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Clinton has history of ignoring health - and paying a price


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Clinton has history of ignoring health - and paying a price



WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (AP) — The White House was submerged in scandal. Democrats faced tough midterm elections. And Hillary Clinton, far more popular than her embattled husband, had become a one-woman campaign machine.


But the nonstop travel in 1998 took a toll. Clinton developed a blood clot behind her right knee, prompting the White House doctor to recommend hospitalization and a week of bedrest.


Determined to stay on the campaign trail, Clinton settled on an alternative: A nurse would travel with her to administer the medicine needed to monitor her health. She kept her condition a secret from nearly everyone but her Secret Service detail, alerted only because an injury could have been life-threatening.


"Very few people knew about it at the time," recalled Dr. Connie Mariano in her autobiography. "Her staff thought she had pulled a muscle exercising."


Nearly two decades later, Clinton's desire to work through illness — and penchant for keeping her health secret — has helped cause the most damaging 48-hour period in her presidential campaign and given fresh ammunition to GOP rival Donald Trump. The incident has also stoked long-simmering conservative conspiracy theories about her health and questions about her commitment to openness.


Video of her staggering and stumbling at a 9/11 ceremony on Sunday and her controversial comments about Trump's supporters at a Friday fundraiser both occurred while she suffered from lingering pneumonia.


At least part of the blame goes to a simple cause: Clinton's stubborn unwillingness to follow the advice of doctors, family and friends.


"This is just who she is. She is a workhorse. No matter who tells her, her husband can tell her. It doesn't matter. Chelsea can tell her," said Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat who served as chairman of her 2008 presidential campaign. "You're not going to change her at this point in her life."


After her Friday pneumonia diagnosis, Clinton was determined to "power through," she told CNN late Monday.


The public and most in her campaign were kept in the dark. Her running mate, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, and her campaign manager, Robby Mook, declined to say when they first learned about her condition.


The decision to keep going was one that Clinton, who suffers seasonal allergies that can become a vicious cough, came to regret. The Democrat is now taking a few days off the campaign trail, forced to the sidelines at a critical point in the fall election.


Campaign spokesman Nick Merrill said the Democratic nominee spent Tuesday reading briefing material, calling aides and watching President Barack Obama campaign on her behalf in Philadelphia. She will resume campaign travel on Thursday, he said.


Facing criticism about her lack of disclosure, she's agreed to release more health information soon.


"I probably would have been better off if I'd just pulled down my schedule on Friday," Clinton said on CNN, adding: "I just didn't think it was going to be that big a deal."


Her supporters now are trying to turn the episode into a badge of honor — and a credential for the White House.


"This is a woman who works 20 hours a day and comes into contact with tens of thousands of people and you pick up germs and viruses and things like that and you get exhausted," said Democratic Gov. Dannel Malloy of Connecticut. "If you don't get a cold or a virus or the flu or pneumonia in a campaign, you weren't working hard enough."


But the incident follows a long pattern, with Clinton paying a price, both physically and politically.


During the waning days of her time as secretary of state, she sustained a concussion in a fainting episode at her home, which her doctor later attributed to dehydration and a stomach virus she developed during a trip to Europe. In follow-up evaluations, Clinton was found to have a blood clot in a vein in the space between her brain and the skull behind her right ear.


To recover, she spent a few days at a hospital and took a month-long absence from the State Department for treatment. Her physician, Dr. Lisa Bardack, said in 2013 that testing showed "complete resolution" of the concussion's effects.


But the episode became a central part of a political rumor about her health that has only grown more damaging as her presidential campaign has continued. Trump has seized on those concerns, often questioning Clinton's stamina and energy.


That infuriates Clinton's friends and former aides, who cite dozens of stories about her simply refusing to take a sick day.


"I am 20 years younger than Hillary Clinton and there is no single day when I outpaced her ever in my life," said Neera Tanden, a former Clinton policy aide and president of the liberal Center for American Progress. "I've always seen her get up earlier and stay up later."


Tanden recalled a time when Clinton, then a New York senator, refused to cancel a public service announcement she was scheduled to tape with Sesame Street even though she was sick. Her staff had planned to bring their children in to meet Elmo and Clinton didn't want to disappoint the kids.


"I felt so badly. She had a throaty voice and you could tell she had a bad cough," said Tanden, who now has a photo of her then 2-year-old daughter with Clinton and Elmo. "But she was like, 'It's fine. I just could not live with these kids crying about missing Elmo.'"


Thomas reported from Washington.

