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One dead, several hurt in central London knife attack


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7 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

I think you have posted misinformation.


Examine the spreadsheet on the ONS website, and the raw figures reinforce the BabyCentre survey: Mohammed really is the single most popular name.




The data link you posted - and the one on the Spectator article you linked to doesn't seem to work.


However that is irrelevant as even the Spectator acknowledges in the article: "Having lots of baby Mohammuds/Mohammeds/Mohammads running around doesn’t turn us into an Islamic country, of course, because Islamic names are easily outnumbered by Christian ones overall. "

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10 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

Hardly surprising the BBC buried it, there is absolutely nothing in it for them. Even the Israeli victim who tried to help is very photogenic, not some old bearded bloke who looks like a religious loon himself.


They haven't buried it - it is there, on the app,  contrary to what the OP stated.


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10 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


They haven't buried it - it is there, on the app,  contrary to what the OP stated.



Thanks very much - I found it in the UK section at the very end just like you said. Nothing on BBC World on the TV for 45 minutes.


So next time there's a murder of a 60 year old woman by a 19 year old mentally ill person in the centre of London, I'll know where to find it.


Much appreciated.


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6 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:


Thanks very much - I found it in the UK section at the very end just like you said. Nothing on BBC World on the TV for 45 minutes.


So next time there's a murder of a 60 year old woman by a 19 year old mentally ill person in the centre of London, I'll know where to find it.


Much appreciated.



Forgive me if I detect unintended sarcasm, however you initially stated 'no mention at all of this on my BBC app' as if, I presume, to suggest that the BBC was party to some conspiracy of silence. Of course, this is manna to many posters on TV who accept incorrect information as gospel as long as it suits their particular narrative - an opportunity to bash the BBC, Muslims and the UK immigration policy all wrapped up in one sentence. However I am glad that we are all in agreement - the BBC is not trying to hoodwink the nation.

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31 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


Forgive me if I detect unintended sarcasm, however you initially stated 'no mention at all of this on my BBC app' as if, I presume, to suggest that the BBC was party to some conspiracy of silence. Of course, this is manna to many posters on TV who accept incorrect information as gospel as long as it suits their particular narrative - an opportunity to bash the BBC, Muslims and the UK immigration policy all wrapped up in one sentence. However I am glad that we are all in agreement - the BBC is not trying to hoodwink the nation.


I am disappointed that you think my post included unintended sarcasm. Any sarcasm was indeed intended as it tends to make people have a little chuckle while absorbing the information in my posts.  default_biggrin.png


As far as my ability to find the story, as I said "as far as the BBC App on my phone is concerned, er, hang on a mo, let me try to find the story. " I could not find it, buried as it was at the very bottom of the stories in the UK only section. So "my bad"; I should've realised this was not "World News" story or a "Top Story".


And when I say it was "buried at the very bottom", that's exactly what I meant:







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Methinks RuamRudy and 7by7 doth protest too much.


Assuming they are two different people, neither has been away from the UK long enough for the PC Brainwashing to be rinsed away.


But I feel deeply sorry for the victim's husband who will now be flying back to the US alone, and I hope this and other similar tragic events will lead to a more logical and PC-free immigration policy based on the value that any immigrants will add to their adopted community. 



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4 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:


I am disappointed that you think my post included unintended sarcasm. Any sarcasm was indeed intended as it tends to make people have a little chuckle while absorbing the information in my posts.  default_biggrin.png


As far as my ability to find the story, as I said "as far as the BBC App on my phone is concerned, er, hang on a mo, let me try to find the story. " I could not find it, buried as it was at the very bottom of the stories in the UK only section. So "my bad"; I should've realised this was not "World News" story or a "Top Story".


And when I say it was "buried at the very bottom", that's exactly what I meant:








Sadly thousands of people are victims of basic homicide every day - the reality is that that they are not news worthy on an international platform, sometimes not even on a national platform. The police have ruled out any immediate link to terrorism so this becomes a tragedy of limited news worthiness - a brutal fact, admittedly. However I suspect that many posters here are upset less for the woman's death and more for the fact that the boy aprehended has not sworn allegiance to ISIS, hence the almost rabid desire to twist reality and ignore the facts.

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5 minutes ago, Familyonthemove said:

Methinks RuamRudy and 7by7 doth protest too much.


Assuming they are two different people, neither has been away from the UK long enough for the PC Brainwashing to be rinsed away.


But I feel deeply sorry for the victim's husband who will now be flying back to the US alone, and I hope this and other similar tragic events will lead to a more logical and PC-free immigration policy based on the value that any immigrants will add to their adopted community. 




I can assure you that I am not 7by7 - if I recall correctly, (s)he and I had some protracted disagreements over the Scottish independence referendum a few years back.


