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Black Monday activist arrested as CNRP gives campaign nod

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Prominent Borei Keila activist Sar Sorn was yesterday arrested and later released by Prampi Makara district police after she led about 20 “Black Monday” protesters from her community to the Appeal Court, on the same day that the opposition CNRP formally came out in support of the campaign.


The group of activists from the Borei Keila community were attempting to march to the Appeal Court, where NEC official Ny Chakrya had an appeals hearing, when district police stopped them and snatched away a banner bearing an image of slain political activist Kem Ley. After a small scuffle, Sorn was put into a police truck and taken away.


Following her release in the late afternoon, Sorn said she had to agree to stop taking part in Black Monday protests – which have been organised to call for the release of those jailed in relation to an alleged Kem Sokha sex scandal – and was also warned that her actions violated criminal code provisions.


read more http://www.phnompenhpost.com/national/black-monday-activist-arrested-cnrp-gives-campaign-nod

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