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An Incident


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do you think if miss fawn reports the knob throttler to the boys in and brown supplyed the plate number they would have actually went and nailed him.?

id be very frigging surprised if they would.

they aint going to do <deleted> are they.?

cheers :o

I believe the police would have been very helpful;

Police: Can you describe the perp?

GF: Yes, I can….he was bald, he had one eye, he was toothless and he was wearing a turtleneck sweater.

Police: What color was the sweater?

GF: I couldn’t see….he was choking himself.

Police: We’ve rounded up the usual suspects, can you pick him out of a police lineup?

GF: Yes, I can

Police: Ok, go ahead

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It seems (by her posts on this site and photo "portfolio") that Miss GF is a girl desperately seeking attention, and one way or another she manages to get it.

Perverts and predators often have an instinct for finding folks who fit the "victim" profile -- draw your own conclusions. Better watch what signals you're sending out would be my suggestion... if bad things keep happening to you on a regular basis it may not be a coincidence.

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Interesting how many guys assume this can't happen or that she is lying.

Perhaps because one of her other posts of "something that happened to me recently" was later shown by an observant member to be a straight cut and paste from elsewhere. Now this similarly elaborate story shows up, in a totally different writing style, and I am sure a bit of searching would find the original article....

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Well, it's obvious you're all men, isn't it? :D I don't know GF from Adam, not having read many of her posts, but, believe me, as a woman (& I'm OK looking, certainly not "hot") this does happen. You don't go looking for it, you don't attract it, it happens sometimes (as sbk said)

The only thing that differs is your attitude to it. I was like sbk, able to laugh it off quite easily. Basically, when it happened to me in my early 20's I looked at him with disdain & said "Oh, put it away!" Finished, but I can see how it could shock or upset some women. Let's face it, despite what you guys think, not all of us are gagging to see any male "bits" that are presented to us :o

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this happened to a girl in our class when we were on a school trip in paris we were about 14,

but the poor lad didn,t realise that when she screamed 'look he's wanking' :D it was all us lads that surrounded him falling apart laughing,

he was trying so hard to put his stiffy away and keep one hand on the wheel,

he couldn't speed away as paris is as bad as bangkok, so he had the pleasure of our company shouting and gesturing for at least 100 yrds :o

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Interesting how many guys assume this can't happen or that she is lying.

Perhaps because one of her other posts of "something that happened to me recently" was later shown by an observant member to be a straight cut and paste from elsewhere. Now this similarly elaborate story shows up, in a totally different writing style, and I am sure a bit of searching would find the original article....

I cut and paste it from my blog!

As I said before, I really didn't want to put this here, but a friend of mine said at least I should try to ask folks in here.

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It seems (by her posts on this site and photo "portfolio") that Miss GF is a girl desperately seeking attention, and one way or another she manages to get it.

Perverts and predators often have an instinct for finding folks who fit the "victim" profile -- draw your own conclusions. Better watch what signals you're sending out would be my suggestion... if bad things keep happening to you on a regular basis it may not be a coincidence.

Instead of blaming me, take a chill. You weren't there when it happened!

You hinted that "it might not be a coincidence?" OK, here's the picture. I just finished work that afternoon so I was wearing a long-sleeve top, with matching collar, knee-length skirt, high-heeled shoes and my shoulder bag in my shoulder. What kind of signal was I sending?

I hope that next time, before you tear the OP to pieces, at least, check-out the facts sorrounding the incident. And be careful what you say........ At least, I'm smart enough to know how people can be too cynical, they twist stories around to make other people look bad. (And in this instance, pounce on the victim.)

Edited by GracelessFawn
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I just finished work that afternoon so I was wearing a long-sleeve top, with matching collar, knee-length skirt, high-heeled shoes and my shoulder bag in my shoulder. What kind of signal was I sending?

Seriously, those matching collars should be banned. Drives me wild.

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"GracelessFawn", as you have posted this in the general forum and not the ladies forum, I assume you are seeking responses from men and women alike?

If so... I suggest you brace yourself.


I can't believe my eyes, reading this thread.

