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Paris restaurant 'refuses to serve Muslim women'


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Paris restaurant 'refuses to serve Muslim women'


PARIS: -- A video showing a restaurateur in a Paris suburb apparently refusing to serve two Muslim women has sparked anger in France and calls for protest.


In the video, widely shared on social media, the man tells the hijab-wearing women: "Terrorists are Muslims and all Muslims are terrorists."


The incident took place at Le Cenacle restaurant in Tremblay-en-France on Saturday night.


Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-37209605

-- © Copyright BBC 2016-08-29
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Muzzlims are going to end up shunned in larger numbers if their nonsense doesnt stop....live in europe act european....live in arabia act arab....how hard is that to understand?

What absolute nonsense, what is 'hard to understand' is how somebody, like yourself with such obviously limited inteligence has the abilty to write.

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The video inside the restaurant appears to have been covertly filmed by one of the women, who were clearly emotional.

"We don't want to be served by racists," one of them said.

The man retorted: "Racists don't kill people.


Guess the Klan didn't get that memo...

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I thought restaurants and bars etc had the right not to serve anyone they choose.  He said he doesn't want them in his place.  Is that not his choice? 

People might call it racist but at the end of the day if the person who owns the business doest want you there then tough.

Or are we going to start forcing people to take business just because it suits a certain group

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The point is the indigenous populations are feeling more and more uneasy about having these imports in their midst, not surprising given past and ongoing events. Perhaps it's time these countries' governments take a leaf out of this particular country's book and put their own citizens first. At least they were elected to do so.

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:


I get that, but wrong to take it out on innocents. 

Maybe so, but people are getting fed up of it and he had lost a friend so if he is a bit tetchy then he has that right.  If its his establishment he can do as he chooses

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2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Muzzlims are going to end up shunned in larger numbers if their nonsense doesnt stop....live in europe act european....live in arabia act arab....how hard is that to understand?


2 hours ago, rijit said:

What absolute nonsense, what is 'hard to understand' is how somebody, like yourself with such obviously limited inteligence has the abilty to write.


Please could you explain why it is nonsense? As more acts of terrorism are carried out in Europe, more people are going to start fearing people who stand out as Muslims through their attire and want to keep their distance. This could easily cross over to business. If people identifiable by their dress as Muslim enter your establishment, you may have safety concerns and also concerns that some of your regular customers may stop patronizing your store/restaurant/etc. if they feel intimidated or scared by these other customers. A business is run for profit and not charity, so it stands to reason that the owner may wish to preclude a certain group of potential customers if he perceives their custom could be detrimental to his business.   Now if, these acts of terrorism, demands for special treatment,  perceived aggression toward non-believers (by some), etc. were to stop, this fear would likewise stop and everyone could happily co-exist, whether in hijab or g-string. 


PS I am not commenting on the actual video as I have not watched it.   

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Just now, GarryP said:




Please could you explain why it is nonsense? As more acts of terrorism are carried out in Europe, more people are going to start fearing people who stand out as Muslims through their attire and want to their keep a distance. This could easily cross over to business. If people identifiable by their dress as Muslim enter your establishment, you may have safety concerns and also concerns that some of your regular customers may stop patronizing your store/restaurant/etc. if they feel intimidated or scared by these other customers. A business is run for profit and not charity, so it stands to reason that the owner may wish to preclude a certain group of potential customers if he perceives their custom could be detrimental to his business.   Now if, these acts of terrorism, demands for special treatment,  perceived aggression toward non-believers (by some), etc. were to stop, this fear would likewise stop and everyone could happily co-exist, whether in hijab or g-string. 


PS I am not commenting on the actual video as I have not watched it.   

Because clearly it's people dressed in clothing associated with Islam who are going to commit terrorist acts. You know, in the spirit of sportsmanship they want to give a warning.

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3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

So, you're on expert on French law?

I never said that did I.  But are you going to tell me that as the owner You have to serve people????  Its your business 

If he wanted to close the place down for the day he could, what could you do about it?  Ring the Samaritans 

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4 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Because clearly it's people dressed in clothing associated with Islam who are going to commit terrorist acts. You know, in the spirit of sportsmanship they want to give a warning.

It does not matter whether the actual terrorists are in western dress or not. The fact that they are identified as Muslim is sufficient. Some people will then react negatively to people in Muslim dress as it is the only thing that clearly identifies them as Muslim.  

