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Trump offends again


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52 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

Let he /she who hath no sin cast the first stone. The Clintons did the exact same thing as Trump.


Clinton’s 2015 tax returns reveal that Hillary Clinton also reported capital gains losses in order to lessen her tax burden through a “carryover.”


Page 17 of the tax returns show “Capital Gains and Losses” for “WILLIAM J CLINTON & HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON.”

The Clintons reported a “Long-term capital loss carryover” of $699,540.

Thus, the Clintons reported a “Net long-term capital gain or (loss)” of “-699,540.”





And HOW do you KNOW that?  Because she made her tax returns PUBLIC???

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:


She becomes prez by being presidential, and very prepared for the job.


You got that right because the majority of past presidents, and leaders from other countries, have been lying through their teeth to the population.


Hilary has proven over and over for the past 30 years already to be very "presidential".

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33 minutes ago, Silurian said:

Trump offends again...Huh.  I think we could have that as a daily topic. Every day he seems to offend someone, somewhere, somehow. Granted he is just plain offensive by nature. He is offensive to the eyes, to the ears, to the mind and to the soul. His daily vitriol of anyone that attacks him is plainly childish and lacks the temperament is takes to hold any public office much less POTUS.   I will be so glad on November 9th when he slinks back into his reality TV world where I can be free from ever seeing or hearing him again. Start the clock! 36 days until we are Trump free!


I'm sorry to say we won't be free from hearing about Trump after he loses the election.  First thing he'll do is complain it was rigged.  After that he will continue to tell outlandish lies to keep himself in the headlines.  Perhaps worse, he and all Republicans will work non-stop to try and tar Madamme President with  every sort of imagined smear,  Not even frontal lobotamies will slow them down,  They'll be like chained German shepherds barking all night at shadows,  There is no 'off button' for the tar and feather brigade from the hard right,


6 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

did he break the LAW?  if not what's all this noise??? 


Yes, he has broken  the law on many levels.  Here's a few:

>>>>  not paid contractors for work done.  Nearly 4000 lawsuits attest to that.

>>>  bribed a FL attorney general to not allow lawsuits against Trump U

>>>  Cheated on his taxes

>>>  cheated on his charities in numerous ways including buying personal items with donated money,

>>>   raped his 1st wife.  Allegedly raped a 13 yr old girl several times

>>>   cheated with his fake U


shall I go on?

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21 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

did he break the LAW?  if not what's all this noise??? 


exactly. so for full disclosure and clarity he should publish all of his tax returns and accounts so the whole country can see that he has absolutely nothing to hide and is just a really smart businessman. 

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35 minutes ago, amykat said:


Oh BS, you just made that up.  Any statements on your tax returns are statements you have already made "under penalty of perjury" ...vs while "under arrest and the right to remain silent" you haven't made any statements yet!!


Right, but in an audit you may be able to change that, by negotiation without suffering penalty. Although your hands are kind of tied if it's already widely disseminated and public knowledge. As I say, I wouldn't do it, even though the law allows it.

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I'm not American or knowledgable on tax but can anyone explain to me in laymans terms how making a loss exempts you from future tax for a period of time? I only ask because I had a large business loss once and my government didn't give a toss, I never got any tax breaks for future years, they still wanted their pound of flesh and I only had half a pound to give.

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I've made some interesting observations about Americans. I made my first friends who were GI's in a city in lower Franconia in 1975. Most of them were really nice guys and they had to go to the Army.


         Then the change, when many criminals could choose to go to jail, or in the Army. Oh god, most of them were so brainless that it already hurt.


    A few years later then the guys who grew up under the actor R. Reagon- then Bush/Bush administration. What scared me most was their problems with their sexuality. Making gay jokes that are in no way funny, but then having sex with a gay man?


      And then Bill who smoked ganja, but he "never inhaled it". Cigars from Cuba that were used for other, pretty nasty purposes and other funny things in the oval aeeh oral office.


    Then the darker guy who told everybody that he smoked ganja and when he had some more money, he also did some coke.Born somewhere that didn't qualify him being the big man. So they just made something up.


Would I as an American say that I was born on a military base in Kathmandu and people issue the right documents then I was born in Kathmandu, right?