I have a question or two, three:

1. Has any of you ever met Miss GracelessFawn ? :D

2. It's amazing how perfect her English is, for a Thai girl.... :D

3. But: "she's" good....very good, but not too good !

4. But, Miss Fawn, if you are really REAL, why don't you prove it ? No, no, no, not with photos, but in real. Set up a meeting with at least 2 or 3 TV-members, including at least 1 Lady ?

I would be lovely to hear a Thai girl like you talk such perfect English :D

5. If you are real, I'm willing to offer my sincere apologizes, but how come I don't believe you?

BTW: you're up early in the morning for a party girl, aren't you ? (around 7.00 AM) :D


Edited by LaoPo
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Well, it's obvious you're all men, isn't it? :o I don't know GF from Adam, not having read many of her posts, but, believe me, as a woman (& I'm OK looking, certainly not "hot") this does happen. You don't go looking for it, you don't attract it, it happens sometimes (as sbk said)

Indeed, there is no "asking" for this sort of thing, it does just happen.

When my former Khmer wife was FOB (like, really FOB--it was her first full day in the USA), we took a day trip to Long Beach, CA (the largest Khmer community outside of Cambodia). She stepped outside of the Cambodian restaurant we were eating in for a moment, and some random guy pulls up in his car, whips it out, and starts spanking the monkey right in front of her. The guy split when I came out. She was absolutely incredulous. Someone doing that in Cambodia would have had it cut off, if they had even dared, if that sort of thing would even cross their mind.

My only response was "welcome to America". The only thing I find surprising about GF's story is that it happened in Thailand. I can imagine this happening in many places, like the USA, Japan (especially), but not in SE Asia.

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"GracelessFawn", as you have posted this in the general forum and not the ladies forum, I assume you are seeking responses from men and women alike?

If so... I suggest you brace yourself.


I can't believe my eyes, reading this thread.

I have a question or two, three:

1. Has any of you ever met Miss GracelessFawn ? :D

2. It's amazing how perfect her English is, for a Thai girl.... :D

3. But: "she's" good....very good, but not too good !

4. But, Miss Fawn, if you are really REAL, why don't you prove it ? No, no, no, not with photos, but in real. Set up a meeting with at least 2 or 3 TV-members, including at least 1 Lady ?

I would be lovely to hear a Thai girl like you talk such perfect English :D

5. If you are real, I'm willing to offer my sincere apologizes, but how come I don't believe you?

BTW: you're up early in the morning for a party girl, aren't you ? (around 7.00 AM) :D


GF is a Filipina, I believe. English is pretty good in the Phils.

My wife's closest friend since childhood is a Thai/Japanese/English translator. Her English is perfect. Yes, perfect. All Thai don't speak broken English.

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"GracelessFawn", as you have posted this in the general forum and not the ladies forum, I assume you are seeking responses from men and women alike?

If so... I suggest you brace yourself.


I can't believe my eyes, reading this thread.

I have a question or two, three:

1. Has any of you ever met Miss GracelessFawn ? :D

2. It's amazing how perfect her English is, for a Thai girl.... :D

3. But: "she's" good....very good, but not too good !

4. But, Miss Fawn, if you are really REAL, why don't you prove it ? No, no, no, not with photos, but in real. Set up a meeting with at least 2 or 3 TV-members, including at least 1 Lady ?

I would be lovely to hear a Thai girl like you talk such perfect English :D

5. If you are real, I'm willing to offer my sincere apologizes, but how come I don't believe you?

BTW: you're up early in the morning for a party girl, aren't you ? (around 7.00 AM) :D


Following this thread has been a mixture of anger and humour..Now I'm confused..

LaoPo...I was of the belief GF was an English Girl or Western, as she said she didnt

get the Car Rego because she doesnt read Thai..

So if She is Thai and a Teacher how come ???? :D:D:D

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:D I can believe it happens, I have experienced it three times in Bangkok, although never in a car. What I can't understand is why she felt the need to post it. Had he ejaculated on her shoes it could have been worth a posting but just seeing an individual pleasuring himself? Come on :o
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"GracelessFawn", as you have posted this in the general forum and not the ladies forum, I assume you are seeking responses from men and women alike?

If so... I suggest you brace yourself.


