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Where to buy new gate.


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You are talking about a driveway gate?  This will likely be a local maker without a web site - best to ask around if you have not seen such an establishment.  Most people would be willing to advise where they bought there gate if you see something you like.  If not SS the local metal work shop likely makes them to order.   

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The shops are definitely out there and doing good business from what I can tell.  Just yesterday I was laughing at an attempt to secure a very long segment into the bed of a small pickup truck.  It looked like more than half the length was hanging out the back of the truck.  It looked far too wide to rest over the cab as well.  I was only passing by so don’t know what they end up doing.

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The chrome would be stainless steel which is in favor now.  Before that it was alloy (the blackgold colored gates) although the much cheaper and old style iron gates will last well if made of round stock instead of the normal square iron (to avoid rust at 90deg bends) and can look good if painted every few years.

Steel-Gates-2.jpgAlloy Aluminum Gates

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