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Clinton pitches her foreign policy to American Legion


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Clinton pitches her foreign policy to American Legion



CINCINNATI (AP) — Portraying a vote for her as a patriotic act, Hillary Clinton made a vigorous appeal to Republican voters Wednesday, arguing that she would best uphold American values, care for the military and protect national security interests.


At the American Legion's annual convention in Cincinnati, the Democratic presidential nominee called the United States an "exceptional nation," and accused Republican rival Donald Trump of thinking that approach is "insulting to the rest of the world."


"When we say America is exceptional, it doesn't mean that people from other places don't feel deep national pride just like we do," Clinton said. "It means that we recognize America's unique and unparalleled ability to be a force for peace and progress, a champion for freedom and opportunity."


She said America must be a leader in the world, "because when America fails to lead, we leave a vacuum."


The speech came as Trump made a last-minute trip to Mexico hours before he was to deliver a long-expected immigration speech. Clinton questioned the move, saying it "takes more than trying to make up for a year of insults and insinuations by dropping in on our neighbors for a few hours."


Clinton, who has an edge in many state and national polls, has been aggressively courting Republicans and independents who won't vote for Trump but are still discomfited by her campaign.


She stressed to the American Legion her experience on the Senate Armed Services Committee and as secretary of state and noted her role in advising President Barack Obama on the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden, saying she was "deeply honored" to take part.


The speech was touted as one that would emphasize "American exceptionalism," an idea that the U.S., as an "exceptional" world citizen, has a moral obligation to advance democracy in the world rather than imposing it against another country's will. The speech largely hewed to the theme of a country with a strong military and one that cares for its veterans — red meat to the American Legion audience.


Offering insight into her foreign policy, Clinton said "we can't cozy up to dictators, we have to stand up to them. We can't contain ISIS, we must defeat them and we will."


Clinton promised to invest in the military and support veterans, pledging not to privatize the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. She said the United States must modernize the military and embrace new tactics, noting that the country should "treat cyberattacks just like any other attacks" and respond through economic, diplomatic and military means.


Emphasizing her respect for service, Clinton noted her work with Sen. John McCain, of Arizona, a former prisoner of war in Vietnam, and said she would never insult prisoners of war or families of soldiers killed in combat, as Trump has.


More than once, Clinton explicitly called on Republicans to get on board — both to support her plans and to defeat Trump.


"I hope you will join the growing number of Americans — Democrats, Republicans and independents — who are supporting our vision for the kind of future we want for our country," Clinton said. "It truly is about who has the experience and temperament to serve as president and commander in chief."


Trump has pledged to "Make America Great Again" and restore the country to a time when, in his view, the U.S. was more prosperous and full of opportunity. Responding to Clinton's remarks, Matt Miller, director of Veterans for Trump, said in a statement that Clinton "is fundamentally unequipped to further the national security interests of the United States and stand up for our veterans."


Emphasizing her GOP support, Clinton's campaign rolled out another Republican endorsement Wednesday, that of James Clad, former deputy assistant secretary of defense under President George W. Bush.


Associated Press Writer Ken Thomas contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-09-01
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Offering insight into her foreign policy, Clinton said "we can't cozy up to dictators, we have to stand up to them. We can't contain ISIS, we must defeat them and we will."  from OP


“If you ask me about the Clinton Foundation, do I have a problem when a sitting secretary of state and a foundation run by her husband collects many millions of dollars from foreign governments, many governments which are dictatorships… yeah I do.”   Bernie Sanders


What honest Americans hate most is hypocrisy.  The morally inept that support the Democrat candidate easily accept her dishonest and racketeering ventures. 

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2 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

The folks are just not into her anymore...:coffee1:


Yeah, she's way down. 538 has her chances of winning  down to 78% vs 26%


At this rate it will could be under 75% by election day. :coffee1:




Denial is more than just a river in Egypt



Edited by Pinot
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59 minutes ago, Usernames said:

Vote for the Clintons and get more wars and more disabled vets.

Very true, soldiers are sent to war generally so someone sitting comfortably at home can make huge profits. Their minds are filled with images of nationalism, protecting democracy and freedom, they believe they are fighting for important principles. However the only principle is profit for the few, the few that don't send their children to fight, or have them tucked away in a safe place.


Then when they get home the understandable mental problems start and they discover the state is not going to take care of them properly after all, that wasn't part of the economic assessment, the profit and loss statement. The whole exercise is conducted by sociopaths for whom an extra dollar in their account is worth every life needlessly forfeited.


And of course Hillary hypocritically, in a time of relative peace, promises the people nothing but blood, toil, tears and sweat, as obscene profits are made by the 1%. Amazing anyone would actually buy into that.

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Both Clinton and the Trump will bring more war, more screwed up physically and mentally injured Vets and both will do everything to NOT honor their service or pay for their health care. You know, like especially the Republicans in Congress.The US broke all it's treaties with the American Indian and it breaks them with Vets. BTW it was organizations like American Legend and VFW that spit on Vietnam Vets, not literally but with words and attitude. Please note, the splintering of Veterans organizations (CVA is not one, just a front for koch (John Birch Society) traitor brothers effort to privatize the VA) because the VFW and American Legend fail to support Vietnam Vets and adapt to the times has caused the loss of political clout that is undeniable, but like VVAW and Vets for Peace many of the newer Veterans Organizations are outspoken and won't be silenced by the old organizations or the privatizers. Never ever trust a Clinton or a Trump, evil to the core.  

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