As for not being away from the UK long enough to lose my wooly liberal sensibilities, I have lived in Russia and Kazakhstan for most of the last 15 years so I guess there is no hope for me.

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9 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

 However I suspect that many posters here are upset less for the woman's death and more for the fact that the boy aprehended has not sworn allegiance to ISIS, hence the almost rabid desire to twist reality and ignore the facts.


Have all the facts been released then?


What was the muslim nutters name? It wasn't released during the initial 24 hours.


You call him a "boy". 

What was his age then? Under 18?


i appreciate any facts you have.



Edited by ClutchClark
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6 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Have all the facts been released then?


What was the muslim nutters name? It wasn't released during the initial 24 hours.


You call him a "boy". 

What was his age then? Under 18?


i appreciate any facts you have.




His name is Zakaria Bulhan.   19 years old.  


So not 'Oliver Smith'.

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3 minutes ago, Familyonthemove said:


His name is Zakaria Bulhan.   19 years old.  


So not 'Oliver Smith'.


Thanks for the details.


It appears Ruamrudy got his "facts" wrong when he called the 19-year old adult male killer a "boy".


Glad the name was finally released. That allows the public to be properly warned once again that young muslim men seem to be brutally killing people around Europe.


My apologies to anyone offended by my lack of proper PC.

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19 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


Norway is not in the EU - Brexit has nothing to do with this tragic case.


Somebody correct me, if I'm wrong.  But during the Brexit debate, when I heard that the UK might seek a post Brexit solution fashioned after the one Norway received, it was reported that in order to get a trade agreement Norway had to allow for free movement of people.  I assume that also allowed Norwegian nationals free movement in the EU.  Presumably, Brexit will stop this unfettered movement of peoples and, indeed, this sort of wandering Somali will not be allowed.

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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:


Thanks for the details.


It appears Ruamrudy got his "facts" wrong when he called the 19-year old adult male killer a "boy".


Glad the name was finally released. That allows the public to be properly warned once again that young muslim men seem to be brutally killing people around Europe.


My apologies to anyone offended by my lack of proper PC.


Does the term 'boy' carry a legal distinction? I was not aware of that - I would appreciate it if you could point that out to me. Although when I searched Google for the definition of boy, I got the following:

noun: boy; plural noun: boys
  1. 1.
    a male child or young man.
    "a group of six boys"
    synonyms: lad, schoolboy, male child, youth, young man, laddie, stripling
    "the tallest boy in our class"
    • a son.
      "she put her little boy to bed"
    • a male child or young man who does a specified job.
      "a delivery boy"
  2. 2.
    used informally or lightheartedly to refer to a man.
    "the inspector was a local boy"


So it would seem that a young man can be a boy and, I presume, vice-versa. But, I appreciate that this does not contrubute to your anti-Muslim invective and, while all evidence suggests that, as the police stated, there is no apparent terrorism link, you are free to continue to clutch at all straws, no matter how weak and pathetic looking those straws may be, in your desperate efforts to spread doubt and fear.


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1 hour ago, Usernames said:


Somebody correct me, if I'm wrong.  But during the Brexit debate, when I heard that the UK might seek a post Brexit solution fashioned after the one Norway received, it was reported that in order to get a trade agreement Norway had to allow for free movement of people.  I assume that also allowed Norwegian nationals free movement in the EU.  Presumably, Brexit will stop this unfettered movement of peoples and, indeed, this sort of wandering Somali will not be allowed.


Possibly you are right - of course that will not be the case when England tries to negotiate their trade agreements with Europe because the rest of the world is rightly in awe of the English empire and will concede to just whatever whimisical fancy it demands.

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5 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


Does the term 'boy' carry a legal distinction? I was not aware of that - I would appreciate it if you could point that out to me. Although when I searched Google for the definition of boy, I got the following:

noun: boy; plural noun: boys
  1. 1.
    a male child or young man.
    "a group of six boys"
    synonyms: lad, schoolboy, male child, youth, young man, laddie, stripling
    "the tallest boy in our class"
    • a son.
      "she put her little boy to bed"
    • a male child or young man who does a specified job.
      "a delivery boy"
  2. 2.
    used informally or lightheartedly to refer to a man.
    "the inspector was a local boy"


So it would seem that a young man can be a boy and, I presume, vice-versa. But, I appreciate that this does not contrubute to your anti-Muslim invective and, while all evidence suggests that, as the police stated, there is no apparent terrorism link, you are free to continue to clutch at all straws, no matter how weak and pathetic looking those straws may be, in your desperate efforts to spread doubt and fear.



So, if this (and other "single incidents" within short period of time)  is all due to mental illness and what not should EU start to invest in mental institutions EU wide in a very fast timescale?

