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Julian Assange criticises timing of Swedish news conference


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15 minutes ago, Gopro said:

Assange is being hung out to dry by pandering govs with allegiance the US.. Even the aussie gov won't help him.


I don't blame him, why the heck would you go anywhere when you know you'll end up facing the US gov being held for the death penalty. Screw that.


I hope he exposes more of the frauds they are.


edit: take your time to read wikileaks it may open you to some good information

That's my 'take' on the matter too.


He exposed governments'/wealthy companies guilty secrets - unforgivable to all those concerned - and those governments/authorities/companies/public figures that are worried about their own guilty secrets been told to the public.

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13 minutes ago, Gopro said:

If u watch this one eyed view take on him, he's not a nice guy, but he doesn't give a shit, he just wants to expose them. Hats off for bugger all self preservation. I think he's woken up a bit and now needs to save his arse.



Why on earth post a clip from a film???


The lies and deception by governments, companies etc. stand up for themselves..


Its a shame that the wikileaks video posted earlier was deleted so quickly - as it proved and left no doubt that the populace were being fed lies by their governments.


Edit - No wonder governments are determined to lock him up and stop him!

Edited by dick dasterdly
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No matter where you live, same crap!cover ups by goverments,

I remember watching those 2 girls and there accusations where very fragile,but there was

a woman with them who seemed to be the BOSS lady later found out was a laywer,mho

they where  on the gravy trail. He was set up big time............

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Off topic posts have been removed.  A post containing a link to a foreign language news site has been removed, English language sites only please. 


Comments on moderation have been removed, please go back and read the OP again, this is about the extradition over his rape case:



Assange sought refuge at the Ecuadorian Embassy to avoid extradition to Sweden where he’s wanted over rape allegations,claims he denies.


Discussion of the Wikileaks charges against Assange would be another topic altogether. 

Edited by metisdead
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2 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Which is why I'm interested as to what is being claimed as 'rape'.  I gather (but don't know) that the charge is not what would be charged as rape in the UK.


If this is the case, then there is no reason whatsoever for the UK courts to agree to extradite Assange?


Even so - would anyone argue that the Swedish and UK courts/authorities are treating him as anything other than a 'special case'?

I would argue that Assange  has made himself into a special case.

Sweden wants to question him about allegations that he has committed what is (under Swedish Law) a serious offence. He was not prepared to return to Sweden to answer those allegations so the Swedes quite properly asked for him to  be extradited.  The UK judicial system ( independent of government,  as I believe is the Swedish system) found that he should be sent to Sweden to answer the allegations,  and dismissed as groundless his claims that he was a special case, and would be sent from Sweden to the USA.


He then jumped bail ( which is why he is facing arrest) and entered the Ecuadorian Embassy. There he has been  showboating on the increasingly rare occasions that he can find anyone to listen to him. I don't think either the UK or Sweden are treating him as a special case. Sweden wants to question him for entirely valid legal reasons, and he has broken the law in the UK by jumping bail.

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OK :D. (referring to Metisdead's deleting of comments - not the previous post)


I'm still looking for the allegations supporting the Swedish authorities rape allegations (I gather they're not charges- or even rape according to UK law) - and an explanation as to why this particular case has not only been pursued way and beyond any other case, the UK authorities have also gone way and beyond any other case.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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3 minutes ago, JAG said:

I would argue that Assange  has made himself into a special case.

Sweden wants to question him about allegations that he has committed what is (under Swedish Law) a serious offence. He was not prepared to return to Sweden to answer those allegations so the Swedes quite properly asked for him to  be extradited.  The UK judicial system ( independent of government,  as I believe is the Swedish system) found that he should be sent to Sweden to answer the allegations,  and dismissed as groundless his claims that he was a special case, and would be sent from Sweden to the USA.


He then jumped bail ( which is why he is facing arrest) and entered the Ecuadorian Embassy. There he has been  showboating on the increasingly rare occasions that he can find anyone to listen to him. I don't think either the UK or Sweden are treating him as a special case. Sweden wants to question him for entirely valid legal reasons, and he has broken the law in the UK by jumping bail.



If its only an offence under Swedish law - why did the UK agree to extradite him?


And yes, he jumped bail - and who would blame him bearing in mind the US were extremely unhappy about the truths his organisation had posted, the Swedes were pursuing him for minor charges that they would never have pursued (unless it was this particular guy that seriously annoyed so many important people) and the UK authorities agreed to deport him for 'charges' that would never stand up as said 'charges' in a UK court!

