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Hungary prepares for anti-refugee referendum


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Hungary prepares for anti-refugee referendum

Robert Hackwill




BUDAPEST: -- Less than one month to go before the referendum in Hungary and the streets are full with different types of billboards. The Hungarian people must answer the following question on 2nd October: “Do you want to allow the European Union to mandate the resettlement of non-Hungarian citizens to Hungary without the approval of the National Assembly?”


The result will not have an affect on the EU of course but the government still would like to take legal steps on this issue.


“The referendum itself will not have a direct legal effect, but along with the government’s political will the National Assembly must take a commitment on this question with legal steps as well,” says government spokesman Zoltán Kovács.


While government billboards say, for example that “From Libya alone around 1 million migrants want to come to Europe”, there is a satire party whose posters say: “More than 1 million Hungarians want to go to Europe”. The so called Two-Tailed Dog Party intends to make fun of the government’s hate campaign and they call on people to invalidate the vote.


“It is also important to show this outside Hungary, as Hungary has a very bad reputation nowadays and I think it is good to show that Hungary is not the same as its government, but it is full of nice, friendly and normal people, even if the government is not showing this face of Hungary,” says the leader of the Two-Tailed Dog Party, Gergő Kovács.


Many others have taken to social media to express their disgust with their prime minister and his closing of Hungary’s southern borders.


One NGO campaigning on the internet, Amnesty International Hungary is running an information campaign about the facts and details of migration and also about the referendum itself. They say it is important to talk about this issue not only on the level of politics.


“We find it very important for example to make it clear that it is not about forced resettlement, basically it is more about the transition of asylum requests through Hungary, this is very very important to clear up, and another important thing is that right now this quota system that we are voting about doesn’t exist.” says Amnesty International Hungary’s Director Orsolya Jeney.


However, Amnesty does not tell the voters how to vote. The political parties in Hungary share different ideas: Jobbik will go for ‘NO’ like the government, some left-wing parties go for YES, while others say that voters shouldn’t even take part. So the referendum in Hungary is a political one and the result will not have a direct effect on the migration issue, but it could have important political effects around the European Union.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-09-08



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3 hours ago, webfact said:

While government billboards say, for example that “From Libya alone around 1 million migrants want to come to Europe”, there is a satire party whose posters say: “More than 1 million Hungarians want to go to Europe”. The so called Two-Tailed Dog Party intends to make fun of the government’s hate campaign and they call on people to invalidate the vote.


Bad translation ? Or is the Two Tailed Party bursting at the seams with thicko's ?


Hungary is in Europe

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I think Europe, and others, are a bit tired of the, so called, refugees, wanting to resettle in better places. It costs the natives of the countries, not only money but maybe jobs as well, that is if the refugees actually want to work.


It has to be stopped somewhere.

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Hungary are not anti refugee. They are anti being told by Angela Merkel and her puppet EU Commission that they must accept a quota, which Germany and the EU bureaucrats will decide.


No nation in their right mind will allow a foreign leader and bureaucrats she was heavily involved in appointing dictate to them. 


If the quotas were accepted without protest, just watch for more dictats from the EU - and all will strangely be in Germany's interests.

Edited by Baerboxer
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2 minutes ago, clockman said:

Frightening, where are the females?


I think EU, has to wake up to the influx of people they do not even have ID, Passports....etc.

England is starting to get an idea by putting Choudhry and coherts in prison.

Hopefully they can see allah a lot sooner.


EU should put a 1year moratorium on ANY MORE OF THES PEOPLE COMING IN.

Get a plan........and let them apply 1 by 1.



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Where does Hungary get off thinking they should have any choice in the EU plan for Islamifying their country? Bunch of racists, where are the signs declaring love for refugees and offering rooms in their homes? Just as well the EU completely ignores local referendums as irrelevant.

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I am Hungarian by birth and know much about it, even if I lived outside the country most of my time.


6 hours ago, webfact said:

Two-Tailed Dog Party

is not a legal party or whatever, they are just some paid agitators.... guess who pays them 


6 hours ago, webfact said:

Many others have taken to social media to express their disgust with their prime minister and his closing of Hungary’s southern borders.

the truth is just quite opposite... just read comments here....


6 hours ago, webfact said:

as Hungary has a very bad reputation nowadays

same as above.... In fact, more people moves from Hungary from the rest of Europe, ,just because Hungary has no significant immigration problem.


Anyhow, it could be quite difficult to write an article about a subject and even a country, what is not known by the author.

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3 hours ago, SgtRock said:

Just some of the Migrants that Hungary sent onwards to Austria.




can anyone blame them ?



Where are the women and children, whose heart-wrenching pictures usually accompany pro-refugee propaganda in the Western media?

