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Stalker Problem Need The Boards Help


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Wow such venom, lucky I have thick skin or more then likely more concern for this young lady.

quick reponses:

I said obviously an american in response to a post disparaging the american educational system

10000 km was quickly pulled out of the air and was my confusing flying to japan versus thailand, and was a nice round number

I left out some details including him hanging around her old apartment for many hours, and remember he used a taxi to follow her once before to the bus station- the clock and dagger probably excessive maybe but given the circumanstances is it not understandable- she has turned to me because a Thai friend, maybe innocently, betrayed her location, and she needs a sounding board as she works her way through this

I do not care what you think of me, I am willing to take some abuse if at least one of you could give some information that may help her-She is scared and if this guy is irrational then she has a right to be-

my american bonafides

who was the WR left wide open that could have changed the complexion of SB III if a flea flicker would have been completed by the QB, who was the QB ( hint not johnny unitas)

what stadium did Frank Robinson hit a homerun completely out of

what do the cubs do after every win

what streets pass wrigley field

What was simply known as the streak in baseball

who is francis scott key

who is samuel l mudd


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Sorry, but I think the stories of a couple weeks ago were better. They had more plot development and a more diverse cast.
It reads more like a novel. Wasn't there some aspiring writer on this board who made up similar stories and had lots of people believing him? Forgot his username, but it sound to me like he's returned.

As stated previously, I felt the writing then was of a higher quality. It's been three hours since OP began; it's about time for the introduction of some new characters into the cast or a least a couple new twists on the plot. Irregardless, the movie rights to this one won't sell for much.


ahhh.... a simultaneous posting with the OP.. I have spoken too soon. Kudos to the writer for providing some more details. It's getting better.


Edited by sriracha john
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Soju: Point taken. Actually if I re-read his initial post, I see where most of you guys are coming from. A normal person would have just stated the facts and left out all the "grandeur" that he uses to build up to the problem. And yes, there are things he states that are odd.

An American "born" boyfriend,.... as opposed to a Nationalized one?

I "beseeched" her to go to a motel... In Thailand? Why not a friends house for the night.

he knew where her family lived and she would be the proverbial "sitting duck".. yeah.. a farang is going to show up in somones home town and cause trouble at her folks house and have the upper hand to instill fear in the family?

Besides, no-one stalks a person after two years.

so maybe he really is a writer.

point taken, maybe to much melodrama

The fact that it has been two years is what is so scary

to the post about her family attacking him, I have never met them and do not know why they didn't attack him, but maybe they are as gentle as she is

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Sorry, but I think the stories of a couple weeks ago were better. They had more plot development and a more diverse cast.

Hey, i've got a good plot twist. The OP turns up with an M16 and blows away the paranoid loser, the witless pedant, the bitter retiree and the holier-than-thou loner.

And everyone else lives happily ever after.

Brad Pitt as the OP, with Stallone, Schwarzenegger and Willis as the 50-something cannon fodder.

whad'ya think?

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I am exploring many different avenues, this board has been so helpful to many others, I would be remiss not to make an appeal here, and any advice would be greatly appreciated



Unbelievable - three pages and hardly anyone with any pratical help, and only useless posts of amateur internet detectives accusing the OP of being a troll. What a bunch of tossers...

Anyhow, if a stalker is determined enough he will always find his target. It is no use to life in fear and hide forever.

Yes, first step would be going to the police. If the woman is not connected it would be advisable if she goes to her employer and asks him for help. Police often only operates if they get incentitives by somebody connected, and then they can be very efficient. But she should not go to the police alone.

Does she have friends here?

If she has, it would be advisable to move in their place for a while, not go anywhere alone.

How about her family? Does she have brothers, cousins, etc?

She could move some of them in for a while as protection.

Next step would be to get legal advise by a competent lawyer. Find out how the legal situation regarding stalking is here, and then file a case against the bloke.

Stalking is very real, and stalkers are to be seen as very dangerous individuals who cannot be persuaded by logic.

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Unbelievable - three pages and hardly anyone with any pratical help, and only useless posts of amateur internet detectives accusing the OP of being a troll. What a bunch of tossers...

