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Germany could see 300,000 more refugees this year, says migration boss


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3 hours ago, micmichd said:


Refugees usually go back once there is no war anymore, or they become immigrants. The "breeding behaviour" of immigrants usually goes down to the level of their guestland after 1 or 2 generations. Consequently, they stabilize the population. This is exactly what a nation without children like Germany needs.

not sure about that.things in germany and france seem to be on a downward spiral. not sure if things can be maintained for another generation or 2. 


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5 hours ago, jaidam said:

 Yes of course. It is inevitable. But the sickening part of it all is that she will just say "Well nobody warned me that this would happen".

Will this take place after she foists this problem onto someone else and resigns and starts to collect her generous pension. She will then form some "consulting" group like the Clinton Foundation or Harpers folly in Canada and start selling all the information and contacts she has assembled over her years in power. I think Obama will go the same route.This is when the big money kicks in. Its the preferred modus operendi of most politicians. Its like having access to Hugh Heffners little black book of sins but in this case its like a winning lottery ticket. 

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6 hours ago, micmichd said:

Don't worry, dying Germany already has her Nazis and their political branch for White Trash, the AfD. 


Absolutely stupid statment. Not even the left-wing German press would called the AFD as Nazis. Many AFD members are ordinary working citizens who simply have the snout full of islamization. Accordingly to your restricted thinking, all residents from Angola must be Nazis then. Dumber can't get.

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This mad exodus of ME immigrants into Europe and soon many more into the US will go down in history as the single most important event to cause the destroy of centuries of Western civilization, art, history, economies and culture.


Some would say, "This is a good thing, you have had your turn, now it is ours." 


What they can not see is the fact that if their culture is so wonderful, why are they leaving it all behind?


Europe and US will one day rue the day they did not encourage ME people to remain in their own countries.

Edited by Rod Gold
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13 hours ago, bangon04 said:

BERLIN: -- The head of Germany’s Office for Migration and Refugees said that up to 300,000 more refugees could arrive in Germany this year.


so that means one million, we presume.


Like the British people were told to expect 13,000 Poles back in 2003. It's estimated that over 1,000,000 of 'em eventually came so that means that the true figure is more like 2,000,000.

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On 29/08/2016 at 4:47 AM, micmichd said:

Don't worry, dying Germany already has her Nazis and their political branch for White Trash, the AfD. 



There's always one.


Squawking racist, bigot, fascist and nazi doesn't wash anymore sunshine.

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On 29/08/2016 at 6:14 AM, smudger1951 said:

As has been said our falling populations have been wilfully created through poor economic policy. If the german government thinks these people want to come and work to pay the aging peoples pensions they are woefully wrong. European economies are burdened with an immigrant invasion of freeloaders. 

Good point,  and I'd just add,  why is it assumed that a smaller population is a bad thing?  More space,  more countryside seems good to me 7 billion + is plenty. Maybe some more nature reserves,  slow down our impressive extinction rate.? 

It would present short term pain for a couple of generations,  mine included,  but eventually be utopian,  considering the rise of automation.  Kind of rhetorical,  mostly down to the fact that politicians spent so much of our money to build huge debt & they're also stupid & unimaginative mostly. 

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5 hours ago, yogi100 said:


There's always one.


Squawking racist, bigot, fascist and nazi doesn't wash anymore sunshine.


Is that so? A number of the right wing party leadership across the EU espouse neo Nazi ideology e.g. AfD & FN

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8 hours ago, simple1 said:


Is that so? A number of the right wing party leadership across the EU espouse neo Nazi ideology e.g. AfD & FN


So not wanting undesirables in your country makes you a neo Nazi does it. You don't even know what a Nazi is.

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1 hour ago, yogi100 said:


So not wanting undesirables in your country makes you a neo Nazi does it. You don't even know what a Nazi is.


Rather boring to constantly read posts justifying attitudes based upon being 'patriots'; classic right wing deny / deflect.

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On 31/08/2016 at 1:42 AM, simple1 said:


Is that so? A number of the right wing party leadership across the EU espouse neo Nazi ideology e.g. AfD & FN


Not only do you not know what a Nazi is all you know about 'neo Nazi ideology' is that that is what you should call people  who don't want their country over run by third world parasites. And that's only because you've been encouraged and urged to use such terminology by some establishment sponsored leftist liberal newspaper.


You've been so brainwashed for decades and have become a self hater. Unless of course you yourself are one of these unwanted intruders.


You think that by constantly repeating parrot fashion accusations of racism, bigotry and nazism you wll stifle any opposition to the swampning levels of immigration that have been witnessed in Europe for the last 50 years.


It's not even right wing, it's about self preservation and the protection of our way of life and European culture.


You can't even think for yourself and have no idea what it's like to have the mass immigration of often illiterate and unskilled people you have nothing in common with forced upon you and your own environment and to a large degree at your own financial and personal expense.

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Tremendous post. You mean European culture like the London Bridge now residing in the desert of the USA, I'm sure. 

Or Immensel Kant, likely to be read in Russia rather than in Germany. 

And certainly you never use a guitar or drink a coffee, all Arabian inventions. Not to forget about the "Zero", an Indian invention and the base of IT. 

Without foreign culture imported by immigrants, the Germans would probably be sitting on trees and getting stone drunk out of your head by met 

Edited by micmichd
One remark added for historical clearance
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3 hours ago, yogi100 said:


Not only do you not know what a Nazi is all you know about 'neo Nazi ideology' is that that is what you should call people  who don't want their country over run by third world parasites. And that's only because you've been encouraged and urged to use such terminology by some establishment sponsored leftist liberal newspaper.


You've been so brainwashed for decades and have become a self hater. Unless of course you yourself are one of these unwanted intruders.


