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Hungary prepares for referendum on EU refugee quotas


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Hungary prepares for referendum on EU refugee quotas




BUDAPEST: -- Campaigning in Hungary is in full swing ahead of a referendum this Sunday on EU refugee quotas.


Prime Minster Viktor Orban is deeply opposed to plans from Brussels to distribute asylum seekers across the bloc.


A huge government sponsored billboard campaign, has accused migrants of being responsible, among other things, for last year’s Paris attacks and an increase in rapes in Europe.


“Look at the other European countries which have accepted immigrants. Look at the problems they have. Women are raped and so on,’‘ said one man.


Accused of feeding voters fears, other government backed billboards, warn that one million migrants want to come to Europe from Libya alone.


The opposition has launched a counter campaign, aimed at mocking the government’s ads. One reads, ‘‘Did you know? One million Hungarians want to go to Europe.’‘


In addition to its anti-immigrant messages, Hungary’s government has also been accused of deliberately mistreating refugees and migrants.


Earlier this week, Amnesty International published a report saying Budapest had done this on purpose to deter people from entering the country.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-09-30
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1 hour ago, i claudius said:

Economic migrants , not refugees ,most of them are , lets get it right .

Same Thing.

Put Lipstick on a Pig; it is still a pig.

Maybe I should have used the word Cow.

I do not want to offend the Muslim Terrorists who do not eat pork.

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Just now, i claudius said:

So do you,and you can't so you just trot out the same tired posts

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You frequently make posts with statments you assure us are factual, yet when asked you fail to back any of them up with evidence. It is you, rather than me, who spews the same baseless bile regularly.

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You frequently make posts with statments you assure us are factual, yet when asked you fail to back any of them up with evidence. It is you, rather than me, who spews the same baseless bile regularly.

Baseless? Since when has there been wars in Pakistan Egypt, Morroco, etc,etc,etc, the list goes on,now off and give Jeremy CORBYN a hug.

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2 minutes ago, i claudius said:





Baseless? Since when has there been wars in Pakistan Egypt, Morroco, etc,etc,etc, the list goes on,now off and give Jeremy CORBYN a hug.

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk




Let me repeat my question, for clarity's sake.


When you said "Economic migrants , not refugees ,most of them are ", I asked you whether you could back up that claim with verifiable proof. If you cannot, don't worry - this is not a job interview. You will not be penalised for posting opinion as fact.

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36 minutes ago, Grouse said:


Shame to see the drift towards fascism of former Warsaw Pact countries who benefited so much from the EU.


No surprise at silly TV attitudes in here though. Embarrassing actually


How embarrassed are you going to be when the vote is over 70% in favour of no migrants ?



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Let me repeat my question, for clarity's sake.
When you said "Economic migrants , not refugees ,most of them are ", I asked you whether you could back up that claim with verifiable proof. If you cannot, don't worry - this is not a job interview. You will not be penalised for posting opinion as fact.

And you won't be penalised for posting asking for proof that has been shown over and over on these boards and in the papers,but just like all left wing luvvies ,you just go on and on until you get your own way ,now your in the minority on here so go and play in the sandpit on your own

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Just now, i claudius said:

And you won't be penalised for posting asking for proof that has been shown over and over on these boards and in the papers,but just like all left wing luvvies ,you just go on and on until you get your own way ,now your in the minority on here so go and play in the sandpit on your own

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk


I am trying to make it as simple as I can for you...


I have not seen any evidence to comnfirm that most people classified as refugees are actually economic migrants. If, as you say, it has "been shown over and over", the evidence should be readily available, no? Maybe you can enlighten those of us who have overlooked said evidence by pointing out specific examples of it?

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4 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


To be proven right you need to back it up with facts - do you mind sharing the facts which validate your statement?


Or perhaps you can prove that they are genuine refugees rather than simply illegal migrants hoping for economic gain?



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4 hours ago, Grouse said:


Shame to see the drift towards fascism of former Warsaw Pact countries who benefited so much from the EU.


No surprise at silly TV attitudes in here though. Embarrassing actually


Yes, implying a sovereign country that doesn't want to be told it must help clear up Mrs Merkel's cock up is moving towards fascism is indeed embarrassing.


Germany, through Merkel and her puppet Juncke want to dictate what other countries must do to clear the mess she created. She never bothered to ask their opinion before, or even her own parliament's.