Anyhow, if a stalker is determined enough he will always find his target. It is no use to life in fear and hide forever.

Yes, first step would be going to the police. If the woman is not connected it would be advisable if she goes to her employer and asks him for help. Police often only operates if they get incentitives by somebody connected, and then they can be very efficient. But she should not go to the police alone.

Does she have friends here?

If she has, it would be advisable to move in their place for a while, not go anywhere alone.

How about her family? Does she have brothers, cousins, etc?

She could move some of them in for a while as protection.

Next step would be to get legal advise by a competent lawyer. Find out how the legal situation regarding stalking is here, and then file a case against the bloke.

Stalking is very real, and stalkers are to be seen as very dangerous individuals who cannot be persuaded by logic.

Good lord! the voice of reason and the first person to have not attacked the OP.

So this is the moderators request for any future posts on this thread, be sensible, give the guy proper advice and stop being a bunch of amateur internet detectives. Next person to post a Bullsh*t reply gets a holiday... anyone wanna test me on that?

Thanks, now back to the topic in hand...

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Well, to be honest, assuming the OP is not a troll and the situation real, her family should be able to "take care" of the problem, if you see what I mean.

I am completely flabbergasted that none of her male relatives are man enough to take down one farang in a village full of Thai people.

Personally, I like the planting idea, cuts out the expense of a lawyer and cuts straight to the chase. :D

Not that I am advising illegal methods of justice, mind you :o

Edited by sbk
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Restraining orders, if they exist in Thailand, only work with honest, law-abiding people.

This guy would not obey such an order. Therefore, when in Rome......

She needs her cousins and brothers to give this guy a "Thai" welcome. It is the only way. And keep her away.

La Migra clearly need to be notified as well as file a police report and give that report number to La Migra.

The advice of not going to the police is ridiculous. If something happens to her, that report can land him in jail.

Good luck.

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She need only file a police report, get the security guards with whom the stalker had the run in to agree to giving a statement and he'll be history.

A colleague of mine had a similar thing with a Thai woman stalking him (Stalking is predominantly a female crime), he filed a report, the police paid her a visit and he never heard from her again.

She should also be speaking to the management of her apartment building to see if they are willing to help her file charges.

Foreigners giving Thais problems is one of the easiest things to sort out.

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I do not care what you think of me, I am willing to take some abuse if at least one of you could give some information that may help her-She is scared and if this guy is irrational then she has a right to be-


That's the right attitude. Keep posting and hopefully someone can help. I do not know thailand good enough to do so. It's a shame there are so many smartarses here. :o

BTW, since when did the UK start using km instead of miles, Soju?

I don't see anything suspicious from the OP up till this moment.

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As Donz states the advice given already is pretty good.............i too though cannot understand why the family can't take of the problem.

By the way the OP is legit.........well at least he is from where he purports to be, he was going through the K1 fiancee visa for his Chinese GF back in july...........heres the link (Mods/Admin delete it if you want......just thought it might help getting the OP some more helpful replies)



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...my american bonafides

who was the WR left wide open that could have changed the complexion of SB III if a flea flicker would have been completed by the QB, who was the QB ( hint not johnny unitas)

what stadium did Frank Robinson hit a homerun completely out of

what do the cubs do after every win

what streets pass wrigley field

What was simply known as the streak in baseball

who is francis scott key

who is samuel l mudd



That confirms it, no American would use this to establish his "american bonafides" (which by the way is not what an American would say anyway....



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Unbelievable - three pages and hardly anyone with any pratical help, and only useless posts of amateur internet detectives accusing the OP of being a troll. What a bunch of tossers...

Anyhow, if a stalker is determined enough he will always find his target. It is no use to life in fear and hide forever.

Yes, first step would be going to the police. If the woman is not connected it would be advisable if she goes to her employer and asks him for help. Police often only operates if they get incentitives by somebody connected, and then they can be very efficient. But she should not go to the police alone.

Does she have friends here?

If she has, it would be advisable to move in their place for a while, not go anywhere alone.

How about her family? Does she have brothers, cousins, etc?

She could move some of them in for a while as protection.

Next step would be to get legal advise by a competent lawyer. Find out how the legal situation regarding stalking is here, and then file a case against the bloke.