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A profile on a book rating website in Bulhan’s name showed that he was interested in Islamic theology. He had recently read a biography of the Prophet Mohamed and book of Quran verses and hadiths.



A neighbour said an ambulance had been called to his family's flat around six months ago because Bulhan had threatened to self-harm. She told The Times: "He wanted to kill himself.



"But for the last two years it is as if Zakaria had gone undercover keeping himself to himself and stopped playing football."


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On 8/4/2016 at 9:29 PM, MissAndry said:


When the guy is caught in the street with the knife in his hand, blood dripping, and a victim under him, I'm not sure 'presumption of innocence' is applicable. And the police have wasted everyone's time and money by not shooting to kill.

Not really, cos they now have someone they can interrogate.

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On ‎04‎/‎08‎/‎2016 at 3:29 PM, MissAndry said:


When the guy is caught in the street with the knife in his hand, blood dripping, and a victim under him, I'm not sure 'presumption of innocence' is applicable. And the police have wasted everyone's time and money by not shooting to kill.


So you believe that the civilised rule of law by which we live in the UK should be abandoned and the police given the power to act as judge and jury and arbitrarily shoot to kill any and all those they suspect of violent crime?


Or do you apply that only to non white suspects who may or may not be Muslim? (Yes, I know that some Muslims are white.)


Supposing the police arrived on the scene and discovered a man holding a  blood dripping knife with a victim under him and shot him to death; only to discover that he was a heroic passer-by who had wrestled with the real attacker, disarmed him and was now checking on one of the victims?


Remember Jean Charles de Menezes?


Remember the alleged shoot to kill policy in Northern Ireland and the damage that did to the UK's reputation and  the boost it gave to IRA propaganda?


There are other examples.


Fortunately such police killings are rare in the UK; long may it remain so.



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On ‎05‎/‎08‎/‎2016 at 8:47 AM, ClutchClark said:


Have all the facts been released then?


What was the muslim nutters name? It wasn't released during the initial 24 hours.



As said several times previously, APCO guidelines state that a suspects name should not be released until charged.


Bulhan has now been charged, so as per those guidelines his name has now been released.


Before The Ministry of Truth again brings up the naming of the murderer of Jo Cox before his being charged in a feeble attempt to 'prove' double standards; the police did not name him. Elements of the press discovered Mair's name from locals who knew him and put it to the police. As per the APCO guidelines the police then confirmed his name, even though he had at that time not been charged.

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1 hour ago, FinChin67 said:

Let's add this:

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Mentally Ill’ Suspect Of Somali Descent In UK Attack Studied Terror


This is what your argument has descended to? Weak does not begin to describe it.

A boy with the same name read a 13th century text 2 years ago and you cite this as proof that he was an ISIS lone wolf? Words almost fail me.

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On ‎05‎/‎08‎/‎2016 at 8:35 AM, Familyonthemove said:

Methinks RuamRudy and 7by7 doth protest too much.


Assuming they are two different people, neither has been away from the UK long enough for the PC Brainwashing to be rinsed away.


But I feel deeply sorry for the victim's husband who will now be flying back to the US alone, and I hope this and other similar tragic events will lead to a more logical and PC-free immigration policy based on the value that any immigrants will add to their adopted community. 



 I can assure you that we are not the same person; as RuamRudy says, whilst we agree on some subjects, we strongly disagree on others.


 But using your 'logic' I must assume all the haters posting their twisted version of events must be the same person!!!!


Whatever the motives behind this attack, of course one has a great deal of sympathy for the victims and their families. Especially the family of Darlene Horton.


I just hope that none of them ever read this forum and see that their suffering is being used by some as an excuse for spouting ignorant hatred before any facts are known.

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8 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:


The only "problem" with that policy is that they didn't get Adams or McGuinness in their sights.


 So you don't care that in the eyes of the world, especially the USA, it made the British government and army the villains and the IRA the heroes.


Just as internment without trial did.


Speaking as someone who had friends injured in the Guildford bombings; speaking as someone who would have been in the Horse and Groom with those friends when the bomb went off had I not been delayed; I care.



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1 hour ago, RuamRudy said:


This is what your argument has descended to? Weak does not begin to describe it.

A boy with the same name read a 13th century text 2 years ago and you cite this as proof that he was an ISIS lone wolf? Words almost fail me.

What argument? You have a very wild imagination.

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1 hour ago, FinChin67 said:

What argument? You have a very wild imagination.


I hope that I don't offend you because that is not what I want to do, but I think that English is not your first language and I further think that you have misunderstood my use of the word 'argument'.


I meant it as per this definition from Wikipedia:

"In philosophy and logic, an argument is a series of statements typically used to persuade someone of something or to present reasons for accepting a conclusion."


If, however, you were aware of that and your response simply flew over my head, I apologise.

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