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Homosexuality Decriminalization Petition


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Hey everyone,

I would like to bring your attention to a new petition that is being supported by a bunch of VIPs so far, like Meryl Streep and Salman Rushdie, for the decriminalization of homosexuality worldwide through a UN resolution. It's gotten a fair amount of attention in the media but it's still got only about 1500 signatures from common people. Thailand is a fine place to be gay, and while in the West we are fighting for gay marriage and etc., in over 70 countries homosexuality is still illegal, with penalties ranging up to death. So please take the couple of minutes to sign, and if you can e-mail your supportive friends and family for them to sign, since this isn't just for gay people to sign but everyone who supports basic human rights. The media attention is helping and about 300 signatures were added in just the last 24 hours, so spread the word!

The link is:



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It's so (relatively) easy to be a gay, lesbian, transgendered, etc., person in Thailand that we expatriates here forget how difficult it was back home. People get killed for being GLBT back 'home.' As expatriates in Thailand, the least we can do is to sign an online petiton to protest that being homosexual is a crime, even a capital crime, in many countries.

Even in the Montrose (the gay neighborhood) in Houston, I doubt that I would have gotten into a taxi and told the driver, casually, that I have a boyfriend. Even if we were holding hands in the back seat! In fact, homosexual conduct was a misdemeanor crime in Texas until several years ago, and men were being killed for being gay there. But in Thailand, it's no problem.

In Thailand, some total stranger you've just met (a Thai) can ask us, "So, do you have a lover?" "Yes, I have a boyfriend." The reply is indifferent, or sebai, or mai bpen rai.

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