  What's really scary to me is that America's already suffering more than Europe ( please look at all the homeless and no social system) and the two candidates are breathtaking.


        I'm sorry to say that, but I wouldn't let my child closer than 50 meters near this guy, he really looks like the typical child molester to me. 


  Well, the "lady" isn't even worth to talk about, please only think about the Clinton fond. All, including criminals who paid in, finally got what they wanted.


Enemies became friends through a couple of million bucks and of course did some of them deal with weapons as well.


       The FBI and CIA seems to be even more corrupt than Thailand's school directors. And that means a lot. 


    Heil Clinton & Co.



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48 minutes ago, ebonykap said:

323 million people, and these 2 morons are the best they can select to run the country, really?


God bless help America.



         They aren't even morons. There's no word for them. 


          Why not looking for an Austrian guy with a mustache who was born on a military base in Timbuktu? 

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16 minutes ago, HuaHinHim said:

I'm not American or knowledgable on tax but can anyone explain to me in laymans terms how making a loss exempts you from future tax for a period of time? I only ask because I had a large business loss once and my government didn't give a toss, I never got any tax breaks for future years, they still wanted their pound of flesh and I only had half a pound to give.

My portfolio isn't terribly sophisticated but in simple terms, when I sold investments as the 08 "Crash" was unfolding, several items were sold below what I paid for them, creating a loss, which was applied as a reduction to my taxable income.  Mine was only about 6,000 Dollars total.  3k was applied that year.  3k was carried forward into the next tax year.   I'm sure Trump's is far more complex.


Within certain parameters, you can also write down gambling losses, which always seemed strange to me, but there you go...

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3 hours ago, ivan96822 said:

The election is his to lose...


After this week? :cheesy:


2 hours ago, tifino said:

all he has to do is shut up,

and let Julian spread the required information that will negate Hillary,

 never showing her political face again


The last peg the wingnuts are hanging their hats on...Julian. Good luck. 


1 hour ago, DiamondKing said:





All he did is use the current laws to his advantage THAT IS SMART BUSINESS


Smart business to stick losses on the partners and the public so sniffles doesn't pay taxes for 18 years? Smart move by a 1%er, beyond sleazy for a rich politician. It may be smart business but it's morally reprehensible. He didn't personally take that loss. It didn't come from his hide. He just used that paper loss to screw the USA. No wonder he won't show his taxes. 


1 hour ago, Pimay1 said:

The fact is that they both did a carryover which is legal under US tax laws. I see it as the pot and the kettle.


You're trying to equate the Clintons carrying over a $700k loss to Trump's carrying over a $900,000k loss. That's $700,000 vs. $900,000,000. You see why you're being absurd? 


If HRC had done anything like that the wingnuts would be frothing at the mouth instead of "I see it as the pot and the kettle." You're blind. 


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1 hour ago, Pimay1 said:

How I know is irrelevant. The fact is she did that same thing is relevant.


Well my point is more about how investigative journalists manage to find one HUGE deduction of almost a billion dollars in his tax returns, that he refuses to disclose. That was in one year ...imagine what we could find in 20 years of looking?  Then you have all of Hillary's tax returns since the beginning of time, that she willing gave ....and you find this pathetic comparison, which as some posters have explained above, is NOT exactly the same.


And MANY Trump supporters believe that Trump does pay big taxes, mostly because I think they don't understand much about how the tax code works for the super wealthy, and why would they? The average person apparently can't even handle filing their own taxes. People get on TV and shout out some percentages that corporations "pay" and 50% of people allegedly pay or don't pay and nodding heads all go yeah, yeah, that sounds good ...do it, do it, cut that, cut this, make them pay more, make those others pay less!!


It really is understandable, you need quite an advanced and specialized education to understand these things and if you haven't devoted your career to that you (as in generally, many of us) probably don't know a lot about it, but many think they do.

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Isn't ot interesting, that the Trump'eteers still go on about HRC lying?

Yes she dit and she is a OOS!

That makes Trump any better?

Because he tells the "better" lies?

Oh no: he tells it like it is!

If "it" is a parallell universe...you are right!

