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Swede denies sexual assault charges


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50 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


I think its important to remember this Swede is being questioned 8 years after the fact. He is a mature adult and must surely be capable of looking back at that time and knowing it was not love. 


This is simply a defense offered investigators in an effort to portray himself as something other than a pedo and in hopes of the court offering leniency. 


It would be easier for us to believe he was a victim of innocence IF his computer had not been discovered to contain underage pornography. The evidence as presented in the article makes it pretty clear he has a thing for the underage.


Still interested in how theis all came to light 8 years later? Did you mention a recent "ex" dropped the dime on him? Speculation or fact? Thats about the only way authorities might have been tipped off unless he was caught up for his kiddy porn and further investigation somehow revealed this Thailand incident of 8 years previous ?

As for him having underage pornography on his computer back in 2012, he was never charged for that as they could not prove it belonged to him. How or the why of that I don't know.


As to having them now it is interesting to read this article which says:


"BANGKOK: -- On Thursday 22 September 2016, a 34-year-old Swedish man was in Oslo District Court, charged with having sexually abused a Thai girl since she was 13 years old. He is also accused of being in possession of abusive images of children. The 34-year-old denies the charges saying that he and the 13-year-old girl were in love."


So I wonder if those abusive pictures were of this underage girl he took back in 2008? If they are then it is hard to charge him for a crime when he thought she was in fact of age and 18 years old. Especially if she produced Fake ID and convinced others she was of age. But if it is in fact Kiddy Porn, then he deserves all the punishment that is out their for this crime. 


It is not important now if he can look back and realize it wasn't love. It is what he thought and felt 8 years ago and when the crime was committed that counts. But even in my book it doesn't count for anything anyway. I know you find this hard to believe and I did to, but I have seen this so many times that it now goes beyond belief for me.


I can't count how many times I sat in Bar in the mornings in Pattaya, sipping on my first beer, and had some Farang come in with his new Thai Girlfriend 25 years his junior. Then strike up a friendly conversation with me telling me he met his Girlfriend in Bar two or three weeks ago. That "they" are in Love and plan to marry in the future, but he has to go home first in a few days. Then proudly tell me that he is going to send her money each month so she doesn't have to work in a Bar anymore, and can wait for him at her parents place in some farm village. Her eyes pleading with me not to say anything. 


Like I said I honestly can't count all the times I hear a story just like this their. How many times I have seen this for myself. How they even bragged about it later. How some men can be so naive and live that long is beyond me. But things like this does happen and oddly many men fall into love very quickly here, and even against all odds. So I know it does happen a lot here.  


It does appear that someone spilled the beans on him and his activities in Thailand 8 years ago. I agree it looks like his x-something. To be honest I feel he is guilty to, and needs to be stopped. That he was lucky in the past. But he should be allowed a fare trial and his day in court no matter what he did. 


I am just not 100% sure he really knew how old she was when even she said she lied to him and told him she was 18 years old. I would think that if he really was only interested in younger teen girls, then he would not be of interest in her, if he thought she was 18 years old and like she said to him. Especially when she was able to fool the Bar Owner and the many Hotel Receptionist. So I think some proof that he knew she was underage is needed here, which may come out as the trial proceeds.      


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1 hour ago, DiscoDan said:

If she was 15 or 16 and he believes she was legal age you could give him the. Benefit of the doubt, but 13 no chance the guys a nonce

Yeah! I find it hard to believe that a 13 year old girl can pass as an 18 year old woman to. But it would have helped if we had a picture of what she looked like then. Also looking through drunk eyes doesn't help much either.


I remember being an Bangkok some 30 years ago with a Female Friend and we were out for a night of drinking. We had heard about sex shows in Bangkok and just on a whim we decided to go. We had befriended a taxi driver we learnt to trust and asked him to take us to a place like that. Just for the experience, and us being a little high by then,  more than anything else.


When we got their they had some secret knock, in which the guy first opened a sliding peep door, and when he say it was us he lets us in. I was shocked in how big this place actually was inside, and it reminded me of the Colosseum, and how the seats all came around in a semi-circle. We were given some beers and show began. 