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16 minutes ago, Caps said:

Yes I read it, I didn't say it was legal and I am most certainly not interested in  US rights

all I said was its his choice and I stand by that so get over it 

No you didn't just say that.  Let's revisit what you wrote:

Maybe so, but people are getting fed up of it and he had lost a friend so if he is a bit tetchy then he has that right.  If its his establishment he can do as he chooses.

Clearly, it is not his right and he can't do as he chooses.

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" Muzzlims are going to end up shunned in larger numbers" ... it is true for those who come from north Africa and not just because of préjudices, because of incivilities observed in everyday life  - not caused by women  but by mostly by young men of arab appearance coming from Maghreb,  in public space or transportations ( free riders, not spontaneously giving up reserved seats to elderly, smoke where it's not permitted, yell on the phone, spit and litter, pray in public ... anykind of attitude that shows they do not care or respect others ). If you happen to say something then you receive insults or worse, these young men being also agressive and violent, but you are racist and bigot etc, etc..

So yes, refrain interacting whith people who do not share your cultural values, and simply do not try to ajust to western way of life. 


But in this case, it was not fair to target these women, besides, some of them have to wear scarves because maybe they would be insulted if they don't.   




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What is truly bizarre though is that lots of the posters who condemned the women wearing burkinis to the beach did so on the grounds that these women had violated the law.  Now that someone apparently violated the law in refusing to serve these women, they have apparently become recruits to the righteousness of civil disobedience.

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8 minutes ago, Opl said:

" Muzzlims are going to end up shunned in larger numbers" ... it is true for those who come from north Africa and not just because of préjudices, because of incivilities observed in everyday life  - not caused by women  but by mostly by young men of arab appearance coming from Maghreb,  in public space or transportations ( free riders, not spontaneously giving up reserved seats to elderly, smoke where it's not permitted, yell on the phone, spit and litter, pray in public ... anykind of attitude that shows they do not care or respect others ). If you happen to say something then you receive insults or worse, these young men being also agressive and violent, but you are racist and bigot etc, etc..

So yes, refrain interacting whith people who do not share your cultural values, and simply do not try to ajust to western way of life.


But in this case, it was not fair to target these women, besides, some of them have to wear scarves because maybe they would be insulted if they don't.  




Exactly who would be insulting them if they didn't wear hijab? Are you saying they are FORCED to wear it? If so, isn't that proving the point of those that say women should be able to wear whatever they like?


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-> to thaibeachlover, I'm saying some would be insulted or hassled if they do not dress " modestly" where they live by people mostly men of the same faith who think they should,  to be a good muslim, ss well as if one of them smokes in the street or serves beer during Ramadan etc   

In suburban towns in France where a large community of muslims lives,  you will almost find no women in cafes . They are discouraged to go to cafes ( french way of life) by muslim men . Guess what , cafe owners are muslim.

I can't find a link in English , but in french http://banlieue.blog.lemonde.fr/2013/11/15/femmes-de-banlieue-elles-occupent-les-cafes-daubervilliers/


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3 minutes ago, Opl said:

-> to thaibeachlover, I'm saying some would be insulted or hassled if they do not dress " modestly" where they live by people mostly men of the same faith who think they should,  to be a good muslim, ss well as if one of them smokes in the street or serves beer during Ramadan etc  

So you are saying that they basically have no choice in what they wear. That is why many will not support wearing of Muslim identiying female dress at all, as it is the only way to free them from the compulsion.

I know many Muslim women that do not wear any dress identifiable as Islamic.

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-> to thaibeachlover ,I said " some" , not "they", prefer to conform to their environment. (street corner society)    

and yes, many, plenty women of muslim faith are successful in their jobs ( some happen to be ministers in France), as well as men - have no problem, but they mostly do not show off their faith first.    

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26 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If they don't want to be picked on they can stop wearing hijabs. It's not compulsory in Islam to wear hijab.

It may not be compulsory for you in the branch of Islam that you subscribe to, but other Muslims believe it to be. Much as some Jews believe they must wear headgear and medieval garb and others don't. And the same goes for other religions. And it's not your business or your place to dictate otherwise.

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26 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


In the US we saw a large boycott of Chick-Fil-A by the LGBTI crowd because the owners made the mistake of mentioning they personally do not support same-sex marriage. 


Does the public have the right to boycott a business based on the owners religious beliefs? YES.


Does the owner have the right to refuse service to a customer because of that persons religious beliefs? Should the owner have that equal right ?

Wrong. They were being boycotted because through their non profit foundation they were donating to organization battling against gay rights.

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