The slide toward central EU control, with a self appointed ex active East German communist dictating to everyone else is sad. But the liberal PC socialist utopia champagne socialists just love it.

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4 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


Let me repeat my question, for clarity's sake.


When you said "Economic migrants , not refugees ,most of them are ", I asked you whether you could back up that claim with verifiable proof. If you cannot, don't worry - this is not a job interview. You will not be penalised for posting opinion as fact.


Even the BBC feel obliged to clarify there usage of the terms refugee and migrant.


You know very well the high numbers of Africans, Pakistanis, and other non Syrian arabs who are regularly reported and shown in the media as being part of this invasion.

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28 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Or perhaps you can prove that they are genuine refugees rather than simply illegal migrants hoping for economic gain?




I have made no claim one way or the other. The OP stated a personal opnion as if it was fact - the onus is on him to back that up with evidence. To date, he has failed to produce anything credible so in the absence of any clarity, one must assume that he is incorrect in his statements.

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27 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Even the BBC feel obliged to clarify there usage of the terms refugee and migrant.


You know very well the high numbers of Africans, Pakistanis, and other non Syrian arabs who are regularly reported and shown in the media as being part of this invasion.


Of course they exist - but are they the majority, as was asserted? I don't know - but it seems that there is no evidence to say that they are, else the OP would be able to produce it.

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I have made no claim one way or the other. The OP stated a personal opnion as if it was fact - the onus is on him to back that up with evidence. To date, he has failed to produce anything credible so in the absence of any clarity, one must assume that he is incorrect in his statements.

When did I day it was a personal opinion. It's not. You just have to read the papers. See the news or ,oh I can't be bothered.you will always say its not so

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk

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Just now, i claudius said:





When did I day it was a personal opinion. It's not. You just have to read the papers. See the news or ,oh I can't be bothered.you will always say its not so

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk




If it is in the papers, you should be able to point to a story detailing exactly that. I read the papers but have never read a report that verifies that the majority of refugees are, in fact, economic migrants.


So yes, unless you can prove your claims, I will continue to point out that you have failed to back them up with credible evidence, and are therefore trying to pass off opinion as fact.

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22 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


I have made no claim one way or the other. The OP stated a personal opnion as if it was fact - the onus is on him to back that up with evidence. To date, he has failed to produce anything credible so in the absence of any clarity, one must assume that he is incorrect in his statements.


Tomorrow will be Sunday. There, that's my opinion. I'm not offering any evidence to back that up, so based on your own admitted logic you must assume that to be incorrect.


Wonderful. :rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


Tomorrow will be Sunday. There, that's my opinion. I'm not offering any evidence to back that up, so based on your own admitted logic you must assume that to be incorrect.


Wonderful. :rolleyes:


You could, indeed, come to the above conclusion if you insist upon ignoring logic abd common sense.


My calendar tells me it is Sunday tomorrow; my innate common sense tells me that the day after Saturday is Sunday; I don't need verification. But by your astounding logic, you must accept everything people tell you regardless of how improbible it may be, and no matter how scant the evidence to back it up. You are a politician's wet dream.

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On 30/09/2016 at 11:41 AM, SgtRock said:


How embarrassed are you going to be when the vote is over 70% in favour of no migrants ?




Not at all. Who says the majority is always correct? This the problem with 100% suffrage.

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On 9/30/2016 at 6:47 AM, RuamRudy said:


I have not seen any evidence to comnfirm that most people classified as refugees are actually economic migrants. If, as you say, it has "been shown over and over", the evidence should be readily available, no? Maybe you can enlighten those of us who have overlooked said evidence by pointing out specific examples of it?


There's plenty of evidence around and I'm sure you'll be able to find it if you really want to instead of expecting others to do it for you.


As for the so called 'refugees' who have actually arrived in Europe instead of being appreciative of being accepted in a country where nobody is going to torture or shoot them, they just complain incessantly instead: Bored immigrants complaining


Why should we accept them in Europe? They should be heading in the opposite direction to countries like Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Iran. Those countries are closer and they share the same religion. Saudi Arabia is also stinking rich and can afford to give them shelter. There's plently of desert available where they can be accommodated and temperatures will be the same as they're used to.


Hungary is right to refuse to accept EU quotas. Merkel caused this influx with her ill conceived open door policy: let her sort her own mess out.

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