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Will Thai People Kill Me...?


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You might think that this is a funny question, which it is and it isn't.

What is the situation like here if you do something like that in some way makes things in Thailand a little bit more competitive? It could be starting a small business business here, one at which Thais in the same neighbourhaood try their hand, though it could be something more easily short-circuited, like attempting to have standards in the town met/enforced by the authorities.

Anyway, it is a genuine concern, and I hope there might be some discussion.

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A small shop. There are several a similar sort in the neighbourhood / town run by Thais, though they are unrelated.

If there is something like a single prize, and i were to win it, that is rather different than starting a shop, maybe growing into a chain, and making less work for others.

This sort of issue must surely have been on the mind of many farangs who have attempted this sort of thing in Thailand, but I can't say I have seen the thought aired here.

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In some ways I would guess it depends on the nature of the business. Are you going to sell cotton balls and klenex? If so, I think you are OK. Are you going to open a bar? Well, I'd venture to say you may be in a different crowd of collegues.

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In some ways I would guess it depends on the nature of the business. Are you going to sell cotton balls and klenex? If so, I think you are OK. Are you going to open a bar? Well, I'd venture to say you may be in a different crowd of collegues.

yeah i agree, dakah wrapped it up in a nutshell.

dealing drugs in someone else's area will get you shot, but another clothes store in MBK is a different story.

speaking of MBK, anyone know that car store there (selling performance car parts). i herd another similar store opened up there and the original just store used reputation and good prices to ruin it's competition.

anyhow, best of luck with your plans fanciman.

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It would be a legitimate business.

I once bought something at a night market. It is only sold at one other shop in the market, which i found later. i asked how much at the second shop and then said "Oh Dear! I just bought one from the other place. I wish I had got it here, now."

The expression on that guys face...

This sort of thing needs to be considered, though it is very dispiriting.


If, after setting up shop, one were threatened, could a farang feel secure simply by informing the police and lodging a complaint? Even trusting the police, how could one see that a proper investigation were actually being undertaken?

Is the only viable response to such a situation to just close down?

Edited by fanciman
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It would be a legitimate business.

I once bought something at a night market. It is only sold at one other shop in the market, which i found later. i asked how much at the second shop and then said "Oh Dear! I just bought one from the other place. I wish I had got it here, now."

The expression on that guys face...

This sort of thing needs to be considered, though it is very dispiriting.


If, after setting up shop, one were threatened, could a farang feel secure simply by informing the police and lodging a complaint? Even trusting the police, how could one see that a proper investigation were actually being undertaken?

Is the only viable response to such a situation to just close down?

As mentioned above, as long as nobody's really doing it and it isn't illegal, go for it! That being said, if it's unsuccessful so be it. If it is successful, keep it as unnoticeable as possiblie, else you will be copied by the Thais to the point where there's not enough profitability for you. Thais don't need to make as much profit as you do to live.

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You might buy out an existing business and run it exactly the same without changes for awhile and don't even show your farang face around the place. After awhile you could slowly start to transition to your own style of establishment after the novelty of your involvement has worn off....too many changes too fast can be threatening especially if they are being done by someone who is seen as having deep pockets so you are perceived as a very serious threat.


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Coincidentally this morning I was talking to a Thai friend of mine who was telling me about a new B2B (business to business) venture that he and a partner are starting where they hope to undercut the price offered by existing oil and gas suppliers (brokers) to small and medium size business enterprises; namely Indian owned factories etc. And the more companies they can interest and supply then the greater the discount they can offer on what these companies are presently having to pay.

I asked my friend what he thought the existing suppliers might think about being cut out of the market - and his repsonse was that they would explain to them that they may lose one or two existing companies, but in short, they would have to adapt and could as a consequence gain six or eight or more new customers - something like this - a really positive spin on what essentially is going to be a very competetive and cut-throat start-up business on other people's turf.

My friend is Thai-Chinese. I guess, even if the existing labour laws, relating to trades foreigners can engage in in this country, allowed this then judging by the amount of potential lost revenue Thais would incur - you or I as foreigner would pretty soon be put out of business in one way or another!

Perhaps even with a bullet. Obviously there are two sets of rules in this country.

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I can think of many westerners that are runnig succesful companys in Thailand, some at the expense of existing Thai buisness, These people have not been shot and are still around to tell the tale.

All this talk of legitimate western proprieters being shot is complete codswallop.

One thing I do notice amongst these westerners is that they remain squeaky clean, in other words there companys follow all the rules, pay taxes , have work permits, staff insurance etc.

The thais will report a buisness that they percieve as not being legitamete, especially if a foreigner is involved.

And as a previous poster put it keep a low profile, outward signs of decadence do not do any foreigners any favours.


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The dumb, naive farang does not stand a chance going into business with a Thai.

You will get fcuked for sure... :o

We all don't, but then we are not all dumb and naive.