The girls were about 6 girls all totally nude and performing some lewd acts on stage. I was enjoying the beers more than the show, but this was Bangkok then to, so you almost felt you had to see one sex show their. After another beer it was then my female friend pointed out to me that all these girls were young. I never noticed this at all and asked her how young she thought. She told me she thought they were about 13 or 14 years old.   


I looked again but couldn't believe it or my eyes. But I trusted her judgement and got out of there as quick as I could. I was so surprised I never notice but in low light and them having a mature body, I guess it is difficult to tell. Unless you are a woman. So even though I don't believe a 13 year old can't pass as an 18 year old, I sure got fooled once myself.  But then I wasn't obviously looking at her face. But maybe he was either?    

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1 hour ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

 But he should be allowed a fare trial and his day in court no matter what he did. 


I am just not 100% sure he really knew how old she was when even she said she lied to him and told him she was 18 years old. I would think that if he really was only interested in younger teen girls, then he would not be of interest in her, if he thought she was 18 years old and like she said to him. Especially when she was able to fool the Bar Owner and the many Hotel Receptionist. So I think some proof that he knew she was underage is needed here, which may come out as the trial proceeds.      


It is not difficult to tell the age of a 13-year old girl. 

Stevie Wonder can tell the ageof a13-year old girl. 


Nobody "fooled" the bar owner. The bar owner knew she was underage and was interested in her revenue potential only. We are adults here and know how it works :smile:


The only real question is what defense he can offer the court.


It appears the girl has offered a statement that she told him she was of consensual age. In the US that does not mean anything. She might say she offered an ID but likely can not still produce it as evidence. 


There is no deniability of intercourse since there is a child and DNA evidence so he can't even argue a bungled investigation from the Thailand law enforcement. 


My bet is he will be found guilty and the only question is his sentencing. It is doubtful his past history of kiddie porn on his computer can be introduced since the authorities could not tie it to him in their earlier effort. In the US it would not be admissible as evidence unless a new investigation could find some way to prove it was him.


The only part of any of this that interests me at this point is how they learned of this child and mother.





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8 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


It is not difficult to tell the age of a 13-year old girl. 

Stevie Wonder can tell the ageof a13-year old girl. 


Nobody "fooled" the bar owner. The bar owner knew she was underage and was interested in her revenue potential only. We are adults here and know how it works :smile:


The only real question is what defense he can offer the court.


It appears the girl has offered a statement that she told him she was of consensual age. In the US that does not mean anything. She might say she offered an ID but likely can not still produce it as evidence. 


There is no deniability of intercourse since there is a child and DNA evidence so he can't even argue a bungled investigation from the Thailand law enforcement. 


My bet is he will be found guilty and the only question is his sentencing. It is doubtful his past history of kiddie porn on his computer can be introduced since the authorities could not tie it to him in their earlier effort. In the US it would not be admissible as evidence unless a new investigation could find some way to prove it was him.


The only part of any of this that interests me at this point is how they learned of this child and mother.





After further investigation I found some more interesting facts. 


First of all this (then) 13 year old girl lied about her age, which we all knew, but we assumed she said she was 18 years old. Well she didn't! She said she was 16 years old. How she got a job in a Bar and into the Hotels, nobody knows for sure. Since it appears nobody else got charged so far. But this Swede, living in Norway, thought she was 16 years old and not 18 years old. So he knew she was a minor at that time. 


Him having sex with her was not a one vacation time type affair. He had traveled several times to Thailand from 2008 through 2011 to be with her. Even after she gave birth to his daughter in 2009-10 when she was 14 years old. He was (is) paying Child Support to her at $120  month.  


This whole case came to light when the Norwegian Police were investigating this Swede on a different matter concerning Narcotics in 2011-12. When several nude pictures of this 13 Year Old Thai Girlfriend was discovered on his computer the Norwegian Police asked the assistance of the Thai Police to track down this girl. They were able to do so and on further discussion with the Girl and her Mother they were able to determine her age and his involvement with her, including the birth of his daughter with her. 