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6 hours ago, Kasset Tak said:

Get charged for rape and then:

1. apply for asylum, wait for statue of limitations to be reached and then sue for unlawful detention.


2. go to court and prove that you are innocent.

I know who looks guilty to me...

Get the facts straight. He has never been changed with a crime in Sweden. The Swedish government wants to talk to him in order to see if he indeed can be charged.

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5 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

More like Assange has dragged this out.  Go to Sweden and sort it out.  Quit hiding.  He's probably doing this just for publicity.

You should learn more about this story. His fear is being extradited to the USA and charged there for his leaks on Wikileaks. 

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1 hour ago, dick dasterdly said:

OK :D. (referring to Metisdead's deleting of comments - not the previous post)


I'm still looking for the allegations supporting the Swedish authorities rape allegations (I gather they're not charges- or even rape according to UK law) - and an explanation as to why this particular case has not only been pursued way and beyond any other case, the UK authorities have also gone way and beyond any other case.

UK would not extradite if it was not rape according to UK law.

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2 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:



If its only an offence under Swedish law - why did the UK agree to extradite him?


And yes, he jumped bail - and who would blame him bearing in mind the US were extremely unhappy about the truths his organisation had posted, the Swedes were pursuing him for minor charges that they would never have pursued (unless it was this particular guy that seriously annoyed so many important people) and the UK authorities agreed to deport him for 'charges' that would never stand up as said 'charges' in a UK court!

Bear with me please  while I try to explain why I believe that Assange is not being treated as a special case. I'm not a lawyer.


In the UK, when a country applies for the extradition of someone then the initial decision is made by the Home Office. The person being extradited can appeal against that decision through the courts. I should imagine that much the same process is followed in Sweden.


Providing the country requesting extradition has a functioning recognised justice system, independent of direct political control, (Sweden undoubtedly does) then the three main bars to extradition are: does the crime carry the death penalty in the country requesting extradition - no. Is the crime "political" and the extradition an attempt by a government to get its hands on a political opponent - no. Is the alleged crime subject to "dual criminality". Now that does not mean that it has to be as serious a crime in the UK, but it has to be a crime. What Assange is alleged to have done may well not be classified as rape in the UK, but it may well have been regarded as sexual assault, a lesser crime but still a crime.  For that reason I suspect that the UK courts agreed to his extradition.


Assange has reportedly refused to go to Sweden because the Swedish Government will not guarantee that he will not be extradited from there to the USA. They (the Swedes) cannot make this guarantee if the decision is ultimately made in the courts.


Of course it may be, ( has been) , argued that the case should never have been brought in the first case - that really is a matter to be argued in the Swedish courts.


Assange has been treated no differently than any other person whose extradition has been requested.  He is the one who has made himself a special case, by his silly behaviour in running away to the Ecuadorian Embassy, and appearing on the Balcony like something out of a Monty Python sketch, (" North Minehead by election" anyone?).


One might also wonder why Assange was apparently unconcerned that the Swedes would extraditie him to the USA when he was in Sweden in 2010, when he allegedly raped these two women, which was several months after he had really upset the USA, and several years after he had started publishing illegally obtained material through Wikileaks.


It's hard to escape the conclusion that Assange wishes to escape having to face a charge of rape, and has made himself a special case in an attempt to do so.

Edited by JAG
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10 minutes ago, JAG said:

Assange has been treated no differently than any other person whose extradition has been requested.  He is the one who has made himself a special case, by his silly behaviour in running away to the Ecuadorian Embassy, and appearing on the Balcony like something out of a Monty Python sketch, (" North Minehead by election" anyone?).


Let's see.  Seek asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy or the risk extraordinary rendition to a waterboard facility.


Decisions, decisions.


I believe he'd be thrilled to face the charges for which his presence has been requested by Sweden.  It's what they have planned for him in the middle of the night that's got him spooked.  Can't say I blame him.

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2 minutes ago, impulse said:


Let's see.  Seek asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy or the risk extraordinary rendition to a waterboard facility.


Decisions, decisions.


I believe he'd be thrilled to face the charges for which his presence has been requested by Sweden.  It's what they have planned for him in the middle of the night that's got him spooked.  Can't say I blame him.

Are you seriously suggesting that the Swedish Government would be party to the "extraordinary rendition" of someone who is in their judicial processes?


