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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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14 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


 As is supporting the alleged criminal Hillary Clinton. :whistling:


You can argue all you like. This IS WHY (amongst dozens of other reasons) Trump is woefully unfit to be POTUS:


This law suit WILL progress and involves 3 independent witnesses.


Trump  took the virginity of a 13 yr both vaginally & anally & then hit her when she begged him to stop all the while she was tied to a bed. You see he liked this little girl & requested her several times & told her to perform oral & lesbian acts. This young girl was part of a sex slave ring (promising modeling contracts to get the girls) & the girls were brought in by Trump's friend Jeff Epstein a convicted sexual offender. After Trump raped the girl he & Epstein got into a fight because Epstein wanted to take her virginity. Guess there's no honor among rapists. 

You seriously need to use your computer to research instead of regurgitating the bs you hear from your child rapist candidate. 

Anyone who votes for Trump the Pedophile after they hear about this should be ashamed of themselves. It shows their lack of decency & that they obviously don't care about the impact a rape has on anyone's life but especially a child. YOUR CANDIDATE IS A PEDOPHILE!


I guess you will put this down to 'locker room' behaviour.

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17 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Sounds like more spin. Hilary lied about her name and about landing under fire in Bosnia. Neither of these lies was "essential or benificial". She often just lies for the heck of it.


I don't think they are always well construed or always of the essential/beneficial sort. It was a generalization. Note that I do not paint her as honest, just as a more accomplished and polished liar.


Wouldn't know that two examples over a career make for "often". Relative to the deluge of contradictory, factually incorrect, outrageous self serving statements and half truth coming from Trump on these elections and the recent primaries alone, it does seem much.

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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


I would put it down to the dishonest campaign rhetoric which is so common in your diatribes against Republican candidates. 

Well I think you are completely wrong considering the campaign have chosen not to use it. I think they do not want to ruin the chance of a successful court trial on behalf of the victims. It is in court and Trump will go down. Imagine - you want a rock spider as President of your country.

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9 hours ago, Morch said:


I don't think they are always well construed or always of the essential/beneficial sort. It was a generalization. Note that I do not paint her as honest, just as a more accomplished and polished liar.


Wouldn't know that two examples over a career make for "often".



As you know already, there are a lot more than two lies from Hillary. Those were the ones that sprang immediately to mind as completely unnecessary.



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7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:



As you know already, there are a lot more than two lies from Hillary. Those were the ones that sprang immediately to mind as completely unnecessary.





 Clinton Lies About Lying About Her Lies: The newly revived email controversy shows how she manages to be less trusted than Trump.



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13 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:


The article that caught my eye from your link was this one:




I lived in New Mexico for a few years during Johnson's governorship and he was well liked by citizens of both parties.

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We guess the folks don't really believe Obama's claim that Donald Trump is "woefully unfit" based on the evidence below:


Poll: Donald Trump Takes 3-Point Lead in Virginia — 15-Point Swing in Past Month




NEW YORK CITY, New York — Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has taken the lead in the latest poll out of the battleground state of Virginia, with his Democrat rival Hillary Clinton slipping 15 points in a month.

The Hampton University Center for Public Policy (CPP) poll out on Wednesday afternoon shows that Trump has taken a three-point lead over Clinton in the Old Dominion, inside the poll’s margin of error of 4.57 percent. The survey of 802 Virginians, taken from Oct. 26 through Oct. 30—meaning it was conducted both before and after the FBI announced its reopening of the criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s illicit home brew email server—found Trump at 44 percent and Clinton at 41 percent.


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8 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:



As you know already, there are a lot more than two lies from Hillary. Those were the ones that sprang immediately to mind as completely unnecessary.




The reference was to the sort of lies discussed earlier as seemingly not falling into the "essential or beneficial" category. I never claimed she does not lie, or that these two examples cited were the only lies she ever told.


As I see lies as endemic to all politicians, its more of a relative issue. The part you chose to snip (as you do) while quoting my post addressed this within the context of the current elections:



Relative to the deluge of contradictory, factually incorrect, outrageous self serving statements and half truth coming from Trump on these elections and the recent primaries alone, it does seem much.




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3 minutes ago, kimchibogan said:

Obama has been a solid President, Trump is indeed woefully unfit to be Prez. USA would go down the gurgler with orange-face at the helm.


I doubt it. Although it is very likely that Trump would go down the gurgler if he were at the helm.

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12 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

We guess the folks don't really believe Obama's claim that Donald Trump is "woefully unfit" based on the evidence below:


Poll: Donald Trump Takes 3-Point Lead in Virginia — 15-Point Swing in Past Month




NEW YORK CITY, New York — Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has taken the lead in the latest poll out of the battleground state of Virginia, with his Democrat rival Hillary Clinton slipping 15 points in a month.

