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Thailand pushing forward researches and innovations reform


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Thailand pushing forward researches and innovations reform




BANGKOK, 22 August 2016 (NNT) – Authorities are now working to improve research and innovations in Thailand to meet international standards, weighing the option of implementing Article 44 to facilitate the process, says DPM. 

Deputy Prime Minister Gen Prajin Juntong has delivered his speech in Thailand Research Expo 2016 event saying that Thailand must enhance its pursuit of research and innovations to drive the economy towards the Thailand 4.0 goal, reducing unemployment and tackle poverty. 

He has said the government will seek participation from 4,000 researchers to help unify the nation's plans for development, while the concrete results from the reform of research and innovation is expected to be visible during October-November 2016. 

The government is also set to abolish all research committees, and integrate them to one National Research and Innovation Policy Committee chaired by the Prime Minister. Related sectors will participate and help upgrade Thailand's research standards to be on par with the international community. 

Article 44 could be enforced to help facilitate the reform process, the DPM suggested, adding that Thailand must modernize and implement innovation in its industrial, agricultural, tourism, energy, land logistics sectors.

-- nnt 2016-08-22
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thailand need to stick to what it knows. producing rice, providing cheap labor for foreign factories to produce exportable goods, and attracting tourists with budget holidays in the sun with a fling or 2 thrown i for good measure. thailand has had one of the best economies in asia based on these industries. now everything seems to be in decline.

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enhance its pursuit of research and innovations to drive the economy towards the Thailand 4.0 goal


Thailand 4.0? Maintenance release? Bug fix? New Happiness UI? Let me guess, the screensaver comes in green or yellow.


Pretty soon they won't be able to go to the bathroom without invoking Article 44.

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"Authorities are now working to improve research and innovations in Thailand to meet international standards, weighing the option of implementing Article 44 to facilitate the process, says DPM. "


Now listen up because I'm now gonna larn you summat.


You WILL innovate. You WILL research.


And if you don't, I'll, I'll, I'll, ... I WILL. And then I'll huff and I'll puff... And you betta belief it or I'll throw a banana skin atcha".



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All research will be overseen by the PM through 1 committee?   That's a disaster.  They need to fix the education system first, so people know how to do research.  Also, research needs to be written in English to be published internationally.  Researchers need to be fluent in English in order to read and write it.  Research should be conducted by individual universities, and helped by government and industry, not nationalized.

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