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The O’Smach International Border Checkpoint between Thailand and Cambodia, in Oddar Meanchey province, was briefly closed by Thai authorities on Saturday morning after a dispute over a chicken coop.  Following an 11am meeting between provincial governor Sar Thavy and his Thai counterpart, Surin provincial governor Brigadier General Sunthiya Sicharin, the misunderstanding over the newly renovated coop was resolved, Mr. Thavy explained in a Facebook post on Saturday.

He wrote that Thai authorities had believed the 12-meter by 2.5-meter coop to be a newly constructed and had ordered its removal, while in fact it was an existing structure that had its leaking roof replaced.  He expressed regret that Thai authorities had not better communicated their views on the structure and had informed the Cambodian side that they would close the border. 

Mr. Thavy could not be reached for comment yesterday. On Saturday afternoon, border official Colonel Khoun Tin explained in a video aired by local news media that the roof of the more than 10-year-old coop had been replaced as it was damaged.


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/28153/thais-get-cocky-over-chicken-coop/

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