You think that by constantly repeating parrot fashion accusations of racism, bigotry and nazism you wll stifle any opposition to the swampning levels of immigration that have been witnessed in Europe for the last 50 years.


It's not even right wing, it's about self preservation and the protection of our way of life and European culture.


You can't even think for yourself and have no idea what it's like to have the mass immigration of often illiterate and unskilled people you have nothing in common with forced upon you and your own environment and to a large degree at your own financial and personal expense.


All your personal comments are straight out the right wing BS play book and much of the other content is the same.  I note 'liked' by the usual drum beaters.

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On 29/08/2016 at 5:12 AM, mokwit said:

Very well put by someone in The Guardian comments. Disclosure: I read it for the comments.


Hurrellr Freddy Kosek

10 11

I perfectly appreciate your point that migration is natural. And I would stress that I have no objection to moderate multiculturalism or indeed moderate levels of migration. I absolutely agree about the scale of the problem you are referring to (1.4 billion people on the move.). But I don't accept that this matter is uncontrollable. Not alone is it controllable, but it is also existentially essential that it we control it. The consequence of accepting anything less invites a future of chaos and literal conflict - because that is the inevitable outcome of porous borders and ineffective controls combined with distinct ethnic groups competing over limited resources with profoundly different expectations regarding entitlements and outcomes.

Ultimately, migration is about resources and political control of those resources. You cannot effectively displace one population with another and expect no consequences. Especially because the rate of change in modern times is extreme and the demographic pressure exerted is felt in the working class neighborhoods, which is, simultaneously, precisely where resources are most constricted and where conflict is most likely to commence.

Modern liberal immigration policy is nothing less than the willful and deliberate priming of a tinder box. It is ideologically driven and utterly arrogant policy making which sanctimoniously passes judgement on entire swathes of the population on the back of notions of moral and intellectual superiority - notions which frankly fall very significantly short of reality when measured against the appalling outcomes of their idealistic policies. The reality of European cities divided and physically segregated into ethnic ghettos is the direct product of liberal policy. As intelligent as they see themselves they have yet to acknowledge their role in this, let alone offer a single .... solitary.... solution.




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On 8/29/2016 at 9:01 AM, BuaBS said:

Germany desperately needs some-one like Geert Wilders ... correction europe needs him.

He tells it straight : Close All Mosques, Ban Koran; Poll-Leading Dutch 'Freedom' Party Unveils De-Islamization Manifesto : http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-08-27/close-all-mosques-ban-koran-poll-leading-dutch-freedom-party-unveils-de-islamization


Catch 22 : smart people don't have children , they can see the future .... but then you have less births ... more immigration (or invasion) .... even less births by natives , because you dont want your kids in a muslim future.


As I recall, there was another guy advocating the exact same things with the pesky Jews 80 or 90 years ago.  And basically bribing the superior women to have more kids so the mud people wouldn't out breed them.


What we're still seeing now is the west paying penance for the acts of people who followed that guy (along with those who preceded him) .  Which is why it scares the crap out of me to see it happening all over.  Just with a different group in the crosshairs.  I don't want my grandkids saddled with it 100 years from now.

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12 minutes ago, micmichd said:

Good idea. 

I would also like a topic about SEA migration movements, internal (Issan - Pattaya eg) and external (Thailand - Myanmar eg) Is there any data about this?


I doubt there's any meaningful data, but someone might know.


Take a look at this . . . 




Look on the left hand side of the Google link and you can compare birth rates for most of the World. 

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The situation is quite simple.
Mankind multiplies continue.
The capacity problem on earth is continued.

Many plant and animal species become extinct, oceans are being plundered, forests are cut, drink water is running out, etc.
There are simply too many people on this planet that destroy ecosystems and equilibria.

Many industrialized countries have declining birth rates.

Other countries, many at the equator have very high birth rates.
Unfortunately, not enough food is growing there and water is scarce, many starve.
It is this pressure, due idiotic proliferation, now comes to Europe.

Many countries with low birth rates have fairly stable systems.
Each country should seek a stability for themselves first.
For example, Germany does not need mass immigration.
With technology and engineering, many developed countries can solve this problem.

There are very interesting Harvard studies about this subject .


Germany could also invite 200,000 nurses from the catholic Philippines or from buddhist Thailand, with good pay, to solve the future nursing problem.

And I am absolutely against about this kind of uncontrolled mass immigration,
what happens now.
These are not war refugees, these are economic refugees from embryonated areas.

Is my statement too much Nazi?

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No problem Angela, "Wir schaffen das." Only a couple of thousand more Jihadists in such a huge country like Germoney that's even smaller than  California, is okay.


           For Angie: 

Germany is 357,168 square kilometers or 137,847 square miles

That’s about 85% the size of California (423,970 square kilometers). From north to south, Germany would stretch from Los Angeles to Redding.

Bad boys in, good boys out..

:thumbsup:   :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:         :thumbsup:             :thumbsup:

:thumbsup:                                     :thumbsup:             :thumbsup:

:thumbsup: :thumbsup::thumbsup:                     :thumbsup:             :thumbsup:

:thumbsup:                                    :thumbsup:              :thumbsup:

:thumbsup:                                     :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:     :thumbsup:  :w00t: :whistling::w00t:;) ( For you, Angie.....)


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4 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

And I am absolutely against about this kind of uncontrolled mass immigration, what happens now.  These are not war refugees, these are economic refugees from embryonated areas.



The German government has stated the majority of economic refugee originate from Balkan States, all up it is currently claimed roughly 50% - 60% of asylum seekers have been identified as economic refugees. So rather than making unfounded allegations, do you have the official stats to back up your claims or are you going to fall back on right wing conspiracy theories?

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