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Fighting With Thai Men......


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We westerners tend to be more up front and confrontational, and I think this can actually reduce the chances of a fight breaking out as we're quick to resolve conflicts by going directly to the source. Here in Thailand, the parties involved may simply sit and brood over a long period of time then suddenly snap someday.

I agree with the up front and confrontational, and that is why fights tend to break out ALL THE TIME in the west; honestly in NZ, Aussie, UK and USA, I have been to a lot of clubs, and seen far more fights outside and around clubs/pubs than I've ever seen here.

However, they tend to be the few punches, a guy backs off with a sore jaw and that's about it. Of course there are the gang beatings and stuff, but that isn't really the type of people I hang out with. A typical western example for me, is that having stalled at the lights, the people in the car behind had to get out and have a bit of a go at the driver in front (my mum) but being that she was a woman, they didn't drag her out; just rocked and keyed the car. Friend cut someone off driving and was punched very hard when he pulled in later to a petrol station. That sort of thing wouldn't escalate to that point here; after all, that is why people drive with guns under their seats; it would either be no fight, or a fight with weapons.

In Thailand, fewer things escalate into a fight, so there are fewer fights; however the fights have a visciousness and brutality you don't see so much in the west; if it gets to the point of fists being thrown, then it usually immediately shoots right past that to include weapons, friends and anything else needed to win.

Not sure about village life either, as that is outside my realm of experience.

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I love the way people living here think that Thai guys are so much more dangerous than othe people, they talk about them as though they are some sort of force that can never be out done.

I lived in Columbia for 6 years and i lived in Brazil for 2 years before that. If you realy want to feel like your living on the edge i would suggest a plane ticket to Columbia (any city or town) and go out drinking.

P.S. if your going to take an attitude with you then opt for a one way flight as you wont be in need of the return.


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In Thailand, fewer things escalate into a fight, so there are fewer fights; however the fights have a visciousness and brutality you don't see so much in the west; if it gets to the point of fists being thrown, then it usually immediately shoots right past that to include weapons, friends and anything else needed to win.

Not sure about village life either, as that is outside my realm of experience.

I would agree with your posts oher than this point. I do not think that there are fewer fights, at all. It just happens more in the Thai only areas, and there mostly in the lower class places, where westerners rarely venture.

In village life fighting is very normal. If you ever go to a temple festival, or to the yearly village fair you can be sure of seeing countless fights, as brutal as in the cities, between youths from different mu bans.

That has always been the way here. Only difference in the village to the city is that innocent bystanders rarely, if ever get attacked.

In some parts of the city random violence is very much on the rise.

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In the cities, some of the worst fighting is between those young guys from the vocational schools. It's like the Crips and Bloods from LA in the 80's. Guns are often involved and innocent bystanders have been killed. Sometimes, even the public bus drivers won't pick them up.

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My wife points out that the real danger continues to linger, because a Thai man who "loses" a fight does not forget about it, or dismiss it as a drunken joke, but broods, and the next time he's drinking....

So ask yourself if you want to be a long term target of revenge.

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I love the way people living here think that Thai guys are so much more dangerous than othe people, they talk about them as though they are some sort of force that can never be out done.

I lived in Columbia for 6 years and i lived in Brazil for 2 years before that. If you realy want to feel like your living on the edge i would suggest a plane ticket to Columbia (any city or town) and go out drinking.

P.S. if your going to take an attitude with you then opt for a one way flight as you wont be in need of the return.


No doubt that both Brazil and especially Colombia are far worse in that aspect than Thailand, and compared to living there Thailand looks like a nice holiday.

Nevertheless, i would not underestimate Thailand. According to most statistics i have seen Thailand has a murder rate a bit more than half of the one of Brazil. This is far higher than in any western country - the closest western country, i believe is the US, with a murder rate about 2 and a half times less than Thailand.

One should also look at trends, and in the recent years the trend in Thailand was a ongoing steep increase in crime, especially violent crime.

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Well a fight has no rules, so just use whatever you want as long as you dont kill them.

You fight to win, not to be fair.

And I see plenty of fights in sydney pubs with bottles and glasses.

