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Police: London stabbings that killed US woman not terrorism


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16 hours ago, 7by7 said:


Indeed, considering the number of members here who claim to have read the Koran and hadiths, studied them, be experts on them and regularly quote from them in order to justify their opinion; Thai Visa must be a hot bed of Islamic terrorism!

Justifying opinion (that islam is a dangerous religious cult) based on quran and hadiths is safe.
Justifying killing, raping and murdering by quran and hadiths while yelling allahu snackbar is not.

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2 hours ago, yogi100 said:


That's way out of line.


We wish we were not even discussing these matters but some of us have to live with it and have opinions that do not fit in with the pink and fluffy agenda that is firmly lodged in liberal minds.


Some of us do actually LIVE in areas where an Islamic attack has occurred and feel uneasy when in any kind of proximity to those who may be responsible for the next one. You may not have heard but blood is beginning to flow on European streets and it's basically thanks to our politicians, their attempts at regime changing and their hare brained liberal policies.


Their destructive social engineering experiment of ‘multiculturalism’ introduced hostile ethnic groups into our once harmonious and relatively safe communities, and their active shipping in of million of Muslims into Europe is now costing the lives of European people practically on a daily basis.
Some of these lives belong to our sons and daughters who are most likely to be the victims in these vile atrocities and yes we do hate those responsible, both the Muslims and politicians, That's the main reason we voted to quit the EU.
Wait till an Islamic terrorist stalks Bondi Beach in Australia on the rampage with an AK 47 and slaughters 30 innocent Australians or lets off a bomb in a crowded train, bus or shopping centre in Perth or Melbourne and see what song sheet you sing to then. Then to add insult to injury have clueless outsiders accuse you of bigotry!




Actually I was born, raised and worked in London & was resident there during the IRA bombing campaign that caused a number of civilian deaths and brutal cowardly murders of HMG security forces. At no time did I loath / hate all Irish


One can correctly condemn those who carry our terrorist attacks and their supporters . However, having lived within a Sunni Muslim community in Thailand  for four years I do not subscribe to the never ending accusations against Muslims in general.


The Oz government has warned of the possibility of a mass casualty attack, if that event/s occurs it will not lead me down the path of hatred towards the Muslim community in general which in my view doesn't generate any constructive outcomes for society & only achieves the goals desired by the likes of Daesh. Unfortunately fear has led to rise of the far right in Australia, who offer unrealistic and divisive policies and support a number of truly stupid conspiracy theories. Why anyone with a modicum of intelligence supports these people & platforms is beyond me.

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37 minutes ago, FinChin67 said:

- be European
- go to airport, get bombed
- get to train, get shot
- go to concert, get shot
- walk about, get slashed and stabbed
- go to festival, get raped
- catch a bus, get bombed
- go to street party, get run over
- draw Mohammed, get killed
- etc...
- voice concern of the danger of letting in muslim immigrants get arrested for intolerance


You obviously didn't live through the IRA bombing campaign, and work in the West End at the time....


The thing I find most depressing is the hatred of so many - this time directed at ALL moslems.


It used to be Russia and now its moslems.


Popular politics at its best - justifying any act of aggression towards moslem countries :(.  We went through this previously - do we really have to go through this again, bearing in mind our 'actions' (i.e. wars) only lead to more moslem terrorist acts??


Edit - No idea of the truth behind Charlie Wilson's War - but the end result sounds about right to me....

Edited by dick dasterdly
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1 hour ago, yogi100 said:


You can see from reports it's a shop fronted bar with no obstructions from entry or exiting.


Public places have to conform to health and safety regulations especially fire hazards regarding inflammable materials and fire exits etc.


OK that will not guarantee a fire not starting  but neither is it a sound reason for so many fatalities being caused.


You may think it's a perfectly normal understandable occurrence but some of us may regard the circumstances as a bit suspicious to say the least.


Police act on the orders of governments and it's beginning to dawn on not just French but all European politicians that their quest for a multicultural society has been one massive, ill conceived pipe dream.


