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Five Cambodian workers imprisoned in a Malaysian jail were repatriated yesterday, with 13 more expected to make their way back to the Kingdom in the coming days. All 18 were jailed for allegedly lacking the proper work permits and all had been brought to Malaysia by informal brokers, many of whom abandoned them once they arrived.

The workers were being held in prison in Bukit Jalil, a suburb of Kuala Lumpur, and the Foreign Ministry asked the Cambodian ambassador to Malaysia to secure their release once they were notified of their arrest and detention.   “After the intervention of the embassy, Malaysian authorities agreed to release 18 Cambodian people from the prison in Bukit Jalil, but only five people were sent back to the country on Wednesday while the other 13 people will be sent back later,” said Foreign Ministry spokesman Chum Sounry.

The International Organization for Migration helped cover the costs of the plane tickets for the workers and facilitated their release to the embassy. The five workers who returned yesterday – Sales Sokry, 36, Him Saryphors, 36, Mat Yakob, 32, Mat Savy, 32, and Sen Song, 20 – all came from Tboung Khmum province and told similar tales of being swindled by brokers who promised them high-paying jobs in Malaysia.


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/28048/maids-repatriated-from-malaysia/

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