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Doi Suthep's "adorable thieves" story is a load of rubbish say accused hill tribe folk


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Doi Suthep's "adorable thieves" story is a load of rubbish say accused hill tribe folk



Image: Sanook


CHIANG MAI: -- The family of the hill tribe girl accused of stealing a wrist watch during a Doi Suthep photo shoot has said the paper is talking rubbish.


And the village elder backed up their claims saying the seven year old was a good girl who would not do such a thing, reported Sanook.


The girl in question is from the Hmong group of hill tribe people on Mang Doi Pui. Along with many others from the village they earn extra money at weekends and in the school holidays by posing with tourists at the steps of Chiang Mai's famous hillside temple.


Cops called the parents and phoo yai ban into the Chiang Mai tourist police HQ after the Daily Mail story hit the news.


Mum Lulu, 37, said it was nonsense. Neither her daughter or her other child also in the picture would do such a thing.


Phoo yai ban Methaphan Feuangfookitkarn said they were good kids, besides they were clearly holding the hand of the female tourist - believed to be English - as children do and were certainly not intent on stealing anything.


Police are examining CCTV footage to see if the tourist still had the watch on after coming down from the trip up the temple steps.


No charges have been laid in the matter.


The story has been reported around the world by news outlets including the Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, New Zealand Herald, Yahoo News and New York Post.


Source: Sanook

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-09-28
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The hill tribe girl is a good girl, if you believe that you will believe anything.

My wife and i lived in a hill tribe village near Mai Hong Son 4/5 years ago.

My wife was appointed school director.

Nothing was safe from the children NOTHING.

We even had a loaf of bread stolen out of our personal kitchen, nobody only wife and me should be in there.

I used to leave small change on a table in our bedroom, 1 day a boy climbed in the window and stole money.

We saw the children eating sweets, so enquired where they got the money from (as the children never had money)

We were told which boy, his answer was you have money i not have so i take for me and my friends.

So i do not believe 1 word about what is said in this report.



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43 minutes ago, Colabamumbai said:

Isn't denial a typical Thai thing, maybe related to saving face.

It would seem not to be the case. The previous poster gave the example of when confronted even a small boy would own up to stealing the small change, no lying there.

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It is vital when considering this matter to ensure that you add a touch of racist abuse towards all Hill tribe people before convicting these two little girls via internet telepathy. All they are guaranteed to be guilty of is posing for a photograph with a tourist who was happy to exploit them for her holiday tales "look at the adorable people we met in their special costumes". Anything else is pure conjecture and has been from the moment this story began to run. Accusing people of theft based on a photo where they aren't stealing anything is straight up wrong. Everybody involved in this apart from the 2 kids should be ashamed of themselves. 

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19 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

It would seem not to be the case. The previous poster gave the example of when confronted even a small boy would own up to stealing the small change, no lying there.

It seems the 'HERE' part of 'IAMHERE" isn't in LOS. I've had money stolen from me by an 8 yr old boy, who was the son of my Thai g/f. He denied stealing even while his mother was 'frisking' him in front of me, and continued to do so as the stolen money was being emptied from his pockets. The importance of 'face'  keeps this country in a constant stat of denial! 

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I see that the story was reported by many of the world's (credible - :bah:) news outlets including the Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, New Zealand Herald, Yahoo News and New York Post.  Of course they got both sides of the story and substantiated everything before going to print.   Must have been a slow news' day. :wai:

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59 minutes ago, TheSiemReaper said:

It is vital when considering this matter to ensure that you add a touch of racist abuse towards all Hill tribe people before convicting these two little girls via internet telepathy. All they are guaranteed to be guilty of is posing for a photograph with a tourist who was happy to exploit them for her holiday tales "look at the adorable people we met in their special costumes". Anything else is pure conjecture and has been from the moment this story began to run. Accusing people of theft based on a photo where they aren't stealing anything is straight up wrong. Everybody involved in this apart from the 2 kids should be ashamed of themselves. 

Totally agree. Its sinful for tourists to exploit the poor Hill tribe people by giving them money to buy food etc.

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2 hours ago, colinneil said:

The hill tribe girl is a good girl, if you believe that you will believe anything.

My wife and i lived in a hill tribe village near Mai Hong Son 4/5 years ago.

My wife was appointed school director.

Nothing was safe from the children NOTHING.

We even had a loaf of bread stolen out of our personal kitchen, nobody only wife and me should be in there.

I used to leave small change on a table in our bedroom, 1 day a boy climbed in the window and stole money.

We saw the children eating sweets, so enquired where they got the money from (as the children never had money)

We were told which boy, his answer was you have money i not have so i take for me and my friends.

So i do not believe 1 word about what is said in this report.


Yup. It's so easy for them to say the report is "rubbish", anyone can say that.

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1 hour ago, TheSiemReaper said:

It is vital when considering this matter to ensure that you add a touch of racist abuse towards all Hill tribe people before convicting these two little girls via internet telepathy. All they are guaranteed to be guilty of is posing for a photograph with a tourist who was happy to exploit them for her holiday tales "look at the adorable people we met in their special costumes". Anything else is pure conjecture and has been from the moment this story began to run. Accusing people of theft based on a photo where they aren't stealing anything is straight up wrong. Everybody involved in this apart from the 2 kids should be ashamed of themselves. 

Sorry is one hand not holding the ladies hand and the other on her watch strap ????? How do police know it was reported in the daily mail ???? Its banned in this country ????

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11 minutes ago, helloagain said:

Sorry is one hand not holding the ladies hand and the other on her watch strap ????? How do police know it was reported in the daily mail ???? Its banned in this country ????

it does not conclusively prove that the same child removed the watch  from the tourist.

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1 hour ago, TheSiemReaper said:

It is vital when considering this matter to ensure that you add a touch of racist abuse towards all Hill tribe people before convicting these two little girls via internet telepathy. All they are guaranteed to be guilty of is posing for a photograph with a tourist who was happy to exploit them for her holiday tales "look at the adorable people we met in their special costumes". Anything else is pure conjecture and has been from the moment this story began to run. Accusing people of theft based on a photo where they aren't stealing anything is straight up wrong. Everybody involved in this apart from the 2 kids should be ashamed of themselves. 

I agree wholeheartedly. And I for one would support suing the tourist who also admits she was drunk at the time, for defamation. There is no proof whatsoever, & as another person posted, it is normal for little children to fiddle with adult's hands, rings, watches etc.


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3 hours ago, colinneil said:

The hill tribe girl is a good girl, if you believe that you will believe anything.

My wife and i lived in a hill tribe village near Mai Hong Son 4/5 years ago.

My wife was appointed school director.

Nothing was safe from the children NOTHING.


As one who has spent far more time than you, or most others, living with the hill people I sincerely hope that you and your wife are no longer involved with the schooling of hill people or any other children for that matter.

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3 hours ago, Colabamumbai said:

Isn't denial a typical Thai thing, maybe related to saving face.

They are NOT Thai they are Hmong - a quite distinct and separate ethnic group with their own language, culture and customs, and they are not all thieves. Once again were getting blatant racist comments on here. Moderators please act.

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