They've already tried excusing these attacks with claims of mental instability on the part of the perpetrators. Who knows what else they may have up their sleeves, politicians have been known to tell the occasional lie when it suits their agenda.


Look at the comments sections in the various on line versions of our daily newspapers and you will see I'm not alone in my suspicions.


Oh dear !

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Just now, FinChin67 said:

- be European
- go to airport, get bombed
- get to train, get shot
- go to concert, get shot
- walk about, get slashed and stabbed
- go to festival, get raped
- catch a bus, get bombed
- go to street party, get run over
- draw Mohammed, get killed
- etc...
- voice concern of the danger of letting in muslim immigrants get arrested for intolerance


- die non-Muslim, burn in hell for all eternity


The violence never ends!

Edited by mesterm
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17 hours ago, GuestHouse said:


It seems that the majority of Londoners have a different experience than you and are not Islamophobic, or if they are they managed to put it aside while electing the new mayor. 


I was in London on 7/7, but not using public transport. 


Thank you for your interest in my profile. 


Well you saw or were at least aware of what happened to over 700 people in London that day. I listened to the events unfold on LBC radio throughout the day till a pal ran me to LHR in the afternoon.


When the truth dawned on people the loathing and disgust of English men and women from all walks of life was immeasurable.


Did it not instill in you a hatred or at least a distrust for those responsible and those that made it possible by nurturing and rearing them especially when most of us never wanted them in our country in the first place.

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2 hours ago, simple1 said:



Actually I was born, raised and worked in London & was resident there during the IRA bombing campaign that caused a number of civilian deaths and brutal cowardly murders of HMG security forces. At no time did I loath / hate all Irish


One can correctly condemn those who carry our terrorist attacks and their supporters . However, having lived within a Sunni Muslim community in Thailand  for four years I do not subscribe to the never ending accusations against Muslims in general.


The Oz government has warned of the possibility of a mass casualty attack, if that event/s occurs it will not lead me down the path of hatred towards the Muslim community in general which in my view doesn't generate any constructive outcomes for society & only achieves the goals desired by the likes of Daesh. Unfortunately fear has led to rise of the far right in Australia, who offer unrealistic and divisive policies and support a number of truly stupid conspiracy theories. Why anyone with a modicum of intelligence supports these people & platforms is beyond me.


How does the fear of a terrorist attack by those of an alien religion and culture make someone 'far right' any more than those who do not fear it 'far left'. Fearing death and injury does not qualify someone as being 'far right'.


Why anyone with a 'modicum' of common sense does not fear or is at least are rather concerned about becoming a victim of a terrorist attack is 'beyond me'. The intelligent step to take would be to identify, isolate, imprison and deport those whose profiles fit the bill of a possible future terrorist for the good of all concerned.


Then eventually hatred and fear would possibly gradually dissipate with time and we might just be able to live in harmony in the future although it's doubtful that would happen. Multiculturalism has been a failed experiment wherever it's been tried. Even Angela Merkel admitted as much regarding Europe back in 2010.

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27 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


How does the fear of a terrorist attack by those of an alien religion and culture make someone 'far right' any more than those who do not fear it 'far left'. Fearing death and injury does not qualify someone as being 'far right'.


Why anyone with a 'modicum' of common sense does not fear or is at least are rather concerned about becoming a victim of a terrorist attack is 'beyond me'. The intelligent step to take would be to identify, isolate, imprison and deport those whose profiles fit the bill of a possible future terrorist for the good of all concerned.


Then eventually hatred and fear would possibly gradually dissipate with time and we might just be able to live in harmony in the future although it's doubtful that would happen. Multiculturalism has been a failed experiment wherever it's been tried. Even Angela Merkel admitted as much regarding Europe back in 2010.

