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National Election Committee Asks to Extend Pchum Ben

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A civil society official has asked the National Election Committee (NEC) to cooperate with the Labor Ministry to give public servants, private sector employees, garment workers and migrant workers five more days off after the Phcum Ben festival for voter registration. Ros Sarom, director of the Victory Intelligent Standard Association, wrote a letter to NEC chairman Sik Bun Hok earlier this week, requesting the NEC president work with the Labor Ministry to extend the Pchum Ben holiday for at least five days to give people more time to register to vote.

“Voter registration and strengthening the new voting lists is really important for completing the election process, which will be held freely and fairly with justice in accordance with the constitution of the country,” said Mr. Sarom. Mr. Sarom added that he hopes and believes the upcoming voting registration process will be successful and will build both national and international trust.

NEC spokesman Hang Puthea said yesterday that the commission will hold a meeting to discuss Mr. Sarom’s request. “The committee has not made a decision yet and we will hold a meeting to discuss the request,” said Mr. Puthea.


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/28105/official-asks-to-extend-pchum-ben/

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