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Post-coup purges in Turkey hit teachers, deans, school workers


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Post-coup purges in Turkey hit teachers, deans, school workers


ANKARA: -- The round of purges continues in Turkey, as the government vows to root out supporters of the exiled cleric it blames for Friday’s attempted coup.

After the military and judiciary, the crackdown extended to universities and schools, the intelligence agency and religious bodies.

On Tuesday, authorities said 15,000 people had been fired from the education ministry, and 21,000 private school teachers had their licenses revoked.

Several media outlets thought to be supportive of Fethullah Gulen were also shut down.

Turkey’s coup in numbers

21,000 private teachers have licences removed
15,000 suspended from education ministry
8,000 police officers detained or suspended
6,000 soldiers detained
1,500 staff at Ministry of Finance dismissed
2745 judges dismissed
1,577 deans – Education board demands resignation
492 sacked from Religious Affairs Directorate
399 from Ministry of Family and Social Policies stripped of responsibilities
257 fired from the prime minister’s office
100 intelligence officials sacked
47 district governors dismissed
30 provincial governors dismissed
20 news websites blocked

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-07-20

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I understand the need to find and bring to justice those who were involved in the coup but it seems that this purge is to remove anyone who may have an opposing view to the government...

Sounds familiar...

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Etc etc etc

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Great house cleaning, I saw on the BBC news this morning that Erdogan was doing a public speech and all the animals were shouting Execute. I can not even start to fathom out why the Europe would ever even contemplate letting these in to the EU

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I would absolutely be NOT surprised if Erdogan orchestrated this coup himself.... All the signs are there....

Looking at the arrest list above, I am also NOT surprised that not a single goat has been arrested cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif We all know what that means whistling.gifwhistling.gif

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I understand the need to find and bring to justice those who were involved in the coup but it seems that this purge is to remove anyone who may have an opposing view to the government...

Hmm sounds a bit familiar like another country I know but cannot think of the name.
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Looks like he is setting himself up for Cambodia part 2. I wonder when the killing fields start. Getting rid of Judges, Academics, School Teachers all sounds too familiar to the world. I am also of the opinion that this coup was orchestrated by Erdogan. It was way too amateur and way too convenient.

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Great house cleaning, I saw on the BBC news this morning that Erdogan was doing a public speech and all the animals were shouting Execute. I can not even start to fathom out why the Europe would ever even contemplate letting these in to the EU

Just ask Mrs Merkel - she explain it all to you.

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Seems this coup suits Erdogan a lot... not want to be a conspiracy guy but for an army which already did 4 coups successfully, this one was amateur hour..

The Turkish government is spinning the coup as a near miss - that had something happened in a slightly different way, it would have been curtains for Erdogan's government.

I too do not support conspiracy theories but it does strike me that a) this coup and the way it turned out was a God-send to Erdogan, his government and his supporters. B) the ability of the government to suddenly organise within a few days the suspension and arrest of so many people just after a coup is more than surprising. It looks planned.

This post-coup response also looks like a coup itself in its removal of any critical voice in the civil service, the media and in education, especially in the universities.

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Looks like he is setting himself up for Cambodia part 2. I wonder when the killing fields start. Getting rid of Judges, Academics, School Teachers all sounds too familiar to the world. I am also of the opinion that this coup was orchestrated by Erdogan. It was way too amateur and way too convenient.

Islam doesn't mix with science or reason hence the purge. It is quite breathtaking to see the speed at which a NATO member and prospective EU member is heading back to the Middle Ages.
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