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Britain jails radical Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary


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Britain jails radical Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary

Robert Hackwill




LONDON: -- A court in Britain has jailed the country’s best-known radical Muslim cleric for five and a half years for urging support of ISIL .


Anjem Choudary, whose supporters have been linked with terrorist attacks around the world, was found guilty by a jury in July of using online lectures and messages to  encourage support for the banned Islamic extremists. He denied his guilt and insisted the trial was politically motivated.


Born in Welling in 1967 Choudary was a solicitor for a time before he was removed from the rolls in 2002. By 1999 he was a preacher attracting official attention for his radicalism  and recruitment of young British Muslims to fight abroad.


Among his statements to attract national news coverage he praised the authors of 9-11, said Buckingham Palace should be turned into a mosque, called for Sharia law for Britain, and refused to criticise the authors of the 2005 London bombings.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-09-07
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 Sorry to hear of this pathetic punishment, he will be out in two years and think of all the extremists he will have created/nurtured in prison. Consideing the ideological background of modern British prisoners he will be a hero in prison,  no, what the sentence should have read is" tattoo a naked Brigitte Bardot in her prime across his back, and airdrop him naked into Aleppo with a tub of vaseline superglued to his hand"

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He was a problem when free to go about his business and now the problem of how to handle him behind bars.

His followers,   the do gooders etc will be all over this to ensure his   '  human rights  '    aren't infringed so keeping him away from other prisoners for example will be exploited to the fullest.

As soon as his disruptive personality manifests itself it needs to be solitary confinement and tell the those who complain what they can do.

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Anjem is one of Allah's finest soldiers, and his many loyal followers will see his conviction as a travesty of Sharia justice.


Now for the inevitable 'peaceful ' protests by heavy thugs in their long beards and even longer pyjamas, along the streets of Luton.

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1 hour ago, NongKhaiKid said:

He was a problem when free to go about his business and now the problem of how to handle him behind bars.

His followers,   the do gooders etc will be all over this to ensure his   '  human rights  '    aren't infringed so keeping him away from other prisoners for example will be exploited to the fullest.

As soon as his disruptive personality manifests itself it needs to be solitary confinement and tell the those who complain what they can do.


I believe there's a plan to segregate these creatures from the general prison population.

Edited by MJP
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Many years ago there used to be an institution that 'looked after' people like this guy - and so many other 'dangers' to society.

There were called 'mental hospitals' and they kept certain people off the streets and out of society - and saved countless lives.

Fast forward to now and every day/week there is a story of someone who has committed another atrocity - that is then described by others who knew him/her always a 'troubled person'  and 'was always not quite right'.  They would have been 'tested' and either 'sorted out' or locked away.

But human rights is more valued than human lives nowadays - and for that there is a price to pay.

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1 hour ago, Radar501 said:

Anjem is one of Allah's finest soldiers, and his many loyal followers will see his conviction as a travesty of Sharia justice.


Now for the inevitable 'peaceful ' protests by heavy thugs in their long beards and even longer pyjamas, along the streets of Luton.

Apparently some were in court and shouted God Is Great when he was sentenced.

They should have been arrested and charged with Contempt Of Court.

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Please can a US citizen now complain. When he was on CNN I think he said he was recruiting terrorists in the US. The news anchor said he was guilty of terrorism under US law (I will try and find the clip). He needs extraditing and given 50 years in a supermax. I am happy to start a crowd funding project so the US taxpayer doesn't pick up the bill ;) 

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14 minutes ago, bridge2bridge said:

They should have DEPORTED him, so he could fight for ISIS.

And HOPEFULLY get killed.

British laws and penalties are VERY WEAK.


There's a serious technical problem.  He was born British.  If he's any sense, he'll have ditched his Pakistani nationality, so there's nowhere to deport him to.

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4 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

He was a problem when free to go about his business and now the problem of how to handle him behind bars.

His followers,   the do gooders etc will be all over this to ensure his   '  human rights  '    aren't infringed so keeping him away from other prisoners for example will be exploited to the fullest.

As soon as his disruptive personality manifests itself it needs to be solitary confinement and tell the those who complain what they can do.

He's as useful to the cause behind bars as outside spewing hate.

If allowed to congregate with other prisoners he'll convert and if segregated he's a martyr for propaganda use.

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At least this worthless pos, a drain on the British social security system, is where he belongs.  He finally overstepped the mark


I hope some big huy is giving it to him up the shorts in prison.


Now the misfits of the left, bleeding hearts,  chardonnay socialists, left wing <deleted>, etc., will be crowing about the gross injustice perpetrated against this low life.

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27 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

A fine example of british citizenry….let him serve his sentence and then deport this paki as a warning to all others.


He is a UK citizen so cannot be deported if it makes him stateless, in addition HMG has revoked his passport. He once claimed he would voluntarily relocate to join Daesh, which is illegal, by the time he is released very doubtful the so called Caliphate will still exist. Looks as though the UK is stuck with him, maybe HMG will enable legislation that provides lifetime detention for people like him.

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