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Thailand ratifies ASEAN anti-human trade pact


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Thailand ratifies ASEAN anti-human trade pact


BANGKOK, 25 July 2016 (NNT) – Foreign Affairs Minister Don Pramudwinai has ratified and handed the ASEAN anti-human trafficking pact to ASEAN Secretary General Le Luong Minh during the 49th ASEAN Foreign Affairs Ministers Meeting in Laos.

The ASEAN anti-human trafficking pact was inked by the leaders of member nations during the 27th ASEAN Summit in November 2015 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The pact is the first effort that legally binds the signatories to jointly eradicate human trade and observes the ASEAN declaration on human trafficking in 2004.

The ratification of the ASEAN anti-human trafficking pact is a testimony to the Thai government’s determination to put an end to human trafficking. Thailand earlier declared the prevention and suppression of human trade a national agenda. The Thai government also plays an important role in the ASEAN joint anti-human trafficking action plan which came into effect on November 21st, 2015.

Thailand is the third nation that signed the ASEAN anti-human trafficking pact. The agreement will be in effect after ratification by at least six member nations.

-- NNT 2016-07-25 footer_n.gif

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I hope they realise its a pact to stop human trafficking and not promote it including prosecuting those who blow the whistle.

I have yet to see any signs that this government is serious except for the usual hollow announcements and arrests of a few small frys.

Edited by Reigntax
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Well, at least by signing this pact, they (Thailand) have "said" that they are committed to eradicating human trade (that's the easy part).

Now, for the hard part - as the pact (when ratified) will legally bind them to do, we need to see evidence and achievements.

Don't forget, the pact still needs three more signatures before it can be ratified!

Smart guy that Livy!

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Well, at least by signing this pact, they (Thailand) have "said" that they are committed to eradicating human trade (that's the easy part).

Now, for the hard part - as the pact (when ratified) will legally bind them to do, we need to see evidence and achievements.

Don't forget, the pact still needs three more signatures before it can be ratified!

Smart guy that Livy!

Yes they are quite happy to agree to many things but more often than not do nothing about them.

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Id dictu quam re facilius est (Livy).

id dictu quam re facilis est

it is easier to say than to do.


more easily said than done.

Dictu quam re facilius est provinciam rebellatricem confecisse.

"It is easier said ('in saying') than done to subjugate completely a rebel province."

Stultitia est venatum ducere invitas canes.

" Stupidity is ('consists in') leading out unwilling dogs to hunt."

Edited by jobsworth
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Can we then expect immediate prosecution in both military and criminal courts of one Navy and four Army officers arrested and detained over 18 months ago for human trafficking?

One army officer is Lieutenant General Manas Kongpaen, a senior adviser to the Thai army under Prayut. Manas was characterized by the Attorney General's Office as a major smuggling kingpin in human trafficking.

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