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Hotel worker arrested for turning blind eye to deadly sexual assault


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2 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

'The greatest trick the Devil pulled, was to make us believe he didnt exist.?


I don't care if he exists or not, as long as he doesn't expect me to say hello when he walks by in the street.


As for the hotel receptionist, they aren't the smartest of people, who is to say he even noticed what was going on.

Edited by MissAndry
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10 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

I am also very fond of a 'Wilde' quotation.

When watching a very obese country squire following a fox hunt.

'The unspeakable in full pursuit of the inedible'

If you had any feeling for language at all you would know what he said was 


"The unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable"


It's the similarity in syllable number and rhyme between the two adjectives that make it sound funny and witty.

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5 hours ago, maoro2013 said:

We don't know what the guy saw or heard, maybe a bit tough to arrest and charge him. Also he is 66, maybe incapable of intervening in any case.


Previous poster is 100% correct about the high profiles not being pursued i this way. Disgusting.

Absolutely nothing to do with intervening. All he had to do was to not allow them to stay at the hotel and call the police.

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1 hour ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Arrested and charged? Bloody good job,The Useless bastard.Couldnt have dialed 911 or whatever.useless piece of shit.

My God! i would hate to think if it was my daughter in that poor girls place.Pathetic arsehol


Its true what they say,That 'Evil prevails when good men do nothing'.

How would dialling 911 get you anywhere in Thailand? I didn't realise Thailand was the 51st state of the USA.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hang on


So he sees an intoxicated woman going to a hotel room with men. He opens the door for them.


That's it?


How is that any indication of what was to come?


Don't hotel staff see drunk people going to their rooms every night?


Isn't it the norm?


Was she shouting for help? How could he have known? Why exactly should he have been suspicious of rape? Because there was 4 men and just 1 girl? That's not enough. The number of males doesn't indicate anything.


And if they took a taxi, should the driver be thrown in jail, too?


Maybe I missed something in the article, but I didn't see anything to suggest he should have known what was going to happen. He can't be an accessory if he didn't know.



Edited by FruitPudding
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I'm sure this happens on a pretty regular basis in Thailand. Drunk woman (usually prostitute), bunch of guys; drunk guy, bunch of women ( or ladyboys). You're asking a lot of this guy, he's gonna like have to interrogate her and find where she's really coming from, in the face of four intimidating guys.



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