From your post i guess it's safe to presume that you are one of the dumb naive ones who has already been fcuked. :D

cracker mate. :D:D:D

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A small shop. There are several a similar sort in the neighbourhood / town run by Thais, though they are unrelated.

If there is something like a single prize, and i were to win it, that is rather different than starting a shop, maybe growing into a chain, and making less work for others.

This sort of issue must surely have been on the mind of many farangs who have attempted this sort of thing in Thailand, but I can't say I have seen the thought aired here.

F' em,

They will get over it. I helped a friend of mine with a video arcade shop in Pattaya awhile back. You know the kind that have the PS2 games set up with the big screen TV's. Plenty of Thai competion around. We blew them all away with huge 29inch screen TVs nice chairs, open all night (paid the cops) and all at the same 20baht per hr that everyone else was charging. And on top of that the fist week we opened we charged NOTHING, free games for all as a promotion and to get recognition.

Worked like a charm and it made good money and the nearby cometetors looked like ghost towns. That is untill some personal problems forced him to go back home and sell off shop.

These pics are AFTER the promotion. Do your thing, eat or be eaten.


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A small shop. There are several a similar sort in the neighbourhood / town run by Thais, though they are unrelated.

If there is something like a single prize, and i were to win it, that is rather different than starting a shop, maybe growing into a chain, and making less work for others.

This sort of issue must surely have been on the mind of many farangs who have attempted this sort of thing in Thailand, but I can't say I have seen the thought aired here.

F' em,

They will get over it. I helped a friend of mine with a video arcade shop in Pattaya awhile back. You know the kind that have the PS2 games set up with the big screen TV's. Plenty of Thai competion around. We blew them all away with huge 29inch screen TVs nice chairs, open all night (paid the cops) and all at the same 20baht per hr that everyone else was charging. And on top of that the fist week we opened we charged NOTHING, free games for all as a promotion and to get recognition.

Worked like a charm and it made good money and the nearby cometetors looked like ghost towns. That is untill some personal problems forced him to go back home and sell off shop.

These pics are AFTER the promotion. Do your thing, eat or be eaten.


Great Example !!! :o

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The dumb, naive farang does not stand a chance going into business with a Thai.

You will get fcuked for sure... :o

Ah, Boon Mee, ever the optimist.

and quite the Realist... :D

Even the not so "dumb/naive farang" has very little chance of success.

(those with no experience in doing business in the Kingdom need not reply)

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A small shop. There are several a similar sort in the neighbourhood / town run by Thais, though they are unrelated.

What sort of turnover do you expect your small shop to have?

If you were going into heavy plant hire, civil engineering, or road building etc........you will certainly be treading on the local big boys toes, I would suggest being very careful.

However if you are opening a legitimate small shop with a moderate turnover and you are all legal, maybe with a Thai fronting the buisness I think you dont have too much to worry about.

You are not going to get shot for opening a florists!

If anything if you are percieved as being succesful you will have copy cat buisness opening up locally very soon.

Good luck and go for it.


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A small shop. There are several a similar sort in the neighbourhood / town run by Thais, though they are unrelated.

What sort of turnover do you expect your small shop to have?

If you were going into heavy plant hire, civil engineering, or road building etc........you will certainly be treading on the local big boys toes, I would suggest being very careful.

However if you are opening a legitimate small shop with a moderate turnover and you are all legal, maybe with a Thai fronting the buisness I think you dont have too much to worry about.

You are not going to get shot for opening a florists!

If anything if you are percieved as being succesful you will have copy cat buisness opening up locally very soon.

Good luck and go for it.


i said ....go for it.....your gut feelings........

every new businessse are the same.........

you want in because the profit is there........

and since when the other's opinions count....? :o

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Quite apart from the perceived risk of violence from Thais, there are a whole list of business ventures that Farangs (legally) aren't allowed to get into. I'm assuming your shop isn't one of these? If it is, then you don't need to worry about being harmed, they'll (Thai & Farang) just inform the authorities.

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Quite apart from the perceived risk of violence from Thais, there are a whole list of business ventures that Farangs (legally) aren't allowed to get into. I'm assuming your shop isn't one of these? If it is, then you don't need to worry about being harmed, they'll (Thai & Farang) just inform the authorities.

Like a knocking shop down soi hok South Pattaya Beach road ?

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I can think of many westerners that are runnig succesful companys in Thailand, some at the expense of existing Thai buisness, These people have not been shot and are still around to tell the tale.

All this talk of legitimate western proprieters being shot is complete codswallop.

One thing I do notice amongst these westerners is that they remain squeaky clean, in other words there companys follow all the rules, pay taxes , have work permits, staff insurance etc.

Yeah, I know quite a few as well.

You're more likely to get shot for being rude (and even then, your odds are only equally or marginally worse than when dealing with armed folks with a short temper anywhere else in the world) than for simply opening up a competing business.


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