In the 1939-45 German and Austrian and Japanese Nationals were rounded up in many of Our Countries. Some persecuted for being their Race. In the 1950's and 60's there was the Red threat and those with Leftist views often persecuted and ridiculed in the media. Now it is other immigrant Groups that fringe Groups whip up hate against. And when amongst them there is the odd Nutter or Extremist You buy into the message of fear. I do not fear them. But that does not mean I am not on the alert. But if you want to buy into the Politics of fear How can you sleep at Night. If someone does something near you what will you do? Better to be alert and prepare and pray that it does not happen to you. While avoiding marginalising Innocent refugees when it is a small fringe we need to be aware of. Most just want a better life. Most of us are descended from Immigrants. 

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2 hours ago, yogi100 said:


Well you saw or were at least aware of what happened to over 700 people in London that day. I listened to the events unfold on LBC radio throughout the day till a pal ran me to LHR in the afternoon.


When the truth dawned on people the loathing and disgust of English men and women from all walks of life was immeasurable.


Did it not instill in you a hatred or at least a distrust for those responsible and those that made it possible by nurturing and rearing them especially when most of us never wanted them in our country in the first place.



In a word.



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7 hours ago, i claudius said:


You are correct ,but as i said before ,if him and his family had not been allowed into the UK that poor woman would now be alive , and funny isnt it that all these recent attacks by people with mental problems have been muslims?


"All these recent attacks?" Wrong; as anyone who lives in the UK and reads the UK news can tell you.


Last week, for example, two separate attacks in S. E. London left two dead, in another incident in Wolverhampton three are in a serious condition. No Muslims involved.


But it's usually only when the attacker is Muslim that it makes the international news; I wonder why.


Although the murder of Jo Cox by the mentally ill Mair did make the international news; but it seems you have conveniently forgotten about that.

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7 hours ago, yogi100 said:


That 'ban' was sincere advice. This is a nationwide order.


Feel free to find any more nits that may need picking.



It seems the uniformed off duty soldiers I spoke to in Aldershot the other day have decided to ignore this "nationwide order!"


After an extensive search, including on ARRSE, whilst I can find some advice issued shortly after the murder of Lee Rigby not to wear uniform off duty, I can find no trace of any order to that effect. Can you provide a link?

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6 hours ago, yogi100 said:


You can see from reports it's a shop fronted bar with no obstructions from entry or exiting.......


If you actually bothered to read any of the reports and look at the photographs of the bar, you would see that this is not true; there is just one doorway into the bar from the street; although, as usual in France, there are tables outside the bar.

Au Cuba Libre in Rouen, northern France after the fire. AFP


Not a particularly wide door,  difficult for panicking people to easily exit without a crush.


In addition, the fire started in the CELLAR, where the party was being held, with just a narrow stairway for access.


Once again, the old Ministry of Truth tactic of ignoring facts which don't suit your argument.



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40 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


"All these recent attacks?" Wrong; as anyone who lives in the UK and reads the UK news can tell you.


Last week, for example, two separate attacks in S. E. London left two dead, in another incident in Wolverhampton three are in a serious condition. No Muslims involved.


But it's usually only when the attacker is Muslim that it makes the international news; I wonder why.


Although the murder of Jo Cox by the mentally ill Mair did make the international news; but it seems you have conveniently forgotten about that.


Keep it up ,none so blind as those luvies that do not want to see, always the same ones posting and liking each others posts .

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5 hours ago, FinChin67 said:

Justifying opinion (that islam is a dangerous religious cult) based on quran and hadiths is safe.
Justifying killing, raping and murdering by quran and hadiths while yelling allahu snackbar is not.

Indeed; but certain people here are justifying their unfounded opinion that Bulhan is an Islamic terrorist on the fact that he at some point studied the Koran and other Islamic religious texts.


How unusual for a Muslim to read his religious texts! Using the argument that so doing makes him a terrorist, or at least terrorist supporter, means one must also believe that any Christian who reads the Bible must support the murders, rapes and even cannibalism being carried out by Christian militias in the Central African Republic!


Which is, of course, nonsense.


Bulhan also studied Anders Brevik.


So, is he an Islamic terrorist because he studied the Koran, or a hater of Islam because he studied Brevik?

