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Diesel Smuggler Rams Into Customs Car, Drives Through Checkpoint

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Diesel Smuggler Rams Into Customs Car, Drives Through Checkpoint

RANTAU PANJANG, Malaysia: -- Two Customs officers escaped unhurt when a Thai-registered pickup truck rammed into their patrol car and gate-crashed through the Immigration and Customs checkpoint here yesterday.

The incident happened about 6.45pm when the officers, who were in a Customs BMW patrol car, were in front of the Immigration Complex waiting for the pickup truck to make its return trip to Thailand.

State Deputy Customs director Ali Ibrahim said the pickup truck, of which the fuel tank had been modified, was believed to have been used for smuggling diesel out of the country.

He said the lorry had filled up its tank at a gas station nearby and was heading back to the checkpoint to return to Thailand when the driver was believed to have realised that he was being watched.

"He (lorry driver) was driving at high speed and rammed into the waiting Customs car in front of the Immigration Complex before making his escape through the checkpoint," he added.

Ali said the lorry was believed to be the same one which had crashed into another Customs car two weeks ago.

-- Bernama MY 2006-11-27


My 5 bahts worth.

If this same loaded truck (was this a pick-up truck or a 'lorry'?) crashed into another customs car 2 weeks ago surely some major damage must have been sustained. Or are the local body shops that efficient down there. No explosions, no blood, interesting!

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