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Somkid invites British to use Thailand to expand investment into CLMV countries


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Somkid invites British to use Thailand to expand investment into CLMV countries


BANGKOK: Thailand yesterday invited Britain to invest in the country as it could be used as a centre to expand business in other countries in the region which it has good relations.

The invitation was extended by deputy prime minister Somkid Jatusriphitak as he welcomed British minister of the Department for International Trade Mr Mark Garnier yesterday.

Mr Somkid said after meeting Mr Garnier that he has invited the British businessmen to invest in the government’s sponsored industries particularly aviation industry, bio-based industry and monetary services which were the fields that Britain has expertise.

On bilateral economic cooperation, Mr Somkid said the two counties would apply unofficial approach because the United Kingdom has just decided to withdraw from the European Union.

The private sector of the two countries will meet in October, he said, adding that he told the visiting minister that as Thailand has enjoyed the good relations with the CLMV Group comprising Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam, British businessmen can use Thailand as the centre to expand business to these countries.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/somkid-invites-british-use-thailand-expand-investment-clmv-countries/

-- Thai PBS 2016-07-30

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Thailand was not originally happy with the UK leaving the EU now it seems the Thais are all smiles and roses as they desperately try to engineer an opportunity for themselves. Can't blame them for trying.

So Thailand wants Britain to use Thailand as "a HUB" to expand into those other ASEAN countries with which Thailand has such wonderful relationships and can be a big help to them to gain business with their unique brand of diplomatic skills.

They ask Britain to invest in Thailand. Foreign investors fled Thailand in 2014. Now Thai investors themselves are also leaving to try to establish businesses in these same countries where they see opportunities. Britain is not blind to the political situation in Thailand.

Why on earth would Britain need Thailand. Britain has Embassies or Consulates in these ASEAN countries with their own trade ambassadors and have long ago established their own diplomatic and trade relationships.

Good luck anyway Thailand.

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"Mr Somkid said after meeting Mr Garnier that he has invited the British businessmen to invest in the government’s sponsored industries particularly aviation industry, bio-based industry and monetary services which were the fields that Britain has expertise."


Expertise also in bomb/drug "sniffing" gadgets,  balloons, and money under the table.

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Thailand will indeed be of interest to Businessmen travelling to invest and investigate opportunities in the CLMV countries.

It will be a hub - bingo we hit the jackpot - for connecting flights to these countries, which should be of immense benefit to Burger King and McDonalds branches in the airport.

Once business is concluded it will probably be the favoured location for an epic night out on the lash - on expenses of course, before clambering onto the return flight to the UK nursing the mother of all hangovers....

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If the British wanted to use Thailand for anything they would have colonised it centuries ago but they were too smart then and certainly smart enough now to see through any Thai government official begging for investment.

It would be interesting though to see what Thailand could have become with good governance,  a real democracy and a military that are servants of the people.

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2 hours ago, Kiwiken said:

I suspect if they were to invest in a Hub it would be Vietnam. A lot more stable at this point in time

You are correct with your predictions. In fact I read yesterday where Air New Zealand has opened direct links Auckland to Ho Chi Minh City. This is the beginning of the Vietnamese tourism hub. I doubt that TAT will wake up that Thailand is having their airport tourism hub stolen from them  Their boss is too pre-occupied trying to eliminate retail sex which gives a grubby image to tourism.

The Chinese have also discovered Vietnam. Note the comments in this story.


Also check this out. Where in Thailand could you find cheaper and more welcoming beach relaxation?  TravelBird  which did the survey does not even give Thailand a mention in the world rankings. Safety issues probably prevented giving commendation I suspect. The writing is on the wall.


TAT is in some dreamland world.

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1 hour ago, Hawk said:

"Mr Somkid said after meeting Mr Garnier that he has invited the British businessmen to invest in the government’s sponsored industries particularly aviation industry, bio-based industry and monetary services which were the fields that Britain has expertise."


Expertise also in bomb/drug "sniffing" gadgets,  balloons, and money under the table.

Wrong. The UK beefed up it's already comprehensive anti bribery legislation in 2014. Probably the toughest in Europe, stricter than EU and on a par with the US.

What has your nation done on the subject? Exporting all those cows, sheep meat, cheap plonk, crap beer and toy koala's must present some opportunities.

Any other famous industries / brands other than vegemite?

Interesting that the one country that is so appalled with someone else's politics bans the government and their relatives from entry but falls over themselves to send politicians here. Must be frustrating when they go back empty handed.

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On 7/30/2016 at 2:46 PM, Brer Fox said:

Why on earth would Britain need Thailand. Britain has Embassies or Consulates in these ASEAN countries with their own trade ambassadors and have long ago established their own diplomatic and trade relationships.

Good luck anyway Thailand.


"British businessmen can use Thailand as the centre to expand business to these countries."

So, we can do good business in a country by... not... being in... that country?!


No wonder the Thais are (according to surveys) so unfaithful as lovers. The logic obviously is: if you want to make sweet love to your wife... go next door.


Clever stuff. They'll be singing they know their ABCs next and we'll all be impressed by that as well.

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