Stalking is very real, and stalkers are to be seen as very dangerous individuals who cannot be persuaded by logic.

I guess it only counts if you say it. :o


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More background info please>

1. A few years ago she had an American born boyfriend, after she discovered him cheating on her, she unceremoniously moved out and got on with her life….

How long was the relationship?

2. he has lived in the kingdom long enough to speak enough Thai to get by …

How long has the stalker been in Thailand?

3. one morning when she left for work and noticed him around the building, she has always assumed morning time was safe because he was working

She knows he works and must know where. Is stalker legally allowed to work?

4. …university educated Thai national… but at heart she is a simple girl from the country… ran right on a bus heading for her hometown.

Who paid for her education, herself, the country parents or third parties?

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I suggest you take her to the airport immedietly.

Get her on a plane to Sao Paulo (use your secret decoder ring to learn the real destination).

When you arrive, go to the safe house and tell Herr Stierscheiße that I sent you. He will arrange her new identity papers and send her to the plastic surgeon. After that I think she'll be safe.

Just to be sure, you'll have to have your memory erased in case you confess under torture and we have to go through all this again.

Herr Stierscheiße would not be pleased. :D

that "b" like letter is pronounces like "ss" right?...

in which case... Stierscheiße just became a very funny word!! :D

Wow such venom, lucky I have thick skin or more then likely more concern for this young lady.

quick reponses:

I said obviously an american in response to a post disparaging the american educational system

10000 km was quickly pulled out of the air and was my confusing flying to japan versus thailand, and was a nice round number

I left out some details including him hanging around her old apartment for many hours, and remember he used a taxi to follow her once before to the bus station- the clock and dagger probably excessive maybe but given the circumanstances is it not understandable- she has turned to me because a Thai friend, maybe innocently, betrayed her location, and she needs a sounding board as she works her way through this

I do not care what you think of me, I am willing to take some abuse if at least one of you could give some information that may help her-She is scared and if this guy is irrational then she has a right to be-

my american bonafides

who was the WR left wide open that could have changed the complexion of SB III if a flea flicker would have been completed by the QB, who was the QB ( hint not johnny unitas)

That's not english from any country

what stadium did Frank Robinson hit a homerun completely out of

was it in baltimore?

what do the cubs do after every win

go to the pink poodle

what streets pass wrigley field

grace street and addison street

What was simply known as the streak in baseball

Think it over a bit, and see how the following 11 record-setting choices might agree or disagree with yours.

In 1941, from May 15 through July 16, Joe DiMaggio hit in 56 straight games. His streak finally came to an end on July 17 in a game against the Indians in Cleveland. Some superb fielding by Indians' third baseman Ken Keltner helped halt DiMaggio who batted .408 during his two-month spree.

"I'm tickled to death it's over," Joltin' Joe said after the game. "Did you know if I got a hit tonight, I would have made (an extra) $10,000? The Heinz 57 people wanted to make some kind of (endorsement) deal."

On July 18 against Bob Feller, DiMaggio started a second hitting streak that reached 16 games. The man was in a zone of consistency for a remarkably long time.

2 From May 30, 1982 through September 19, 1998, Cal Ripken played in 2,632 consecutive games for the Orioles. On the following night, 30 minutes before the final Orioles home game of the year, he unexpectedly asked manager Ray Miller to take him out of the lineup. He wasn't hurt and he could have played, but he felt it was time to end his streak.

Actually, the most extensive, national attention to his endurance record was paid on September 6, 1995 when he broke Lou Gehrig's long-standing mark by playing in his 2,131st straight game before a crowd of 46,000 at Camden Yards.

In attendance, besides President Bill Clinton, was Joe DiMaggio who said, "Well, that goes to prove the greatest records are made to be broken."

3 For 23 consecutive seasons, from 1906 through 1928, Ty Cobb batted .300 or better, a record that may prove DiMaggio wrong.

In that span, Cobb, a left-handed batter and ferocious competitor, started by hitting .316 in 98 games in 1906 as a 19-year-old with the Tigers and finished with a .323 average in 95 games in 1928 with the Philadelphia A's at age 41.