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4 hours ago, SgtRock said:


Bad translation ? Or is the Two Tailed Party bursting at the seams with thicko's ?


Hungary is in Europe


Or maybe you missed that it is a joke

7 hours ago, webfact said:

there is a satire party whose posters say: “More than 1 million Hungarians want to go to Europe”. The so called Two-Tailed Dog Party intends to make fun of the government’s hate campaign and they call on people to invalidate the vote.


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3 hours ago, clockman said:

Frightening, where are the females?


UNHCR indicates that the percentages based on gender since January 2015 (including the figures of January 2016}  are 49% men, 19% women and 31% children.

The UNHCR reported that since January 2016 the number of women and children represents more than 55% of the total arrivals. Of this 55%, 21% are women and 34% are children.



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1 minute ago, simple1 said:


UNHCR indicates that the percentages based on gender since January 2015 (including the figures of January 2016}  are 49% men, 19% women and 31% children.




The UNHCR reported that since January 2016 the number of women and children represents more than 55% of the total arrivals. Of this 55%, 21% are women and 34% are children.





A picture is worth a thousand words from UNHCR or anyone else.

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1 hour ago, Galactus said:

sad. some countries are taking care 3 million refugees and some others complain and do referendums for accepting a thousand refugees or not!


Refugees show gratitude to their host country, they do not rape or run riot in the host country. Most Refugees are in fact Economic migrants. Probably using women and children as props to justify their status as refugees! 


The EU are to blame for the situation, specifically Merkel! There was no consultation, No attempt to secure the outer borders of the EU and now she wants to dictate to other EU countries how many migrants they should take.


European citizens have had enough of the dictatorship that is the EU, Nations should be able to decide what is best for them and their people. The EU's answer? More dictatorship don't let citizens decide just in case they also want to leave.

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On 9/8/2016 at 2:38 PM, CharlieK said:


Refugees show gratitude to their host country, they do not rape or run riot in the host country. Most Refugees are in fact Economic migrants. Probably using women and children as props to justify their status as refugees! 


The EU are to blame for the situation, specifically Merkel! There was no consultation, No attempt to secure the outer borders of the EU and now she wants to dictate to other EU countries how many migrants they should take.


European citizens have had enough of the dictatorship that is the EU, Nations should be able to decide what is best for them and their people. The EU's answer? More dictatorship don't let citizens decide just in case they also want to leave.


there are around a million refugees now in Europe and of course due to cultural differences, some sad happenings like rape etc might occur.  Europe has some of the highest number of rape cases before the refugees. Sure Europeans rape Europeans more than refugees.  what Merkel is a bit more  humanitarian than the rest of the hypocrites in Europe.

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5 minutes ago, Galactus said:


there are around a million refugees now in Europe and of course due to cultural differences, some sad happenings like rape etc might occur.

Europe has some of the highest number of rape cases before the refugees. Sure Europeans rape Europeans more than refugees.

what Merkel is a bit more humanitarian than the rest of the hypocrites in Europe.

Of course,   the Germans have a long history of humanitarianism in Europe - don't they ?  Problem is they are trying to put things right about their past by being OTT and allowing in everyman and his IS dogs.   Trouble is 2 wrongs do not make a right.

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On 8.9.2016 at 5:36 AM, webfact said:

“It is also important to show this outside Hungary, as Hungary has a very bad reputation nowadays and I think it is good to show that Hungary is not the same as its government, but it is full of nice, friendly and normal people, even if the government is not showing this face of Hungary,” says the leader of the Two-Tailed Dog Party, Gergő Kovács.


Many others have taken to social media to express their disgust with their prime minister and his closing of Hungary’s southern borders.


Well, I for one have used social media expressing my utmost delight with Mr Orban, wishing for him to become the next German Chancellor along with Austiran Sebastian Kurz as the next foreign minister.


Hungary has such a bad reputation now that Austrian and German couples are buying every single property there is around the Balaton seas in western Hungary to settle there because of the security situation in their home countries.

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On 9/9/2016 at 0:39 PM, whatawonderfulday said:

Of course,   the Germans have a long history of humanitarianism in Europe - don't they ? 

child rhymes


I can't stand to notice; not the Germans, but a minority, lived in Germany. If someone studies the real history, not the one written by the winners, can easily understand I am talking about…

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You know things have reached rock bottom when Countries start issuing travel warnings about another Countries No - Go Zones.



The Hungarian government has issued a leaflet that labels London a “no-go zone” because it contains too many migrants.

It suggests there are more than 900 areas in Europe which are overrun by migrants whom “the authorities cannot keep under control”. In these neighbourhoods, it warns: “the norms of the host society… barely prevail”.







Thankfully there are some people kicking around that still have gonads and have not been neutered by the liberal lefties.


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