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EU politicians mull Hungary referendum result


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EU politicians mull Hungary referendum result




BRUSSELS: -- Both Brussels and Budapest are claiming victory over the migrant quotas referendum – the former the low turnout, the latter that a majority voted against the EU, leaving both sides at odds.


European Parliament President Martin Schulz had previously called the referendum plan ‘absurd’. Speaking after the vote to our reporter he said:

“We should in my eyes take this very seriously. But I think the government in Budapest should take it also seriously that it was not a majority and we have therefore a good chance for dialogue with – that was my proposal already before the referendum.”


For many at the European parliament’s session in Strasbourg, the low turnout was the message to retain, that many Hungarians do not agree with Prime Minister Viktor Orban.


“Still, he (Orban) did not managed to get result he wanted. So that’s to me a sign that we should never paint, or see people through the lens of their leaders. Hungarians are worth more, or better than the image of Viktor Orban is giving of the country,” said Philippe Lamberts, a Belgian MEP from the Green party.


Other voices in the house such as pro-Brexit MEP Nigel Farage felt that Britain’s vote to leave the EU might have played a role in the Hungarian vote.


“This the most extraordinary result. 98 percent. Yeah, the turnout was not very high, but in Hungary turnouts of referendums are not very high. More people yesterday voted against migrants quotas than voted originally for Hungary to join the EU, and I’m beginning to think that that perhaps the Brexit vote is having a big knock on effect across the rest of the Europe. “


It marks the third referendum by member countries on EU policies in two years, but as Euronews correspondent Sandor Zsiros,notes MEPS did not want to discuss the latest results, voting down a proposal to put it on this week’s parliamentary agenda.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-10-04
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Ok so 98% of the 40% of eligible voters voted 'no' and this is somehow a victory for the EU ? The mind boggles....what is Martin Schulz thinking ?


They may hold another referendum, if another 20% of the people came out and vote would it change the result ?


The answer is NO - it wouldn't matter if every one of the extra 20% voted the other way.


If 100% of the country came out and voted (never going to happen) the vast majority of the extra voters would need to vote against the grain and this is simply something which is not feasible and also highly unlikely.


There's no way the EU or the likes of Martin Schulz can put a positive spin on this. I'd like to see another referendum where there's a 60%+ turnout but I suspect the result would be the same or maybe the result would drop to something like 80 to 90%.


There's a phrase which I like to use occasionally and it goes something like this : Nobody ever mobilised millions of people who don't bother to vote to come out and vote for more of the same. People are motivated when they want something different - this is what gets people off their asses to go and vote so I would expect more people to vote against the EU migrant quotas.


We're seeing more of this recently and I really do believe this is just the tip of the iceberg.


There's a few big elections next year and I think it's going to be a year for the history books as I suspect the EU will collapse.


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2 hours ago, ukrules said:

We're seeing more of this recently and I really do believe this is just the tip of the iceberg.


There's a few big elections next year and I think it's going to be a year for the history books as I suspect the EU will collapse.


The EU are incapable of understanding / believing anything that that goes against their mantra.


I have been saying for months that 2017 is the year that will change the EU forever, possibly even the total demise of the EU. Only to be met by a plethora of posts calling me all sorts of names.


Whilst this referendum required a turnout of 50% of the electorate to be legally binding, 94 - 98 %, depending on which report you read, is a massive kick in the swingers for the EU.


It is clear that the EU listens to no-one but themselves. You would have thought that after Camerons failed attempt to curb migration and the subsequent vote to leave the EU, they would be at least asking themselves some serious questions.


The EU mandarins are providing a great impression of the 3 wise monkeys, as well as having their heads jammed up their collective @sses.

Edited by SgtRock
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those idiots in Brussels are so out of touch with reality, they will have us believe black is really white. agree with the above posters. yes do this again and get the 60% . the man in the street has had enough of immigrants, and the idiot MERKEL dictating to countries what their immigrant quota should be.

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a few years ago we had a load of Albanian immigrants come to my sleepy town, the crime wave stats was off the scale, packs of young men hanging around , people frightened to go out at night, it has gone quiet now, i thinki they have moved on to the big city, where their crime activities will be lost in the big metropolis

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The limits of democracy.


I do not know a single European who agrees to welcome Muslim refugees at home.


Always the same answer:
Already there is not enough for us.
Rather the neighbor.
They have to go in Saudi Arabia. Here there is money and space.
They hide terrorists among them.
These people are not like us, etc, etc ...


If we let the people decide, these migrant could burst open mouth in the boat people. No one would lift a finger.


Yet humanitarian disasters are essentially the result of clumsy interventions Americans and allies. In this regard, consideration could be given to demand them a major contribution to repair their bullshit...


And after destroying their society who just find to deny them access to ours ?

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So, what is the solution exactly?


Has anyone got any constructive ideas?


personally, I would like to see every migrant from Africa immediately shipped back at gun point.


Syria/Iraq/Afghanistan are a bit different. Need to get these damned Jihadists defeated so they can stay in the area. Do a deal with Russia. Make Assad king of his bit.

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Are you guys european ? 

Europeans are spoon fed with the multicultural society , being tolerant , excepting different cultures. It starts in schools , through religion , media and ofcourse laws . Nothing is going to be different in the next few years . Understand that in europe too , there is a big "entitlement" group of people . Those will only vote , so their social security checks don't stop. The PC & the entitlement groups are not going to vote nationalist , or "right" .

Wilders , Le pen , and the other nationalists are sadly not going to win.

Merkel's defeat next year , is not going to be a big turning point.

It is kinda hopeless there.

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