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Cambodia asks Thailand to Delay Worker Registration

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A Labor Ministry spokesman said that Thailand’s Labor Ministry has requested a month delay in providing passports and travel cards to Cambodians working across the border because the Thai side is preparing an online data management system and to continue using pink cards in the meantime. In April, Labor Minister Ith Sam Heng announced the suspension of a service offering passports, travel cards and labor cards for Cambodians working overseas from April 1 to July 29 in order to allow Thailand do a census of foreign workers. The commission was to start taking applications again today.

However, Labor Ministry spokesman Heng Sour said yesterday that Thai Labor Ministry officials asked to delay the meeting on August 23 so they could complete the census and create an online data management system.  When finished, Thailand’s Labor Ministry will allow a Cambodian committee in Thailand assist undocumented Cambodian workers obtain passports or travel cards so that they can apply for work permits in Thailand at the 77 One Step Service centers for migrant workers.

“When the system is running, Thailand will provide detailed information to us on August 20,” he said. According to Mr. Sour, Thailand requires each worker to pay 950 baht (about $27) for a passport, work permit and legitimacy, and workers can pay through a bank or working group. He added that the delay was not just for Cambodian workers, but for workers from other countries as well.


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/27936/cambodia-asks-thailand-to-delay-worker-registration/

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