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Teacher faces slap on wrist for disfiguring student


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Teacher faces slap on wrist for disfiguring student

By Teeranai Charuvastra, Staff Reporter -



Naruedee Jodsanthia, 17, seen before and after she suffered nerve damage caused by a teacher at her school. Original images: Zaii Naruedee / Facebook


NAKHON RATCHASIMA — A teacher who admitted to throwing angrily throwing a coffee mug which disfigured a student’s face will receive no higher penalty than a reduced salary, an education official said Monday.


Preliminary findings of an inquiry into the August incident found Paithoon Klaengkrathok, 58, did not warrant severe punishment such as termination because eyewitnesses said he didn’t intend for the mug hit his victim, 17-year-old Naruedee Jodsanthia. The left side of her face was left partially paralyzedby the assault.


Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/2016/09/19/teacher-faces-slap-wrist-disfiguring-student/

-- © Copyright Khaosod English 2016-09-19
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School's view of students...

We had a scout camp in a school where I was teaching. We where teaching the students things like first aid and how to swim during the camp.

Then it came to Heinrich maneuver, I explained the procedure and I told the student that I would show on that he must not move when I demonstrate how it's done or he could get hurt. I locked my arms around him about 10cm from his belly and was already in motion when he turned, by doing that he basically became bigger so when I pulled my arms that was supposed not to hit him they instead hit him right in the lower right side of his rib cage and I basically cracked 2 ribs on him.

The head of department told me that I could be fired for hurting a student but the director of the school and the school district said that there was no problem as it was an accident and it was only just a student that got hurt.

So even thou I don't approve of what the teacher did by trowing a mug at his students I can understand how the school and school district are thinking!    

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More...like I just wanted to wing her. Permanent disfigurement wasn't even on my mind.

Same like when some poor happy drunk driver kills a bunch of people.....he didn't mean to do it.

Your only responsible for you actions if you intend to do it.

Edited by NickJ
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2 hours ago, CockneyGit said:

Thailand in a nutshell. In any 'civilised' country this guy would be down the road, sacked on the spot, no pension, NOTHING!


..And probably prosecuted for assault. He's very, very lucky that it's not my daughter!

.ditto on that last statement because if it was  I guarantee justice in some way would be served.

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Well, the slap on the wrist was called by many people already in the first story when it was reported, no surprises at all.



3 hours ago, CockneyGit said:

Thailand in a nutshell. In any 'civilised' country this guy would be down the road, sacked on the spot, no pension, NOTHING!

Well, the west is pretty pathetic nowadays too. Brock Turner only got 6 months for rape that had no wiggle room for doubt at all, even got released after 3 months. Contrary people get fired from their jobs and face backlash over even the most mundane things as soon as SJWs throw a stink up. Regression isn't even steps away anymore, it's more like runnig downstairs at full speed :/




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No different than passing a car under unsafe conditions leading to an accident with injuries...


his is behavior caused an injury whether intended or not....


must be be accountable for your actions and the consequences of those actions...doesn't have to be willful to be in the wrong....


As to Brock Turner...the system worked..he was tried and found guilty....whether you agree or not agree with the sentencing is another matter open for interpretation...the judge followed the recommendation of the probation officer and has a history of given lenient sentences based on circumstances...good behavior gets duration reduction...it's the law... If you don't like it, use your rights as a citizen to change the law....you forgot to mention probation violation penalty and lifetime registered sex offender. 


What did the teacher get? a transfer  and salary reduction and not part of any progressive tracking system? Wasn't even a legal matter thus no legal record of it...



Edited by cardinalblue
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It looks like a wrist slap might turn into a prison sentence, which IMHO is way too harsh. A big fine, loss of job or community service may well be in order, but not 10 years in prison as reported in "the other paper". Heavens, people have been killed and the killer has received far less. but then, he's not hi-so. 

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4 hours ago, CockneyGit said:

Thailand in a nutshell. In any 'civilised' country this guy would be down the road, sacked on the spot, no pension, NOTHING!


..And probably prosecuted for assault. He's very, very lucky that it's not my daughter!

Define  "Civilised"? Rioting after football games. 

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13 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

As to Brock Turner...the system worked..he was tried and found guilty....whether you agree or not agree with the sentencing is another matter open for interpretation...

Touche, I conveniently overlooked that part.

Since we supposedly have a minimum sentencing for murder, I was under the impression with have things like that for rape too, but, well....guess not. Still broken AF regardless just looking at the broader picture and not even comparing small crimes to rape/murder sentencing which can leave one puzzled. Then again, I've learned fairly early that anything involving money carries a harsher pentalty than life, seemingly by default too lol

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8 hours ago, greenchair said:

Nothing more than an extortion scam. A plastic cup bouncing off a wall would not crack a facial bone causing facial nerves to swell.

This poor man. I do hope the judge sees through this scam. 


I think you are missing the point about all of this. The fact that a teacher, a person who has responsibility for the students in his care, should launch any sort of 'missile' at his students, for whatever reason, is clearly not suitable for the job.

It would appear that the teacher has 'anger management' issues, what next,  punching and kicking students who do not hand in their homework on time?

Edited by PREM-R
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