The Hampton University Center for Public Policy (CPP) poll out on Wednesday afternoon shows that Trump has taken a three-point lead over Clinton in the Old Dominion, inside the poll’s margin of error of 4.57 percent. The survey of 802 Virginians, taken from Oct. 26 through Oct. 30—meaning it was conducted both before and after the FBI announced its reopening of the criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s illicit home brew email server—found Trump at 44 percent and Clinton at 41 percent.



This was not news except in your posts and in the mass of highly financed and funded rightwing media.


A poll taken simultaneously to your poll not only found the opposite, but it upped your poll by 2 points.......


Poll: Clinton leads Trump by 5 points in Va.


Clinton leads Trump, 44 to 39 percent, according to the Winthrop University Poll.


“With several negative ‘October surprises’ coming out and affecting both candidates, we have seen a tightening of the race in national polls. However, while Clinton’s lead in Virginia has shrunk from its highest point, she still leads Donald Trump in the Commonwealth," said poll Director Scott Huffmon. 


The poll also shows Trump still struggling to gain support among members of the GOP. Only 68 percent of Republicans had a favorable view of him, while 83 percent of Democrats viewed Clinton favorably. 


The Winthrop University poll survey of 712 likely voters, conducted between Oct. 23 and 30, has a margin of error of 3.6 percentage points. 





It's a standoff and your beloved miracle poll is an outlier besides so forget it.





From today's wires....


There are six days to go in the presidential race:


Florida: Clinton 48%, Trump 40%, Johnson 3% (TargetSmart)

TargetSmart is the only pollster to include the polling of the early voters of FL who have already cast their ballots which means TS has in its database the 28% of Republicans who have already and in fact voted for HRC. 


     Florida: Clinton 46%, Trump 45%, Johnson 2% (Quinnipiac)

Florida: Trump 49%, Clinton 45%, Johnson 2% (Trafalgar)

Florida: Clinton 49%, Trump 47%, Johnson 3% (CNN)    (FL = 29 Electoral College Votes)


Michigan: Clinton 50%, Trump 43%, Johnson 4% (Mitchell)

Michigan: Clinton 47%, Trump 28%, Johnson 11% (Michigan State)   (MI = 18 Electoral College Votes)

Virginia: Clinton 44%, Trump 39%, Johnson 5% (Winthrop)

Virginia: Trump 44%, Clinton 41% (Hampton University)   (VA = 13 ECV's)

    Ohio: Trump 49%, Clinton 44%, Johnson 2% (Trafalgar)

     Ohio: Trump 46%, Clinton 41%, Johnson 5% (Quinnipiac)       (OH = 18 ECV's)


Colorado: Clinton 44%, Trump 41%, Johnson 8% (Emerson)   (CO = 9 ECV's)


Arizona: Trump 47%, Clinton 43%, Johnson 2% (Emerson)   

Arizona: Trump 49%, Clinton 45%, Johnson 5% (CNN)    (AZ = 11 ECV's)


Georgia: Trump 51%, Clinton 42%, Johnson 2% (Emerson)   (GA = 16 ECV's)

     Pennsylvania: Clinton 48%, Trump 44%, Johnson 3% (Monmouth)

Pennsylvania: Clinton 48%, Trump 44%, Johnson 4% (CNN)   

Pennsylvania: Clinton 48%, Trump 43%, Johnson 3% (Quinnipiac)    

Pennsylvania: Clinton 45%, Trump 43%, Johnson 2% (Susquehanna)   (PA = 20 ECV's)


Nevada: Trump 49%, Clinton 43%, Johnson 5% (CNN)  
Nevada: Clinton 45%, Trump 45%, Johnson 4% (JMC Enterprises)   (NV = 5 ECV's)


Wisconsin: Clinton 46%, Trump 40% (Marquette Law)   (WI = 10 ECV's)

North Carolina: Clinton 47%, Trump 44%, Johnson 3% (Quinnipiac)   (NC = 15 ECV's)


Lotta polls flying around. Some say the same. Others say different.


Winner of the two-party vote wins the election of Potus, every time since 1900.


HRC currently has 54.7% of the two party vote. Two-party vote = only the combined vote of the two parties. The range since 1900 is 55% to 45%. HRC at 54.7% of the two-party vote is knocking at the door of the max of 55%.

Edited by Publicus
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A Trump Tower Goes Bust in Canada.


On Tuesday, a Canadian bankruptcy judge placed the glass-and-granite building into receivership, just four years after Trump and his children cut the ribbon at its grand opening. Once it’s auctioned off, whether or not Trump is the leader of the free world by then, his name may well vanish from its marquee.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/11/trump-tower-goes-bust-canada-214412#ixzz4OyXyUEjL 

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7 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Trump Russia Confession: He Does Know Putin And Here’s The Proof (VIDEO).





