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Sinister Things 'outside' ? Thailand

Hermano Lobo

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Ex-KGB officer 'poisoned in UK'

Remember Ukraine leader, Viktor Yushchenko? He was poisoned and disfigured by a 'Soviet-era' toxin during an election campaign in which he was the opposition leader.

Then the female journalist assassinated in Moscow.

Journalism seems a dangerous profession ?

This is very sinister and serious. You have Dame M15 rabbiting on about 1,600 terrorists and 300 terror plots, yet the KGB(or whatever they are calling themselves this week) poisoning any journalist who disapproves of (Ras) Putin. - Right on London's bluddee doorstep !Remember the turniing off of the gas supplies to the Ukraine and a veiled threat to the European supplies ?

This thug has a stealthy agenda.

I would not like to say what it could be but......

Watch out !

or as the French say.

Plus ca change , plus ce la meme chose !

The more things change, the more they stay the same !

I wonder how may of the thousands of Russians now working in London have KGB connections ?

More to the point how many in Thailand ? :o

Edited by Hermano Lobo
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probably many thousands - and they won't be not necessarily russian citisens, they well might be brits.

on a whole we should not worry about it that much if british (and I assume thai) government do pursue CIA agenda

What pray tell is the CIA's agenda?

They were pretty much emasculated in the 70's by the US Congress, hence their inability to provide quality/accurate intelligence in today's world........

Now the new bad boy's on the block are the NSA and Homeland Security! :o

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CIA is responsible for international espionage, the others rather for internal affairs.

the CIA agenda is that of the usa government + some drug dealing to finance it's back door operations (assassinations, bombings, sponsoring military coups, bribing politicians and trade unionists etc)

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CIA is responsible for international espionage, the others rather for internal affairs.

the CIA agenda is that of the usa government + some drug dealing to finance it's back door operations (assassinations, bombings, sponsoring military coups, bribing politicians and trade unionists etc)

If this was 1975, I would agree with you, but it isn't.........

During the Watergate hearings many of their abuses were brought to the attention of Congress and measures were taken to reign in their power. Their ability to fund black projects by running operations like Air America and CAT were eliminated. Air America did ship drugs in Laos. The assassination of a foreign head of state was stopped by President Ford, it isn't a law but the directive carries the same weight. The sponsorship of military and civilian coups was also pre-1975.

During the Iran-Contra hearings, again congress was made privy to the CIA's dealings with Iran in supplying arms to Nicaragua in their fight with the Sandanista's. Again, congress reigned in their power even more......

What we have today in the CIA is an agency of desk bound analyst's without hardly any field support. The reason behind the lack of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq was that there weren't any field agents to actually verify their existence. The whole scenario was developed from interviews from defectors, paid informants and electronic intelligence. There was no independent verification by somebody on the ground.

Now, I am not familiar with the bombings you mention, would you care to enlighten me?

As to bribery, well that is the next best way to get an agent in a foreign country, compromise them or pay them. Unfortunately, you get what you pay for, because these types of agents are inherently unreliable.

Edited by Diablo Bob
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What we have today in the CIA is an agency of desk bound analyst's without hardly any field support. The reasoning behind the lack of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq was that their weren't any field agents to actually verify their existence. The whole scenario was developed from interviews from defectors, paid informants and electronic intelligence. There was no independent verification by somebody on the ground.

Robert Baer made a rather convincing point of that in his books. Interesting reading.

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the guy defeated from the service and was involved in some grey area activities for (probably) some other security service.

look what happens to the CIA agents like Osama bin Laden or Saddam Hussein - they are hunted and hanged.

once government's agent - they would rather kill you than let you go doing harm

Edited by londonthai
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look what happens to the CIA agents like Osama bin Laden or Saddam Hussein/../

Are you kidding us?

Both were not "agents" (only US citicens can be agents), but they were 'sources' (i believe that is the correct term), as many other later US enemies, such as Noriega in Panama.

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Putin "Set-Up" Theory Not Reflected By Media Coverage Of Litvinenko's Death

Apartment bombings, Politkovskaya assassination and 9/11 gargantuan reasons for former KGB thug to have poisoned ex-spy

Paul Joseph Watson

Prison Planet

Friday, November 24, 2006

If Alexander Litvinenko's poisoning is, as we are led to believe by a small cadre of prominent Internet bloggers and their cheerleaders, some kind of elaborate set-up on behalf of Zionists and Neo-Cons to drag Putin's name through the mud, then why do today's major Israeli newspapers carry scant mention of the former spy's death?

Apologists for Putin have attempted to weave a yarn that somehow suggests Litvinenko was knowingly poisoned by Zionist or Neo-Con agents in order to make it appear as if Putin was the culprit.

If this was the case then we'd expect to see the biggest Neo-Con and Zionist media fronts in Israel, the Jerusalem Post and Haaretz, to be wallowing in coverage of the former spy's death in a London hospital last night.

Yet both the Jerusalem Post and Haaretz chose to bury the story near the bottom of their websites, even as it was the top story at Reuters and BBC News.

The Jerusalem Post deemed a feature story about a children's nursery to be of more importance than Litvinenko's death.

Any mention of Litvinenko was also nowhere to be seen amongst Haaretz's main headlines.

If the Zionists and Neo-Cons were so eager to smear Putin for Litvinenko's death then why was the report of his death barely mentioned on the top Israeli newspaper websites?