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2 hours ago, yogi100 said:


How does the fear of a terrorist attack by those of an alien religion and culture make someone 'far right' any more than those who do not fear it 'far left'. Fearing death and injury does not qualify someone as being 'far right'.


Why anyone with a 'modicum' of common sense does not fear or is at least are rather concerned about becoming a victim of a terrorist attack is 'beyond me'. The intelligent step to take would be to identify, isolate, imprison and deport those whose profiles fit the bill of a possible future terrorist for the good of all concerned.


Then eventually hatred and fear would possibly gradually dissipate with time and we might just be able to live in harmony in the future although it's doubtful that would happen. Multiculturalism has been a failed experiment wherever it's been tried. Even Angela Merkel admitted as much regarding Europe back in 2010.



here you go a fair definition of the Far Right.




Police in Oz have just arrested and charged a member of the 'far right' for planning an act of terrorism. Apparently the individual's defense is is I'm a patriot, the same puerile excuse by certain members of this forum.

Edited by simple1
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2 hours ago, yogi100 said:



Why anyone with a 'modicum' of common sense does not fear or is at least are rather concerned about becoming a victim of a terrorist attack is 'beyond me'. The intelligent step to take would be to identify, isolate, imprison and deport those whose profiles fit the bill of a possible future terrorist for the good of all concerned.


As I have said before, friends of mine were victims of an IRA attack; I was nearly one myself. Did that cause me to hate all Irish people? Of course not.


Did it cause me to believe all Irish people, Republican or Unionist, were terrorists? Of course not.


Based upon the paragraph I have quoted, you must believe that during the troubles all Irish people in mainland Britain should have been rounded up and deported to the Republic. To do otherwise is to expose yourself to the accusation of hypocrisy.


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13 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


As I have said before, friends of mine were victims of an IRA attack; I was nearly one myself. Did that cause me to hate all Irish people? Of course not.


Did it cause me to believe all Irish people, Republican or Unionist, were terrorists? Of course not.


Based upon the paragraph I have quoted, you must believe that during the troubles all Irish people in mainland Britain should have been rounded up and deported to the Republic. To do otherwise is to expose yourself to the accusation of hypocrisy.



Ulster is politically part of Britain and Eire is geographically part of the British Isles.


Many English, Welsh and Scottish people have historical family ties and friends who are Irish and we share a common culture


There is an affection for Ireland and the Irish in most of our hearts that does not exist for Muslims nor the countries that they came from.

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1 hour ago, 7by7 said:



It seems the uniformed off duty soldiers I spoke to in Aldershot the other day have decided to ignore this "nationwide order!"


After an extensive search, including on ARRSE, whilst I can find some advice issued shortly after the murder of Lee Rigby not to wear uniform off duty, I can find no trace of any order to that effect. Can you provide a link?


It was in the Daily Mail or the Express a few days ago.

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1 hour ago, simple1 said:



here you go a fair definition of the Far Right.




Police in Oz have just arrested and charged a member of the 'far right' for planning an act of terrorism. Apparently the individual's defense is is I'm a patriot, the same puerile excuse by certain members of this forum.


An hour has passed and not one single TV right-wingnut has responded with condemnation of the actions of the terrorist that you referred to. Therefore they must all support his actions. Disgusting!

I personally don't know any facts at all, but I am 100% certain that he was planning to massacre babies, especially innocent babies, and the silence of those TV posters is tacit endorsement of his plans.

(Is that how to write these posts?)

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2 hours ago, 7by7 said:
2 hours ago, yogi100 said:


Ulster is politically part of Britain and Eire is geographically part of the British Isles.


Many English, Welsh and Scottish people have historical family ties and friends who are Irish and we share a common culture


There is an affection for Ireland and the Irish in most of our hearts that does not exist for Muslims nor the countries that they came from.

As I have said before, friends of mine were victims of an IRA attack; I was nearly one myself. Did that cause me to hate all Irish people? Of course not.


Did it cause me to believe all Irish people, Republican or Unionist, were terrorists? Of course not.