Tiger teammate Davy Jones once recalled, "When Cobb got into a slump, you couldn't talk to him. He got meaner than the devil himself."

Slumps for Cobb might have lasted two or three games at most.

While his competitiveness didn't win him many friends on the field, he batted .366 lifetime over 3,035 games played. And, it might be noted that since his time, the closest any major leaguer came to his 23-year streak of hitting .300 or better in 50 or more games was Tony Gwynn who did it 17 years in a row (1983-1999).

4 Right-handed batters hated to face the Dodgers' Don Drysdale for good reason. "Don's fastball had a tendency to sink and bear in on a fight-handed batter," manager Walter Alston once said. "It was his best pitch, the kind of delivery that often breaks the bat in the hitter's hands."

A hard-throwing right-hander whose pitches sometimes appeared to be coming at the batter from out of third base, Drysdale set an amazing record in 1968 when he pitched six consecutive shutouts. He was unbeatable from May 14 through June 4 when he blanked the Cubs (and Fergie Jenkins), 1-0; the Astros, 1-0; the Cardinals (Bob Gibson), 2-0; the Astros (Larry Dierker), 5-0; the Giants, 3-0, and the Pirates (Jim Bunning), 5-0.

who is francis scott key

Wrote a poem/song entitled "the defence of Fort Mchenry" which is more commonly known as the "<deleted> bangle banner".

who is samuel mudd

involved in lincoln's murder.. later pardoned for helping cure yellow fever.


I like this game :D. Can we play again?

'Planting' drugs? :D


Edited by kayo
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Watch out for this guy, sounds a little freakily similar to a guy who went by the name 'Jay' here and had a nervous breakdown a few years ago.

Recently started a business with an American based equally freaky guy and could be posting for him from US if that is where the IP stacks up from.

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In my experience Thais are very reluctant to approach police for assistance, unless they have some connection. To have a young Thai woman walk into a police station un-introduced, to complain about a past farang boyfriend is a recipe for disaster (for her).

She needs to find a senior person with some status to approach them for her. Ideally this would be her father or other relative, but is sounds like that is not an option as they are from upcountry and have little status themselves. Otherwise, her employer could possibley lend assistance, though that would leave some debt she may not want to carry. The only option I see is to retain a prestigious Thai lawyer firm to first approach the American and the police if that does not work.

Under no circumstance should she go to police her self.


I disagree, she should seek help as soon as possible. Explaining to a policeman that you have been assaulted will not be overlooked, and should be done as a matter of record.

You would hope that so, and in most western countries this would be true. But this is not the west, this a third world country and police have a different agenda. Thais are more anxious about the police and power they have than most farangs have any concept of. Keeping a low profile is a matter of survival.


In discussion with my Thai wife, she says go to the police. She agrees there are times that having"connections" can help,but it is not a requirement.

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More background info please>

1. A few years ago she had an American born boyfriend, after she discovered him cheating on her, she unceremoniously moved out and got on with her life….

How long was the relationship?

2. he has lived in the kingdom long enough to speak enough Thai to get by …

How long has the stalker been in Thailand?

3. one morning when she left for work and noticed him around the building, she has always assumed morning time was safe because he was working

She knows he works and must know where. Is stalker legally allowed to work?

4. …university educated Thai national… but at heart she is a simple girl from the country… ran right on a bus heading for her hometown.

Who paid for her education, herself, the country parents or third parties?

1, Just over 18 months

2, I believe he has lived in the kingdom for more then five years

3, As far as she knows, He has never been convicted of a crime, that is why we are searching for a legal method to throw him in jail e.g. a protective order

4, I am not sure, but I believe her family paid, as she is paying for her brother and her sister now

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks for the practical advice given by members, I have not posted because I had to work and sleep. As far as the flaming, I have no one to blame but myself if I had stuck to the facts instead of writing an essay. Attention would have focused on the very real danger this young girl might be facing

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that "b" like letter is pronounces like "ss" right?...

in which case... Stierscheiße just became a very funny word!! :o

Yes. "ß" is pronounced as "ss" and "Herr Stierscheiße" is the literal tranlation of "Mr. Bullsh*t" into German language. :D

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