temple fisherman


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Is that after you catch these fish and turtles in the wild in the first place? That seems like pulling the teeth out of a slow lorsi

Precisely. It is very superficial.

My wife sometimes moans a bit if we stop at a traffic signal near a lorry with cages of pigs in the back. She feels sorry for them and their inevitable fate. Happened just last week as we drove to Makro wherein, 20 minutes later, she was sifting through bloody bins choosing the best looking cuts of pork. laugh.png

Secure in the knowledge that the pigs who donated their hind legs and hooves to Makro for human consumption and profit, are still alive and kicking somewhere in Issan.


That reminds me of the story about a Midwest reporter checking out a prize winning pig in his area. When he asked the farmer what happened to the pigs hind legs the farmer replied: "Well see here mister, a fine pig like that you don't just eat it all at once".

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