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Sturgeon warns Scotland will decide its European future independently


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13 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Scotland imports more from the rest of the UK than it sells to them - clearly there will be a strong emphasis on both an independent Scottish government and the rUK government to ensure that this trade continues, else there will be many people badly affected on both sides of the border.

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6 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Scotland imports more from the rest of the UK than it sells to them - clearly there will be a strong emphasis on both an independent Scottish government and the rUK government to ensure that this trade continues, else there will be many people badly affected on both sides of the border.

It's a pipe dream which fortunately is unlikely to realistcally threaten again in our lifetime.

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6 minutes ago, overherebc said:

Someone really needs to put a muzzle on her.


She is the democratically elected  leader of the largest party in Scotland, both in Holyrood and in Westminster. She has a very clear mandate from the people of Scotland to speak on their behalf - that is how our system of democracy works.

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37 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


She is the democratically elected  leader of the largest party in Scotland, both in Holyrood and in Westminster. She has a very clear mandate from the people of Scotland to speak on their behalf - that is how our system of democracy works.

I thought it was a UK vote on Brexit, not an individual country vote. 

Shows how wrong I am on understanding democracy.

Can I take it now that if the result is not what you wanted as an individual then you can stamp your feet and throw your rice pudding at mummy from your high chair?

This will get you your way?

Must remember that next time I lose 50 baht on a pool game.

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4 minutes ago, overherebc said:

I thought it was a UK vote on Brexit, not an individual country vote. 

Shows how wrong I am on understanding democracy.

Can I take it now that if the result is not what you wanted as an individual then you can stamp your feet and throw your rice pudding at mummy from your high chair?

This will get you your way?

Must remember that next time I lose 50 baht on a pool game.

Would prefer that your elected public representatives did not work on your behalf to get the best deal possible for you and your fellow constituents?

The people of Scotland have made it clear that they want to remain in the EU. She would be very unwise to ignore that; in fact she has an obligation to make sure that their views are heard.

Don't forget - far more people in Scotland, by majority and percentage, voted to remain in the EU than voted to remain in the UK.  You may not like that fact, but it is true; it appears to be you who is stamping your feet in frustration.

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20 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Would prefer that your elected public representatives did not work on your behalf to get the best deal possible for you and your fellow constituents?

The people of Scotland have made it clear that they want to remain in the EU. She would be very unwise to ignore that; in fact she has an obligation to make sure that their views are heard.

Don't forget - far more people in Scotland, by majority and percentage, voted to remain in the EU than voted to remain in the UK.  You may not like that fact, but it is true; it appears to be you who is stamping your feet in frustration.

In all honesty I don't give a B.R.A. about it.

Left Scotland in 1968, went back a couple of times for 3/4 years 80's 90's but couldn't settle so now it's just somewhere for a holiday every so often. 

Nice place but the weather is crap, basically like most of UK.

At my age politics are an amusement. Quite often I'll start on politics just before I leave the pub or restaurant and then the next day hear about the arguements that started after I left.?

Don't stamp my feet by the way, bad hip stops that.

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