I can't believe my eyes, reading this thread.

I have a question or two, three:

1. Has any of you ever met Miss GracelessFawn ? :D

2. It's amazing how perfect her English is, for a Thai girl.... :D

3. But: "she's" good....very good, but not too good !

4. But, Miss Fawn, if you are really REAL, why don't you prove it ? No, no, no, not with photos, but in real. Set up a meeting with at least 2 or 3 TV-members, including at least 1 Lady ?

I would be lovely to hear a Thai girl like you talk such perfect English :D

5. If you are real, I'm willing to offer my sincere apologizes, but how come I don't believe you?

BTW: you're up early in the morning for a party girl, aren't you ? (around 7.00 AM) :D


GF is a Filipina, I believe. English is pretty good in the Phils.

My wife's closest friend since childhood is a Thai/Japanese/English translator. Her English is perfect. Yes, perfect. All Thai don't speak broken English.

Thanks Ol Red Eyes..You answered my question..

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Interesting how many guys assume this can't happen or that she is lying. Assuming she is who she say she is, this kind of thing happens to women on a regular basis, and it is not based on being "hot looking". These guys get off on scaring girls and women and so they look for ones they can intimidate. Best way to handle it, laugh at the guy, loudly. Even point at his willie and laugh some more.

Remember, next time he may try this on a young girl. Best to make him feel like a fool and it may discourage him from doing it again.

right on sbk...this happened to my sister and a friend of ours as they were walking home from high school in Fullerton, CA in 1969...dude pulled up in some dumb high performance car opened the door and started wanking...my sister and our friend had the sang froid to burst out laughing...the dude was disheartened and drove (slunked) away...

my sister who is now 53 likes to tell this story at partys, mostly to silence loudmouth azzholes who perpetuate the same sort of activity in 'civilized' surroundings...

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I really don't think Graceless Fawn deserves the suspicion and attacks she's getting here.

What's wrong with you guys? I asked a couple of girls in my office about this sort of thing; both said they had seen it happen before.

There's nothing unusual in the story.

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"GracelessFawn", as you have posted this in the general forum and not the ladies forum, I assume you are seeking responses from men and women alike?

If so... I suggest you brace yourself.


I can't believe my eyes, reading this thread.

I have a question or two, three:

1. Has any of you ever met Miss GracelessFawn ? :D

2. It's amazing how perfect her English is, for a Thai girl.... :D

3. But: "she's" good....very good, but not too good !

4. But, Miss Fawn, if you are really REAL, why don't you prove it ? No, no, no, not with photos, but in real. Set up a meeting with at least 2 or 3 TV-members, including at least 1 Lady ?

I would be lovely to hear a Thai girl like you talk such perfect English :D

5. If you are real,

I'm willing to offer my sincere apologizes, but how come I don't believe you?

BTW: you're up early in the morning for a party girl, aren't you ? (around 7.00 AM) :D


I believe that GF is a Filipina. She does make enough mistakes with English to suggest that she isn't a native speaker (although clearly she is very fluent), so it does seem credible.

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It's happened to me a few times as well. Not really anything to be scared about as it was in broad daylight but it does give you the shakes for a few minutes. I also laughed or said YUK and gave a dirty look and just kept walking. Usually it is a guy who pretends to ask for directions and when you approach the car you realise just what he is doing.

Not really a turn on...

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Too many posters take this lightly. Anyone who would do this is obviously a real sick person. Fawn should have thrown a brick through the windshield. Let the police sort it out after. Does this guy usually do this to the young girls walking home from school? She said this was on a school road. The guy who did this could be a pedophile. It's no joke at all and the posters who laugh about it have warped minds.

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ok boys ,

alot of you punters are taking the piss out of miss fawn but it really did happen,

she was dressed decently leaving her teaching job at school and did not solicite this fool to spank the monkey in front of her.

myself would of pissed myself laughing but im not miss fawn am i . :D

every body reacts differently but this is how this situation affected her.

you guys are having a cracking good laugh, but it could of been your daughter. :o

if it was your daughter you would of rearanged the dudes naughty bits, so cut our friend miss fawn some slack please.

cheers punters. :D

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