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So it turns out that Donald Tump is first in line of those 50% of Americans who don't pay income taxes. Well, well, well. So all the turdbirds who have spent the last 5 years denigrating those other Americans, their fellow citizens, as losers are now defending Donald Trump. That's one thing that's offensive. And hypocritical. Here's another thing that's offensive - Those other members of the 50% don't and can't live the life of a billionaire by sucking on the teats of the State like Donald Trump has and is doing. That pig has his nose right in there. And then he denigrates those who need welfare assistance. It is just plain disgusting and odious that this buffoon can pay nothing so as to maintain his gaudy pantomime life. He's no winner - he's a great big leach. A great big corporate welfare queen sucking on the teats of the State. Oh it's so, so very unfair to him, so very very unfair. 

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Just now, Neurath said:

 It is just plain disgusting and odious that this buffoon can pay nothing so as to maintain his gaudy pantomime life.

He's no winner - he's a great big leach. A great big corporate welfare queen sucking on the teats of the State.


Stellar post. :thumbsup:


The "man" is a disasociated, opportunistic, slimy pig.




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1 hour ago, LannaGuy said:

did he break the LAW?  if not what's all this noise??? 


Turns out, and this may well be news to you, staying narrowly within the confines of the law, while enough to keep you out of jail, is not actually enough to get you into the White House.   When a candidate like Trump whose sole claim of eligibility for the presidency is his business acumen and who has been blaming everything on those who don't pay taxes, turns out not only to have lost a billion dollars in a single year, but not to have paid any income taxe as well,  the average, tax-paying voters are likely to take a dim view.


And that's why has has refused to release his returns.  It is probable that his returns are even worse than the Times article portrays or else he would release them now since they have effectively admitted that he paid no taxes.  He probably contributed nothing to charity and has other serious problems.

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1 hour ago, VillageIdiot said:

"Only the little people pay taxes."

Leona Helmsley was right.


And Jailed - precisely because she tried to act on that. Wonder whether the same people lionizing Trump for not paying Taxes were lionizing her also. Nah, not likely - her being a woman and all.



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3 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

Why would anyone be offended by a tax loss carry forward? It's a pillar of US corporate tax policy. If this offends you I urge you to look at how the Fortune 500 group of companies utilizes US corporate tax policy.

Don't run your life by what is legal or on legal,run it by what is right and what is wrong.

Ross Perot quote.


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3 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

The fact is that they both did a carryover which is legal under US tax laws. I see it as the pot and the kettle.

I guess corporate America will be hating Trump more and more. As his incompetencies are further exposed they now realise that certain generous tax loopholes will be closed within the next year or so.


I liked the absolutely valid point earlier that the Republicans on here that would normally froth at the mouth about people not paying taxes have now devolved in to Trump supporters who now say it is OK not to pay taxes. The heart of your doctrine was 'why should our taxes pay for those who don't pay taxes to have services'. Many are missing the point, the reason people are upset with Trump is he says one thing and is exposed for doing the opposite. He has no integrity. What will you say when someone does release his tax returns and it is shown he has never paid the millions he says he has paid to charities. Rather than be disgusted with him you will just say "but Hillary, but Hillary". The USA is descending in to chaos. NEVER again are you going to have Bi-Partisan co-operation working to better your country. The failing of your Empire is happening now right before your eyes.

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4 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


She becomes prez by being presidential, and very prepared for the job.


Whatever you think about Trump is one thing.


But seriously Hilary as President - jeez. A liar, openly controlled by Wall St and the banks, with a husband who lied to congress and the American public. Her track record hasn't exactly been littered with major successes either.


If I were American I'd seriously be worried about how two such appalling people could be selected to lead what, despite all it's issues and warts, is still the most important country in the world. 

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Maybe nothing illegal...


But was it ethical???


Do you Americans really want a President dictating how much you pay out of your hard earned earnings and how it is spent while he has used accountants and lawyers to avoid contributing himself??? 

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5 minutes ago, Basil B said:

Maybe nothing illegal...


But was it ethical???


Do you Americans really want a President dictating how much you pay out of your hard earned earnings and how it is spent while he has used accountants and lawyers to avoid contributing himself??? 