-- © Associated Press 2016-09-14
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Amazing! Here is a person will to "power through" illnesses to keep on campaigning, working and staying strong. Hillary doesn't want your sympathy or concern when she is sick. She would rather keep on going even if it is hazardous to her health. Here is a person putting the concerns of children to see Elmo above her own health. You keep on trucking on, Hillary!

Edited by Silurian
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First we are told that she has dehydration due to the hot weather,  then after the video is aired showing her collapsing and feet dragging as she is put in the van they announce that she has Pneumonia!  

They take her to daughters apartment instead of hospital where she makes a miraculous recovery enabling her to face the cameras 90 minutes later, yeh right!

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5 hours ago, Silurian said:

Amazing! Here is a person will to "power through" illnesses to keep on campaigning, working and staying strong. Hillary doesn't want your sympathy or concern when she is sick. She would rather keep on going even if it is hazardous to her health. Here is a person putting the concerns of children to see Elmo above her own health. You keep on trucking on, Hillary!


lol... yeah, that's the ticket, mate... Sometimes I wish I was naive. Life would be so much easier.

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5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Sure seems like propoganda to prop up Hillary's claims that she in not seriously ill. The MSM will stoop to any ruse to get her elected.


 I have seen evidence that shows she is actually suffering from progressive vascular dementia. If true, by all accounts, from when she was diagnosed in 2013 she only has 1 to 2 years to live as this is untreatable and only gets worse. The main complication from this is pneumonia. These claims are substantiated through Hillary's leaked medical records. She certainly seems to be suffering from more than pneumonia and if it was that - how is it that she makes such a remarkable recovery in such a short time. Adding to this, pneumonia doesn't give rise to fainting and being unable to walk unsupported!! She is suffering from something far more serious than pneumonia!! 

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Meanwhile, Trump is older and has only provided a very fallible 'doctor's note' from a doctor that admitted that there was no real thorough exam involved. The only advantage that Trump has is that he has never put in a hard day of work in his entire life. Relying on multi-million dollar handouts from his father and inheriting huge chunks of real estate in Manhattan does not exactly qualify as a job. Whenever he does start a 'business venture,' it just goes belly up in a spectacular fashion and he abuses bankruptcy laws to make out like a bandit while fleecing everyone ignorant enough to do business with him.  Funny how the 'liberal media' has given him a free pass while riding Hillary like a rented mule.

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3 hours ago, stag4 said:

First we are told that she has dehydration due to the hot weather,  then after the video is aired showing her collapsing and feet dragging as she is put in the van they announce that she has Pneumonia!  

They take her to daughters apartment instead of hospital where she makes a miraculous recovery enabling her to face the cameras 90 minutes later, yeh right!


Well, pneumonia is one of the complications from the vascular dementia (that is on her leaked medical records). In fact, I believe that pneumonia (as in cancer) is often what people with this untreatable disease die of. If she gets elected, I assume that Kane would be the person to take over if anything happens to HRC.

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3 minutes ago, lucky11 said:


Well, pneumonia is one of the complications from the vascular dementia (that is on her leaked medical records). In fact, I believe that pneumonia (as in cancer) is often what people with this untreatable disease die of. If she gets elected, I assume that Kane would be the person to take over if anything happens to HRC.


No, those leaked medical records are proven false.


CLAIM: Leaked medical records, combined with viral images and videos, prove that Hillary Clinton is suffering from subcortical vascular dementia and has only one year to live.





I think I need to start a Trump has Addison's Disease rumor as he does have some of the symptoms:

  • Hyperpigmentation (love that orange skin)
  • Salt craving (I see he loves fast food)
  • Hair loss (can we say toupee)
  • Anxiety (worried about illegal immigrants, must build a wall)
  • Changes in mood (first says one thing, then says another, then regrets)
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53 minutes ago, Silurian said:


No, those leaked medical records are proven false.


CLAIM: Leaked medical records, combined with viral images and videos, prove that Hillary Clinton is suffering from subcortical vascular dementia and has only one year to live.





I think I need to start a Trump has Addison's Disease rumor as he does have some of the symptoms:

  • Hyperpigmentation (love that orange skin)
  • Salt craving (I see he loves fast food)
  • Hair loss (can we say toupee)
  • Anxiety (worried about illegal immigrants, must build a wall)
  • Changes in mood (first says one thing, then says another, then regrets)


 Are they false because you want them to be?