Based upon the paragraph I have quoted, you must believe that during the troubles all Irish people in mainland Britain should have been rounded up and deported to the Republic. To do otherwise is to expose yourself to the accusation of hypocrisy.



2 hours ago, yogi100 said:


Ulster is politically part of Britain and Eire is geographically part of the British Isles.


Many English, Welsh and Scottish people have historical family ties and friends who are Irish and we share a common culture


There is an affection for Ireland and the Irish in most of our hearts that does not exist for Muslims nor the countries that they came from.


Whilst individual Irish and British people may have affection for each other, the majority of Irish people have no affection for the UK in general, the English in particular. Study the history from Cromwellian times through the Easter rising to the present day.


Despite this antipathy towards the English, most Irish, whichever side of the divide they were on, did not support Republican or Unionist terrorism; just as most British Muslims, indeed most Muslims worldwide, do not support Islamic terrorism. 


This has been shown time after time, going back to 9/11 and before; but the Islamaphobes always dismiss such worldwide condemnation as lies or say those making it are the wrong type of Muslim!


Very telling that they lump all Muslims together when blaming them for the atrocities committed in their religion's name, but separate them into 'good' and 'bad' when Muslims condemn the terrorists who commit those atrocities.


BTW, Ulster is not politically part of Britain. Six counties of Ulster form Northern Ireland which together with England, Scotland and Wales form the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; the other three counties of Ulster are part of the Republic of Ireland.

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2 hours ago, yogi100 said:


It (ban on soldiers wearing their uniform when off duty) was in the Daily Mail or the Express a few days ago.


Well, I still can't find anything about an actual official ban except this Mail article from May 2013. and similar articles in other papers at the same time.


Cameron slaps down Ministry of Defence and ends ban on uniforms in public places after Woolwich soldier killing


Although the official advice is still not to wear uniform when off duty, it is only advice; not a ban. Just as it was during the IRA campaign.


BTW, the RAF serviceman was out of uniform when two men attempted to abduct him in outside RAF Marham.

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2 hours ago, yogi100 said:


It (ban on soldiers wearing their uniform when off duty) was in the Daily Mail or the Express a few days ago.


Well, I still can't find anything about an actual official ban except this Mail article from May 2013. and similar articles in other papers at the same time.


Cameron slaps down Ministry of Defence and ends ban on uniforms in public places after Woolwich soldier killing


Although the official advice is still not to wear uniform when off duty, it is only advice; not a ban. Just as it was during the IRA campaign.


BTW, the RAF serviceman was out of uniform when two men attempted to abduct him in outside RAF Marham.

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On 8/5/2016 at 7:59 PM, Kiwiken said:

I will keep an eye on myself. I have a copy of the Quran. So if I see myself developing any militant tendencies I will warn you in Advance

I too have a copy and have used it in discussions with the followers of the moon goddess of arabia, it's a very strange book!! :(:whistling::wai:

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5 hours ago, i claudius said:

    6 hours ago, 7by7 said:


"All these recent attacks?" Wrong; as anyone who lives in the UK and reads the UK news can tell you.


Last week, for example, two separate attacks in S. E. London left two dead, in another incident in Wolverhampton three are in a serious condition. No Muslims involved.


But it's usually only when the attacker is Muslim that it makes the international news; I wonder why.


Although the murder of Jo Cox by the mentally ill Mair did make the international news; but it seems you have conveniently forgotten about that.

Keep it up ,none so blind as those luvies that do not want to see, always the same ones posting and liking each others posts .


Oh dear, the fact that far more more people are killed or injured in the UK in knife attacks carried out by non Muslims than in knife attacks carried out by Muslims has obviously so discombobulated you that you have had to resort to childishness.

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39 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


Oh dear, the fact that far more more people are killed or injured in the UK in knife attacks carried out by non Muslims than in knife attacks carried out by Muslims has obviously so discombobulated you that you have had to resort to childishness.


Muslims are not involved in the majority of knife attacks in London.


That accolade goes to the blacks. Although on occasion it will involve black Muslims.

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