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Landlord shut off water

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Yesterday my landlord and I got into a dispute over a bill. It was resolved but she started personally attacking me and I responded in kind (I know, bad move). Now she has shut off my water even though the bill issue was resolved.


This is a lower end apartment (5k/month) and I've already paid for the next 2 months. Now I'm wondering what my options are as I now have to go to bed without brushing my teeth or a shower. I am very upset about this and will probably move out ASAP.




1) Is turning off the water on a whim allowed in Thailand? In the US such a thing is not (I know, not the US)


2) Do the police have any ability to get her to turn on the water or return my rent for the next 2 months if she tries to evict me early (frankly I want to leave).



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1) It depends what your contract says. The standard Thai rental contract you can purchase in stationery shops is very biased towards the property owner.


The chances are the owner is not allowed. However, what she has done is nothing more than break a contract. Your only options are calling the tourist police if you have any in your area or taking her to Court for breach of contract.


She doesn't have to do what the tourist police say, but she might. However it all depends on how much you annoyed her. Which is a lot, I suspect. 


2) No. Only a Court can order this. Even if they make the order, she could ignore it for years.


You are in a difficult situation. I suspect that trying to force her hand will not get you very far.

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Ho for heavens sake....call her up  or go see her be polite and ask her to turn the water back on....


Failing that order in some water in large quantities so you can wash yourself and begin looking around for a new place....


Its just not smart to start a war especially in a foreign country, by the way showing your anger or displeasure in anyway will only delight her even more,  turning off your water is telling you she isn't one bit scared of you or what you think you can do.

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4 minutes ago, AlexRRR said:

Ho for heavens sake....call her up  or go see her be polite and ask her to turn the water back on....


Failing that order in some water in large quantities so you can wash yourself and begin looking around for a new place....


Its just not smart to start a war especially in a foreign country, by the way showing your anger or displeasure in anyway will only delight her even more,  turning off your water is telling you she isn't one bit scared of you or what you think you can do.

Agreed. swallow your pride and call her, apologies (even if your right) and ask her to switch it back on

She has lost face and your paying the price

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Agreed with the other posters just call her up and kiss her ass. Get your utilities back on and then start looking for something else. at 5k a month I'm sure you can find a place of equal value in about 5 minutes. Once you use up your rent money do like the locals and run up your utilities and walk out at the last minute. 

Not only that, but just go to your water meter and turn the valve back on. She didn't get the water company to turn it off, she just closed a damn valve. Just go turn it back on. 

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