Blimey, that really does stretch the imagination!

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5 minutes ago, JAG said:

Are you seriously suggesting that the Swedish Government would be party to the "extraordinary rendition" of someone who is in their judicial processes?


Blimey, that really does stretch the imagination!


Yes.  Absolutely.  And no stretch at all if you look at recent events related to others in similar positions. 


He won't be in the judicial process for long.  Then it's a long drive to the airport.

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47 minutes ago, JAG said:

What Assange is alleged to have done may well not be classified as rape in the UK, but it may well have been regarded as sexual assault,



What is he alleged to have done which would be regarded as sexual assault in the UK?


Please go into specific detail...

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1 minute ago, HappyDazed said:


What is he alleged to have done which would be regarded as sexual assault in the UK?


Please go into specific detail...

No. I said that I am not a lawyer. Nor am I an expert on sexual crime.


Thats why I said "may well" .

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1 minute ago, JAG said:

No. I said that I am not a lawyer. Nor am I an expert on sexual crime.


Thats why I said "may well" .


If you dont what is being alleged then how can you know if his extradition from the UK is valid under uk law?


You might not be a lawyer but I'm assuming you've had sex before....and have a basic understanding of rape and sexual assault?

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5 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Which is why I'm still wondering about the official rape allegation - as this (I think) doesn't come anywhere close to rape in the UK?


Surely one of those posting that Assange is trying to evade justice - can come up with a reason as to why the UK courts decided to extradite (even though the allegation doesn't come close to a rape charge in the UK).


Not to mention why the Swedish authorities took this further than any other of their cases (?), as did the UK authorities when they then posted police around the Embassy (edit - for years)!


'Stink' doesn't begin to cover what has happened in this case.

Seems you aren't grasping the situation here.  Sweden, for apparently good reasons, has asked to question Assange.  Assange is now hiding out to avoid this.  The law is the law.  Like it or not.  He needs to go to Sweden to clear this up.  If he is truly innocent, he'll be let go.  If not, he might end up in jail.  Maybe the latter is what he's worried about?

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4 minutes ago, HappyDazed said:


If you dont what is being alleged then how can you know if his extradition from the UK is valid under uk law?


You might not be a lawyer but I'm assuming you've had sex before....and have a basic understanding of rape and sexual assault?

People far more educated on this subject are asking for him to appear in Sweden.  Why not go to clear your name?  It is the law.  He has to go.  He's making a sham of the legal system.

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44 minutes ago, JAG said:

Are you seriously suggesting that the Swedish Government would be party to the "extraordinary rendition" of someone who is in their judicial processes?


Blimey, that really does stretch the imagination!


If not, then why have the swedish goverment refused numerous times to guarantee he would not be extradicted to the US?


Assange has said he would return to Sweden if they could provide this guarantee....so how do you explain their refusal to do so?



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9 minutes ago, HappyDazed said:


If you dont what is being alleged then how can you know if his extradition from the UK is valid under uk law?


You might not be a lawyer but I'm assuming you've had sex before....and have a basic understanding of rape and sexual assault?


I was suggesting a reason why the court may have ordered his extradition.  That's why I said: "What Assange is alleged to have done may well not be classified as rape in the UK, but it may well have been regarded as sexual assault, a lesser crime but still a crime.  "It was a suggested reason, not the definitive reasoning.


I don't know the details, if you want to know yourself I'm sure that they could be found on the net if you are prepared to search.

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1 minute ago, Anthony5 said:


But he hasn't been convicted yet, they first want to question him to figure out if it is rape or not, so on what is the UK extradition decision based?

They already questioned him in Sweden and released him without charge.


Why dont they just come to the embassy and question him.....again?

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12 minutes ago, HappyDazed said:


If not, then why have the swedish goverment refused numerous times to guarantee he would not be extradicted to the US?


Assange has said he would return to Sweden if they could provide this guarantee....so how do you explain their refusal to do so?




I already have - its in my post (number 43), I said :

"Assange has reportedly refused to go to Sweden because the Swedish Government will not guarantee that he will not be extradited from there to the USA. They (the Swedes) cannot make this guarantee if the decision is ultimately made in the courts."


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6 minutes ago, Anthony5 said:


But he hasn't been convicted yet, they first want to question him to figure out if it is rape or not, so on what is the UK extradition decision based?

An extradition request by the Swedish government.  Who would do the same for the UK if the situation was in reverse.  It is the law.

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