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20 years after she warned Australia about Asians, Pauline Hanson takes aim at China investment and Muslims


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14 minutes ago, car720 said:


and you Sir, are a troll.


If you want to pick a fight, go pick it with someone who cares.


I have spoken with this woman face to face and she personifies everything that the thinking Australian despises, though I must admit that she does have a large following amongst the rest.

Sir?  ...yet another assumption!

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On 17/09/2016 at 7:35 AM, Thechook said:

A politician who calls it as it is.  About the only people who don't agree with her are the looney greens and thier supporters who want Australia a free for all



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2 hours ago, simple1 said:



Absolutely - we looked around for scapegoats last time and not inly was proved wrong but also contravened Aussie electoral laws and now using the same formula is basically using scapegoats, to feed off ignorance paranoia and fear to

restart her career. People's memory seems very short.
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Don't worry she's not alone. In Europe we have the same problem, hopefully this will lead to new legislation that will protect the interest of the hosting country as with similar countries elsewhere. For example; one proposal is to introduce a reciprocal law which in practice is only fair. For example: in many countries in Asia (including Thailand) no foreigner can own land (except where a bilateral agreement exists), and therefore it is only right that other countries reciprocate with a similar law preventing foreigners owning land. Switzerland is one such country that has already implemented this, others I'm sure will follow. It will be interesting to see how foreigners will react, no doubt with shock if they are stripped of their rights, bleeting racism and discrimination. Of course all foreigners here are only too familiar with this concept, are they not?

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40 minutes ago, useronthenet said:

Don't worry she's not alone. In Europe we have the same problem, hopefully this will lead to new legislation that will protect the interest of the hosting country as with similar countries elsewhere. For example; one proposal is to introduce a reciprocal law which in practice is only fair. For example: in many countries in Asia (including Thailand) no foreigner can own land (except where a bilateral agreement exists), and therefore it is only right that other countries reciprocate with a similar law preventing foreigners owning land. Switzerland is one such country that has already implemented this, others I'm sure will follow. It will be interesting to see how foreigners will react, no doubt with shock if they are stripped of their rights, bleeting racism and discrimination. Of course all foreigners here are only too familiar with this concept, are they not?


Australia is heavily reliant of foreign investment, so no the government will not universally block access to Oz assets by offshore buyers. Government only blocks foreign acquisitions when it's in the national security interests as happens occasionally e.g. the sale of Kidman land assets to the Chinese.

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On 15/09/2016 at 11:18 AM, Usernames said:

Smart woman.


She is anything else but smart. A smart women wouldn't be brave enough to make the calls [correct calls] she makes. Got to love her call it how it is attitude. They West needs more of it. Political correctness will be the end of the West as we know it.

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This is the perfect summation


"The great tragedy of the shamelessly regressive politics of Pauline Hanson is not so much that it is rooted in ignorance, prejudice and fear, though it is; not so much that it projects the ugly face of racism, though it does; not so much that it is dangerously divisive and deeply hurtful to many of her fellow Australians, though it is; not even that it will cripple our efforts to enmesh ourselves in a region wherein lie the jobs and prosperity of future generations of young Australians, though it will—the great tragedy is that it perpetrates a myth, a fantasy, a lie.

The myth of the monoculture. The lie that we can retreat to it."


P Keating

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On 20/9/2016 at 1:40 PM, cumgranosalum said:

This is the perfect summation


"The great tragedy of the shamelessly regressive politics of Pauline Hanson is not so much that it is rooted in ignorance, prejudice and fear, though it is; not so much that it projects the ugly face of racism, though it does; not so much that it is dangerously divisive and deeply hurtful to many of her fellow Australians, though it is; not even that it will cripple our efforts to enmesh ourselves in a region wherein lie the jobs and prosperity of future generations of young Australians, though it will—the great tragedy is that it perpetrates a myth, a fantasy, a lie.

The myth of the monoculture. The lie that we can retreat to it."


P Keating

such a shame he wasnt around longer but "we" got little jonny hanson, who used divisive politics to great effect

oz is as big a basket case as any so called first world country

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Was interesting to see how the Australian Neocons circled their wagons and had Pauline arrested and imprisoned on false charges.   Hillary and her cronies tried the same crap with Donald but he a lots more dollars than Pauline.   I hope Pauline gets the opportunity to run again.  She will probably get elected Prime Minister after the Australian property bubble collapses next year and the net worth of 85 percent of Australian households get halfed.

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4 hours ago, Bulldozer Dawn said:

Was interesting to see how the Australian Neocons circled their wagons and had Pauline arrested and imprisoned on false charges.   Hillary and her cronies tried the same crap with Donald but he a lots more dollars than Pauline.   I hope Pauline gets the opportunity to run again.  She will probably get elected Prime Minister after the Australian property bubble collapses next year and the net worth of 85 percent of Australian households get halfed.


Not a chance with the quality of the people she chooses as her Senators, ratbags just like her, a mixture of conspiracy theorist, lowlifes and outright bigots.. In addition I would guess most people who support her are economically illiterate as her policies would generate more unemployment and lack of investors in the Australian economy, a steep downward slope to irrelevance for Australia.

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On ‎15‎/‎09‎/‎2016 at 4:52 PM, SgtRock said:


Sure, whatever you say, If the Oz Government Land Register was the best place to get facts on foreign owned land, there would have been no need to implement new disclosure laws on July 01 2016.



I have highlighted the relevant part for you.


You might also want to heed this part


Now come back in 12 months and tell me again how much China / the Chinese actually own.

well they own the port of Darwin, Barnaby lets them ship their cattle from their Chinese owned farm from their Chinese owned port to china, he is only good for making an international fool of himself

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On ‎16‎/‎09‎/‎2016 at 11:27 AM, SgtRock said:


No, I will just repost the previous link that I gave you that confirms it is indeed, you, that is clueless.




When you manage to read, digest and understand the content of the link. Ask yourself these 2 questions.


1. Why did The Aus Government enact further disclosure laws in July 2016 ?


2. Why does the Aus Deputy PM say this ?



 I should not have to explain it to you. The laws that were in place were circumvented by the use of shell companies and unnamed investors.


Like I said, instead of sounding off citing p!ss poor data. Come back in 12 months when the new register has been given an opportunity to try to get to the facts.

he will be back in 12 months when turnbul is chucked out on his ear, and most likely happy as a pig in poop as will most people be

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On ‎16‎/‎09‎/‎2016 at 3:54 PM, cumgranosalum said:

she has had to shop around - before it was "asian hoards" - now it is Chinese and Muslims....when that falls flat, what will she look for next?


It's all A trifle formulaic and predictable, don't you think?

well if you have ever met or seen the woman you know she wont fall flat.....

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On 9/15/2016 at 0:54 PM, simple1 said:


Hanson does not backup her claims with facts and has had to back off on a number of occasions when confronted with empirical figures countering her claims. e.g. right now Chinese investors own 0.38% of Australian agricultural land - she lies through her teeth. She constantly claims to represent the majority of Australians, whereas her party received approx 600k direct votes in the recent national elections out of a total of more than 15 million voters.


She does not need to she's right, especially about the Muslim threat.

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