The Swede is being charged for this crime but he is also being sued by the family of this girl for compensation. She would be 21 Year Old now, so I guess you can't call her a child anymore. But as someone put it. when there is money involved, it is like a Rat running up a drain pipe.



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10 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

After further investigation I found some more interesting facts. 


First of all this (then) 13 year old girl lied about her age, which we all knew, but we assumed she said she was 18 years old. Well she didn't! She said she was 16 years old. How she got a job in a Bar and into the Hotels, nobody knows for sure. Since it appears nobody else got charged so far. But this Swede, living in Norway, thought she was 16 years old and not 18 years old. So he knew she was a minor at that time. 


Him having sex with her was not a one vacation time type affair. He had traveled several times to Thailand from 2008 through 2011 to be with her. Even after she gave birth to his daughter in 2009-10 when she was 14 years old. He was (is) paying Child Support to her at $120  month.  


This whole case came to light when the Norwegian Police were investigating this Swede on a different matter concerning Narcotics in 2011-12. When several nude pictures of this 13 Year Old Thai Girlfriend was discovered on his computer the Norwegian Police asked the assistance of the Thai Police to track down this girl. They were able to do so and on further discussion with the Girl and her Mother they were able to determine her age and his involvement with her, including the birth of his daughter with her. 


The Swede is being charged for this crime but he is also being sued by the family of this girl for compensation. She would be 21 Year Old now, so I guess you can't call her a child anymore. But as someone put it. when there is money involved, it is like a Rat running up a drain pipe.




Amigo...you are a super-sleuth !


Excellent research and thanks for sharing it here. 


Our swede appears to be one of those fine upstanding quality tourists, eh ? 


The girl should have stuck with the "I told him I was 18" if she wanted to see that monthly child support check continue .

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Goldbuggy, you summed a lot points up incorrectly ... she didn't speak a word of English, so I'm guessing she didn't lie to him


Prosecutors say he bought the girl for the equivalent of NOK 70 (USD 8.40). She came from a poor rural village, didn’t speak a word of English, was said to be age 16 and had started working as a dancer and prostitute in a bar on the popular holiday island of Koh Samui. The man from Oslo allegedly was her first customer.

The girl has claimed he took her to at least one other island in the area, checked them into a hotel and assaulted her repeatedly. His trips to Thailand and his assaults continued until 2011, also after she became pregnant when she was 14. Police claim that DNA tests have shown her child to be the Oslo man’s daughter. He allegedly has met her several times and sent around NOK 1,000 (USD 120) a month in child support.

Halldis Winje, the Norwegian attorney appointed to represent the girl, told NRK that the case portrays a “typical picture” of how affluent western men can exploit “the poverty-stricken world.” In addition to the criminal charges filed against the man, Winje is seeking compensation on behalf of the girl and her family.


The government of Norway is seeking compensation for the child in Thailand so they don't leave them high and dry when the Swedish man goes to jail.

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3 minutes ago, amykat said:

Goldbuggy, you summed a lot points up incorrectly ... she didn't speak a word of English, so I'm guessing she didn't lie to him


Prosecutors say he bought the girl for the equivalent of NOK 70 (USD 8.40). She came from a poor rural village, didn’t speak a word of English, was said to be age 16 and had started working as a dancer and prostitute in a bar on the popular holiday island of Koh Samui. The man from Oslo allegedly was her first customer.

The girl has claimed he took her to at least one other island in the area, checked them into a hotel and assaulted her repeatedly. His trips to Thailand and his assaults continued until 2011, also after she became pregnant when she was 14. Police claim that DNA tests have shown her child to be the Oslo man’s daughter. He allegedly has met her several times and sent around NOK 1,000 (USD 120) a month in child support.

Halldis Winje, the Norwegian attorney appointed to represent the girl, told NRK that the case portrays a “typical picture” of how affluent western men can exploit “the poverty-stricken world.” In addition to the criminal charges filed against the man, Winje is seeking compensation on behalf of the girl and her family.