Maybe people have just been in Thailand too long and forgot that farangs are not all angels

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In the cities, some of the worst fighting is between those young guys from the vocational schools. It's like the Crips and Bloods from LA in the 80's. Guns are often involved and innocent bystanders have been killed. Sometimes, even the public bus drivers won't pick them up.

That was so until a few years ago.

Unfortunately now the bigger problems are the neighborhood gangs in the lower class areas of the industrial belt of Bangkok with a very high migration influx. Most of these kids are second generation, not part of the city, and not part of the village anymore, with very few options for a future.

This for Thailand relatively new urban sub-proletariat is a time bomb.

There appears to be no national economic plan of decentralising industry, there is very little hope of a successful nationwide revitalisation of small scale agriculture, and therefore we will have to live for some time with this migration and its effects.

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The pacifists need to understand that sometimes trouble finds you, and there is nowhere to run.

I have been randomly attacked by Thai guys in Bangkok before, and if it wasn't for my years of training the outcome could of been worse, either for them or for me. My expertise enabled me to deal with them without causing them any real harm.

A good friend of mine had a taxi driver pull a knife on him, once again he was able to deal with the situation.

Nam gave some good advice on another thread recently on ways that you can be prepared to defend yourself. Full contact is highly recommended.

Some of you guys are going to have a rude awakening one day when the shit hits the fan down some quiet, dark soi. You better make sure you're in good enough shape to run faster than your assailant.

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The pacifists need to understand that sometimes trouble finds you, and there is nowhere to run.

I have been randomly attacked by Thai guys in Bangkok before, and if it wasn't for my years of training the outcome could of been worse, either for them or for me. My expertise enabled me to deal with them without causing them any real harm.

A good friend of mine had a taxi driver pull a knife on him, once again he was able to deal with the situation.

Nam gave some good advice on another thread recently on ways that you can be prepared to defend yourself. Full contact is highly recommended.

Some of you guys are going to have a rude awakening one day when the shit hits the fan down some quiet, dark soi. You better make sure you're in good enough shape to run faster than your assailant.

No-one would dare to take me on mite. I brush my teeth with a metal BBQ brush grrrrrrrr

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You know that this will upset people as many will tell you farangs are the only people that fight one on one :o

Most of those fights seemed to be in City areas of United Kingdom.............................people complain about Thailand being unfair and racist towards Farangs, but I have yet to hear of Thai youths beating up a Farang just cos he's a Farang, or Thai youths Happy Slapping innocent bystanders.

In UK, Asians get abused and assaulted just because they are Asian, and happy slapping occurs on a regular basis.

When Thai Youths start attacking Farangs for no other reason than they just happen to be Farang, what you gonna do, post a new topic on a forum, or think it's best to leave Thailand?

I can't see that happening in Thailand, but so many posters here seem to want the Thais to be more like Farangs, maybe they had better not get what they wish for.

I for one DO NOT want Thais to be like Farangs!!!!

Edited by Maigo6
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You know that this will upset people as many will tell you farangs are the only people that fight one on one :o

Most of those fights seemed to be in City areas of United Kingdom.............................people complain about Thailand being unfair and racist towards Farangs, but I have yet to hear of Thai youths beating up a Farang just cos he's a Farang, or Thai youths Happy Slapping innocent bystanders.

In UK, Asians get abused and assaulted just because they are Asian, and happy slapping occurs on a regular basis.

When Thai Youths start attacking Farangs for no other reason than they just happen to be Farang, what you gonna do, post a new topic on a forum, or think it's best to leave Thailand?

I can't see that happening in Thailand, but so many posters here seem to want the Thais to be more like Farangs, maybe they had better not get what they wish for.

I for one DO NOT want Thais to be like Farangs!!!!

Well said and great points made.

Great post. :D

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look for trouble and you will find it, anywhere in the world.

we are bigger than thais so it is only natural that they use weapons to even up the balance.

i have never felt an air of violence in thailand, unlike in the UK.

walking past a group of teenagers at night in bangkok is nothing, do the same in the UK and you have to be braced for trouble.