 Come on, these are not in the slightest classic symptoms of pneumonia - how can she possibly recover so quickly from a bout of pneumonia? She has been acting strange for months now, barking, facial tics from partial seizures, coughing uncontrollably, fainting, stumbling hardly being able to stand up, feeling dizzy etc: she does not have pneumonia, people are lying, lying and lying to cover up the real extent of her illness. She should step down immediately and let Bernie Sanders fight Trump!! He would win at a canter.

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8 minutes ago, Silurian said:


No, it is false as it was proven in the URL link that I provided.






 She is lying!! How can she say she is in excellent health - do me a favour, she is ILL!! and I mean ill!! Do you think that she is in 'excellent health'? If she is, I'd hate to see her when she is mildly ill with something.


 If Clinton does die of this over the next 1-2 years will her doctor be struck off for lying? The white house has a long history of cover ups and incessant lies. Lets face it, her doctor is not going to say the truth, is she, think about it.

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2 minutes ago, lucky11 said:


 She is lying!! How can she say she is in excellent health - do me a favour, she is ILL!! and I mean ill!! Do you think that she is in 'excellent health'? If she is, I'd hate to see her when she is mildly ill with something.


 If Clinton does die of this over the next 1-2 years will her doctor be struck off for lying? The white house has a long history of cover ups and incessant lies. Lets face it, her doctor is not going to say the truth, is she, think about it.


No, she probably isn't in "excellent health" as she does suffer from allergies and is currently getting over pneumonia. I expect she is as healthy as any person nearing 70 years old.  But I don't think she is near death's door as the rumors and speculations that are flying around seem to state. Until there is actual proof showing Hillary has some debilitating disease, I don't buy it.


Any person who is President can die at any time due to a multitude of factors. That is why there is a chain of command for such an occurrence. I am not worried if Hillary has 2 years, 4 years or 8 years as President. Any amount of time is better than one single day of a Trump presidency. 

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2 minutes ago, Silurian said:


No, she probably isn't in "excellent health" as she does suffer from allergies and is currently getting over pneumonia. I expect she is as healthy as any person nearing 70 years old.  But I don't think she is near death's door as the rumors and speculations that are flying around seem to state. Until there is actual proof showing Hillary has some debilitating disease, I don't buy it.


Any person who is President can die at any time due to a multitude of factors. That is why there is a chain of command for such an occurrence. I am not worried if Hillary has 2 years, 4 years or 8 years as President. Any amount of time is better than one single day of a Trump presidency. 


 Hillary Clinton is pro- war, pro-GMO, pro-forced vaccines and  anti-labelling of GMO containing foods - just those four stances make her unfit for office!! The fact that she is clearly not going to be around for a full term (half if she is lucky) should disqualify her from office on health grounds. you cant take your legacy with you!!

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23 minutes ago, lucky11 said:


 Hillary Clinton is pro- war, pro-GMO, pro-forced vaccines and  anti-labelling of GMO containing foods - just those four stances make her unfit for office!! The fact that she is clearly not going to be around for a full term (half if she is lucky) should disqualify her from office on health grounds. you cant take your legacy with you!!

You have no idea of how long she will live. That's obnoxious that you predict that with confidence. Are you God? 

You're entitled to your opinions, but I find most of them rather bizarro. I reckon it's Jill Stein for you. 

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13 hours ago, Jingthing said:

You have no idea of how long she will live. That's obnoxious that you predict that with confidence. Are you God? 

You're entitled to your opinions, but I find most of them rather bizarro. I reckon it's Jill Stein for you. 


 I'm just quoting what the experts say about the expected life expectancy is. It is 3 - 5 years and she was diagnosed in 2013.

 I am not American, so I won't be voting in your election. I don't even know who Jill Stein is BTW but I do know what (where) Aleppo is, unlike one of the president wannabees.,How to blow your chances in one fell swoop!!

 I am definitely not a fan of Hillary because everything she likes and supports differs from my views 100%. The only candidate I would have support if I had a vote is Sanders, what a shame he was nominated - he is a breath of fresh air!!

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

You keep spouting false propaganda about her life expectancy. Bizarre.


 How do you know it's false propaganda - the evidence is there for everyone to see. She has seizures whereby she cannot talk, barks and nods with a manic expression on her face as well as losing the capability to walk or stand up. The false propaganda is clearly emanating from her campaign team and the doctor ordered to lie about her condition!! The people won't be fooled by these blatant lies unless they are in denial.

 I'm not a Trump supporter either. I have nothing to lose or gain - just a casual observer that can see what is going on.

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