The motivation for former KGB thug Putin having ordered the assassination of Litvinenko is plainly obvious. Litvinenko was at the forefront of exposing government sponsored terror surrounding the apartment bombings of 1999, which were carried out at the behest of Putin by FSB agents who were physically caught planting the hexogen explosives but were later allowed to escape.

In addition, Litvinenko claimed that he was about to come into possession of documents proving that Putin had ordered the assassination of Anna Politkovskaya, a journalist who was gunned down before she was about to publish a powerful story about Moscow sponsored torture and abductions in Chechnya.

Litvinenko also fingered Putin for having advance foreknowledge of 9/11, a charge afforded credibility by the fact that shortly before the infamous day, Russian officials "encouraged citizens to cash out U.S. dollars pending an economic collapse there after an "attack."

In addition, one of Putin's inner circle advisors, Dr. Tatyana Koryagina, warned of an impending attack that would be carried out by "a group of extremely powerful private persons, with total assets of about $300 trillion," in order to "legalize its power and to become the new world government."

Koryagina could have been referring to no one else but the Neo-Con power bloc that executed 9/11 to launch its pre-planned agenda. So logic follows that if Putin is somehow in opposition to this group, he would have either blown the whistle beforehand or publicly questioned the nature of the attacks afterwards in the manner of Hugo Chavez. Neither happened and Putin ran cover for the perpetrators of 9/11.

The theory that Putin is a knight in shining armor crusading against the Neo-Cons, the Bush administration and the forces attempting to bring about world government simply isn't supported by any factual evidence.

Despite his criminal rise to power, his KGB past and such systematic dismantling of Russian democracy by Putin, he and George Bush are "best friends". After meeting in 2001, Bush declared that he had peered into his soul and liked what he saw there.

The friendship continued as Putin urged US voters to re-instate Bush in 2004.

The reason Putin, a man who finds rape admirable and joked about it with Israeli President Moshe Katsav, likes Bush so much is that he can get away with whatever he wants without worry of recrimination. As prominent Russian experts have stated, there is an agreement between the two whereby in return for Russian acquiescence in the war on terror agenda in the middle east, the Bush administration has ignored Putin's undemocratic, freedom restricting takeover of the country and the EU.

The Russian style of "democracy" is the globalists' chosen model for Europe. The EU is being "harmonised" to this system. As Putin declared in 2003 at the EU summit, "Only by acting together can Russia and the enlarging European Union direct the process of the formation of a new world order, common values and interests."

Even what many would label a "Zionist" front, the Daniel Pipes associated Middle East Forum, lauds Putin for his pro-Israeli stance in an article entitled Putin's Pro-Israel Policy.

"Under Putin," writes Mark N. Katz, "Russia has not only declined to adopt Western Europe's increasingly shrill anti-Israel posture, but in many ways he has actually tilted Russian policy in Israel's favor."

Vladimir Putin is very much a devotee of the new world order global government cult and his clear motivation for having ordered the assassination of Alexander Litvinenko is not undercut by baseless theories that Putin is somehow being set-up to take the fall for Zionists and Neo-Cons - with whom he has always enjoyed a cozy and rewarding relationship.

Edited by bulmercke
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CIA is responsible for international espionage, the others rather for internal affairs.

the CIA agenda is that of the usa government + some drug dealing to finance it's back door operations (assassinations, bombings, sponsoring military coups, bribing politicians and trade unionists etc)


What we have today in the CIA is an agency of desk bound analyst's without hardly any field support. The reason behind the lack of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq was that there weren't any field agents to actually verify their existence. The whole scenario was developed from interviews from defectors, paid informants and electronic intelligence. There was no independent verification by somebody on the ground.

I believe the Department of Defense has performed a rather comprehensive "investigation" with over 100.000 field agents and verified the "non-existence" of WMD.

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Journalism seems a dangerous profession ?

I would not like to say what it could be but......

Watch out !

Watch out Herman you could be next!!!!

Russians are different from Europeans and so is the way they go about things.

Western values are a joke to them, the west pressured them to open their economy up in the early 90's and then shafted them royally,

the majority lost everything, some even their lives.

A minority profiited greatly, Putin et al.

Russia is re-emerging from 10+ yrs of virtual anihilation, it's wiser and it's meaner and it see's the world the way the world see's it.

It's dog eat dog.

It's got a lot going for it now, massive energy resources, a slimmed down military political structure and a hel_l of a lot of manpower.

Russians may come accross as unrefined in their mannerism's, but what a brutal country to have been brought up in. (you'd have to be pretty tough to survive there),

maybe that's why there are more of them coming to Thailand, the southern states of Russia where they would have gone in 'the old days' are now quite hostile, and they're not really welcome in Spain and and the Canaries, where they are looked upon as being unsophisticated.

Everybody needs a little sunshine. as they say in Scandinavia when the wind comes from the east it's as cold as a Russian hel_l.

Despite what they may say on another thread, the amount of Europeans coming to Thailand is down, especially amongst younger groups,

they can go to eastern europe and get plenty of what they want just as cheap if not cheaper, and guess who's running things there? you got it the Russians. So there is a need to fill the market here and I'd say that's why your seeing the move toward more Russian tourism.

I don't see it as anything sinister, it's the Russians spreading their wings, but doing it in a way that is typically Russian.

Edited by Robski
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