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i've seen thai fight thai and it is violent,

i've seen thai attack falang but the falang back down and run after a couple of punches thrown by the always bigger group of thais.

while i accept it is best to keep out of trouble with the thais,

will it get to a situation where the thais will know this and take advantage of the situation.

i've had arguments with thais when neccessary and i stand my ground, but i've never been in a violent situation with thais.

when i went to play snooker with the chap i had just bought some land from in korat, in a bit of a dingy back room hall, 1/2 hour later the wifes brothers and some of the villagers turned up to make sure i was safe,

we were playing for drinks and i was winning and he had no problem in paying his way.

maybe i can be a bit too trusting but i look at it this way

if you play straight expect to be treated the same way in return, and stand your ground when you are correct and just use common sense or as we say nouse..

if you can not do this then your enjoyment will be dampened by always being on guard and looking over your shoulder.

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I don't understand why most of you keep justifying the cowardness behaviour of the average Thai male individual when it comes to a fight. Back home it's not the same, it's an exception. Thai men are unreliable selfish $@#@^@. And you all know it. The advice on this forum is never to get drunk with Thai meales, why's that?

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I don't understand why most of you keep justifying the cowardness behaviour of the average Thai male individual when it comes to a fight. Back home it's not the same, it's an exception. Thai men are unreliable selfish $@#@^@. And you all know it. The advice on this forum is never to get drunk with Thai meales, why's that?

Then i guess you never had been fighting outside the school yard, back home. And even there nowadays knifes and such are very common.

And sorry, i have been often getting drunk with "Thai males", but we have been friends since years, and not some strangers i just met in a bar.

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I don't understand why most of you keep justifying the cowardness behaviour of the average Thai male individual when it comes to a fight. Back home it's not the same, it's an exception. Thai men are unreliable selfish $@#@^@. And you all know it. The advice on this forum is never to get drunk with Thai meales, why's that?

so street vendors and Motorcycle taxi drivers represent the average Thai male do they?

Back home where im from it is every bit the same if not worse, as other posters have pointed out, if you dont go looking for trouble here chances are you wont find it, but back in U.K it will come looking for you a lot quicker and it wont be saying lets fight fair one on one. A friend of a friend got in a fight over a taxi queue back in U.K, not long ago he walked away and not 5 minutes later him and his girlfriend were surrounded by about 15 blokes who proceeded to put him in hospital and they beat his girlfriend up too, hardly a good example of sporting behavior. I myself often go drinking with Thai male friends and havent had one problem in over 15 years of doing so, if you arn't choosy in the company you keep or are an aggressive <deleted> when youve had a beer then you could well come unstuck, but it is the same anywhere in the world!

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You know that this will upset people as many will tell you farangs are the only people that fight one on one :o

There seems to be a alot pf people who see a Thai do something and think only Thai's do things that way and totally forget about reality.

:D Donz, my intention wasn't to upset anyone. It is just that I have no idea why people here had been saying it for ages that farangs only fight one on one. It makes me wonder about other things they say.
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My 2 fights were attacks on me, 1 a robbery gone bad for him, 1 a jealous guy who's

wife was near me and i was attacked, so to the pacifists posting here - you may not have

a chance to avoid fighting. I could of ran i guess but if you know anything about fighting

you never give someone your back unless they are far away and in these 2 instances they were

right on me. If you turn its a great way to get choked out. I always look for that opening myself.

By a can of mace and carry in your front pocket, make sure you practice with it, your draw,

your aim, accuracy, etc. When you are in a bad situation or get a bad feeling put your hand

in your pocket and be ready to draw/fire. I use same strategy with my HK in the US.


The Anti-Lib

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The OP's point was:

'I think every farang should be told before they enter Thailand dont even think about fighting a thai man.. because he will use wepons and get his friends for help....'

I agree and that's what I do. I had a friend who visited Thialand recently. He's the type to valiantly step in and try and stop a domestic or help the underdog, so I advised him not to, it's very different in LOS. If you get the better one day, they'll come back the next with their friends and guns.

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I'm afraid that I agree that farangs in general are better about "fair fights" than Thais.

A few weeks ago I saw a crowd of Thai boys and girls kick and pound a small Thai girl to the ground and then when she was unconcious they took turns grabbing her by the back of the head and kicking her in the face or slamming her head against the cement.

I've never seen anything like that back home.

I went and got the police, but I don't know if they could save her as I didn't go back as I didn't want the dirtbags to realize that I had turned them in. :o

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