The narcissistic nutjob really truly believes that he contributes by being Donald Trump. Nothing more. When he blathers on about making America great again, about making America strong again and so on and so on, it's easy to determine what the cracked narcissist is really saying - he's saying that when America becomes like Donald Trump it will be great again, it will be strong again. His rampant Id and bloated ego wants to incorporate this Republic. It's as horrific as it is infantile. And to think that our 980 million dollars in taxes went some way to inflate this pompous prick.

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An open letter to Donald Trump's "Average Joe" supporters


The sad and scary reality is that Trump's most ferverent "average Joe" supporters are the ones who would be the most bitterly disappointed by his presidency. You have been promised that your former socio-economic status will be restored to its former glory. But it is the "average Joe's" who will lose the most under a Trump presidency. What scares me the most is that even greater extremism will be triggered when his supporters realize how badly they have been duped.


Taxes: Trump is proposing massive tax cuts which will largely benefit the rich, not lower and middle class families. Under Ronald Reagan, this same trickle down economics tax plan resulted in huge Federal budget deficits. Greater budget deficits and national debt is only going to put greater pressure on entitlement reform, i.e., social security and medicare, which lower and middle class Americans are the most dependent upon.  It would also increase income disparity, which almost all economists agree will hurt the efficiency of the economy, because of resource misallocation.


Defense spending: The US already outspends the rest of the world on defense. Making defense spending a high priority is going to put pressure on entitlements and other domestic programs like education, infrastructure, R&D, etc. Yes, defense spending will generate some additional jobs, but the main beneficiaries of this spending will be corporate defense contractors, i.e., the rich.


Trade agreements and tariffs: Sounds great: bring the high wage manufacturing jobs back home. What no one is telling Trump's supporters is that those domestically manufactured products will have higher production costs (labor) than foreign manufactured goods, and that those higher costs are going to be passed directly back to the consumer in the form of higher prices for goods. Any foreign manufactured goods subjected to additional tarrifs will also add to consumer prices. The poor and "average Joes" are the most poorly positioned to absorb these higher costs. Unless you have one of those newly repatriated jobs, the net impact on you is likely going to be higher consumer prices with little upside benefit. The upside to free-trade - cheaper prices - is never talked about by the Donald. And let's not forget that for every repatriated job, that means one less job in places like China. If the outside the US economy tanks, that's not going to be good for the US economy, or global stability.


If Donald Trump were ever to be elected, his stance on trade would create a worldwide tsunami of uncertainty. Overseas investments by American companies would crawl to a standstill. Foreign companies would similarly reduce their US investments until a clearer picture emerged. This would almost certainly cause a global slowdown, if not a major recession, possibly even a depression. Our trade partners could easily reciprocate with trade barriers and tariffs which would make foreign manufactured goods imported into the US more expensive, further hurting Donald Trump's "average Joe" supporters. Any economic weakness would also put further pressure on interest rates, hurting any of you who are dependent on pensions and bond income for your living expenses. This would also weaken the dollar, so any Americans living overseas dependent on dollar denominated assets would likely be negatively impacted as well.


Immigration: Trump's immigration policies seem to have as it's goal to turn back the clock to a time when white populations were in a majority.  Fewer Hispanics, fewer Asians, fewer mid-Easterners. Coupled with his dog-whistle "law and order" proposals which promise to keep black people in line, most racial minorities have already figured out that Trump doesn't have their interests at heart. Which isn't a problem if you happen to be white, right? Well, not so fast. Racial minorities aren't going to magically fade into the woodwork under a Trump presidency. Trump isn't going to be able to turn back the clock to a nostalgic time when Eurasian populations were in the majority. So what are we going to be left with? Alienated and disaffected Mexicans, Blacks, and Muslim-American? Here's a scary thought: Mexicans, Blacks, and Muslim-Americans becoming increasingly receptive to Radical Islamic Terrorism. It'll be all the "average Joes" out there who will be on the front lines when these social tensions start to boil over. Are all the "average Joes" out there really looking forward to this? Keep in mind that you won't have the money to flee to a posh lilly white suburb to insulate yourself from these social problems. Finally, if the US became less immigration and foreigner friendly, you can only expect other countries to adopt similar stances, which might not bode well for those of us living overseas.


Donald Trump hasn't thought through any of the above policies. I'm hoping his "average Joe" supporters will take time now to examine the true impact his policies will have on their lives. After the election it will be too late.





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