Donald Trump gets a Full Flop for whether he's had a relationship to Vladimir Putin



Here’s the Deal With That Putin 60 Minutes Episode Trump Mentioned


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I've maintained throughout that Trump has a campaign office in Moscow -- in the Kremlin specifically.


In Putin's office most specifically......



“The U.S. government believes hackers from Russia or elsewhere may try to undermine the presidential election and is mounting an unprecedented effort to counter their cyber meddling,”  NBC News reports.


“The effort is being coordinated by the White House and the Department of Homeland Security, but reaches across multiple government agencies, including the CIA, the National Security Agency and other elements of the Defense Department, current and former officials say.



Very good anticipatory work by the U.S. Government based on real evidence and proof.


It is also wise of the White House to leave James Comey and the FBI out of this particular loop. (Maybe include agents that have a politically clean record, which would certainly be a minority of 'em.)

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It's still horrifically shocking that the trump thing is so close to be president.

But he can still can be stopped!






We joke because we seek sanity in an insane moment. For the idea that Trump might be elected is as crazy as the man is. Trump remains, as he has been all along, an open and committed enemy of liberal democracy and constitutional republicanism, and yet he is at most a few polling points from power. Indeed, we can be confident that, whatever the play of the polls this week, we will certainly arrive at next Tuesday with Trump retaining at least the chance that any candidate of one of our two major parties always has—a real one, with much depending on things that happen outside anyone’s control, often at the last minute, and in ways that cannot now easily be envisioned. Those are the stakes, and our emergency, our sleepless baby, our back-from-the-dead killer.





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32 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It's still horrifically shocking that the trump thing is so close to be president.

But he can still can be stopped!


Well he might be stopped BUT the damage is done. He has been allowed to divide and polarise the USA with a level of hate and despise that has not been seen for maybe almost two hundred years. He is so close that whoever wins, the USA is now in the poop. The least 'violent' option is if he wins, if Hilary wins he will rally the deplorable and there will be blood. All the GOP that talk heartedly smiled when he decided to run should all retire from politics and take up a career packing shopping at the end of the till in wall mart.

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On ‎01‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 8:37 AM, Skywalker69 said:





(sorry for the unintentioned quote here)


When MSM define Trump as an  "unusual" candidate - it's PC .  

Trump is apocalyptic.

Trump says he  knows nothing about the far right and supremacist groups - as well as he pretends to have no connection at all with Putin.

Maybe it's true.


But -  


- > This paper focuses on : the establishment of a relationship of mutual understanding and ideological congruence between Europe’s far-right parties and the Putin doctrine, or Putinism 


(extend "Europe" to "U.S.A")






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31 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


Well he might be stopped BUT the damage is done. He has been allowed to divide and polarise the USA with a level of hate and despise that has not been seen for maybe almost two hundred years. He is so close that whoever wins, the USA is now in the poop. The least 'violent' option is if he wins, if Hilary wins he will rally the deplorable and there will be blood. All the GOP that talk heartedly smiled when he decided to run should all retire from politics and take up a career packing shopping at the end of the till in wall mart.


"...if Hilary wins he will rally the deplorable and there will be blood."


I doubt that very much. The vast majority of voters will probably accept the results, whether happy about it or not. Trump never led people, certainly not to battle. Talk on campaign trail is cheap,  and a lot of people (not to mention posters) get caught up in elections hyperbole. Sure, there will be some fringe elements who may or may not act on their beliefs. Can't see it evolving into anything widespread.


That's not to say that Trump and his supporters (at least some of them), will not carry on talking in the same vein if things don't go their way.


I do think that taking up the "deplorable" label again is both wrong, and entirely unhelpful if one cares about the country being divided and polarized.

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56 minutes ago, Morch said:


"...if Hilary wins he will rally the deplorable and there will be blood."


I doubt that very much. The vast majority of voters will probably accept the results, whether happy about it or not. Trump never led people, certainly not to battle. Talk on campaign trail is cheap,  and a lot of people (not to mention posters) get caught up in elections hyperbole. Sure, there will be some fringe elements who may or may not act on their beliefs. Can't see it evolving into anything widespread.


That's not to say that Trump and his supporters (at least some of them), will not carry on talking in the same vein if things don't go their way.


I do think that taking up the "deplorable" label again is both wrong, and entirely unhelpful if one cares about the country being divided and polarized.


Morch I empathise with your sentiment but........................Deplorables and Trump is speaking their language:



If only 0.1% of Trump supporters want violence as many say then after Nov 8th that will be around 125 000 nut jobs with guns. That is enough to cause serious anxiety.

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