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How many morons does it take to answer a question ?


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A recent post got me thinking, is there much point in asking questions on TV.

For me the answer is yes, but sometimes the answers given make me question if yes is the right answer.

An example, a short while ago someone wanted to know a decent place to live in Bangkok. He got numerous replies that he should go and live in Chang Mai. How much of a moron does one have to be to reply to a question regarding living in Bangkok with referencing C.M. ?

There have been many more but that was the latest.


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I must agree, there are some real pearls on here. Sometimes you wonder how people dream up such idiocy.

- the majority of Thais live on ground level houses and cant afford high level condos.

- most Thai girls wearing black are "on the job"

- that some morons think the repetative " because a Thai would never do that" is still amusing... 3 years after the event.

- any farang comment that starts with "most Thais..."

- why anyone ever brings up " back home we..." is beyond me. The absolutely most worthless comparison to any issue here.

- then theres all the SAS gun experts, spies.

- the xxxxs that always ask "do you have a work permit for that..MYOFB why not?


Actually i get a kick out of all the guys that hear something (example- police or organised crime) and they come on here sprouting some BS scenario as if were actually true, as they somehow have all the inside information from their Thai mate whos a cop 

it is comical at times

rant over




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