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Banteay Meanchey provincial authorities have warned they will take legal action against those who continue to interfere in railway construction between Phsar Kandal commune and Poipet City by today’s deadline The warning was made in an announcement dated August 5 by provincial governor Suon Bovor, who said the Ministry of Public Works and Transport has been trying to restore the country’s railway to connect with Thailand by the end of the year, but has been delayed by families who have refused to move despite the Ministry of Economy and Finance paying compensation on two previous occasions.

Provincial authorities asked any companies or people living along the route to move before today, otherwise authorities would take legal action. Poipet governor Ngor Meng Chroun said yesterday of the 747 families affected by the railway project connecting Cambodia to Thailand, more than 700 families had accepted compensation and agreed to move to new locations.

There were only six families who had yet to move after the announcement and authorities would take legal action if they refused to leave by the deadline. “They refused to move, meaning they don’t comply with the provincial announcement, and the railway development is stuck because of the families there,” he said.


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/28475/deadline-for-railway-residents/

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