The government of Norway is seeking compensation for the child in Thailand so they don't leave them high and dry when the Swedish man goes to jail.


Out of curiousity, if the Swede had been a Thai male and committed these identical acts, what would be the outcome from a legal standpoint ? Thanks for any insight. 


Since all of this "testimony" appears to be interpretted by the family attorney, I wonder if the claim the girl "only thought of him as a customer" was factual or invented by someone else with an agenda?

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What doesn't make sense at all, is why would they sell her so cheaply?  Certainly if that was her FIRST customer/so her virginity? They would sell that for $9 ...or it was only her first customer but not her virginity ...or all of it is a lie?  It was low season and slow night?


As well, the lie about her age, what was he told about her age, some BS made up after the fact to try to protect him?  To keep the child support coming in?  You really can't depend on anything anyone says here ...we all know that.

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8 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


It is not difficult to tell the age of a 13-year old girl. 

Stevie Wonder can tell the ageof a13-year old girl. 


Nobody "fooled" the bar owner. The bar owner knew she was underage and was interested in her revenue potential only. We are adults here and know how it works :smile:


The only real question is what defense he can offer the court.


It appears the girl has offered a statement that she told him she was of consensual age. In the US that does not mean anything. She might say she offered an ID but likely can not still produce it as evidence. 


There is no deniability of intercourse since there is a child and DNA evidence so he can't even argue a bungled investigation from the Thailand law enforcement. 


My bet is he will be found guilty and the only question is his sentencing. It is doubtful his past history of kiddie porn on his computer can be introduced since the authorities could not tie it to him in their earlier effort. In the US it would not be admissible as evidence unless a new investigation could find some way to prove it was him.


The only part of any of this that interests me at this point is how they learned of this child and mother.





What Defense can the Swede offer the courts? 


Well I don't think he has much of a Defense. He can deny Sexual Assault all he wants, but even if she was a willing sex partner, which in this case I believe she was, it is still Sexual Assault if you have sex with a Minor. Even if she is a Prostitute.


Since he has already admitted that he was with her at this time, which she concurred, then he is guilty of a crime. They will also have proof of her age, her giving birth to his child by the DNA Match, and the nude pictures of her on his computer. Plus of course her testimony and her mothers as well.


Being in Love with this Underage Girl is no Defense at all. Many Female Teachers who had sex with their students tried that stunt already, and it didn't work for them. In fact they were ordered by the Courts to say away. So a Reverse Effect.  


He may try to claim that he thought she was 18 years old and of legal age since she lied about her age. But in his case I think he will have to prove that, since she claims she told him she was 16 years old, and probably others to. Like the Bar Owner. But if he lied and he had her Fake ID to say she was 18 Years Old, it might hold some credence in his testimony. He could probably prove he thought she was 16 years old, and although still a crime, it is not as severe as when she is younger than 16 years. Like in her case when she was only 13 years old. 


I also think that in some ways it depends in how far the Prosecution want to go with this case. This would turn into a costly trial in having to bring over Witnesses, or at the very least getting them to Testify on Video Conferencing. Plus the gathering of other evidence, an a Jury Trial. But since this Swede is known to the Police for other unrelated crimes, I tend to think they will throw the book at him if they can.  At the very least cop some kind of plea bargain. 

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26 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Amigo...you are a super-sleuth !


Excellent research and thanks for sharing it here. 


Our swede appears to be one of those fine upstanding quality tourists, eh ? 


The girl should have stuck with the "I told him I was 18" if she wanted to see that monthly child support check continue .

Yeah! I was thinking the same thing about this Child Support at first as well.


But I think in this case there is Bigger Fish to Fry here. After all, he is said to be a Successful Business Man and who knows what he is worth? She has a Norwegian Lawyer already, which I am sure must be working on  a Commission, so somebody in the know sees bigger money here for sure.


If she sued him for only $50,000 that is double in what she would get for Child Support in a Life Time. Since she is not married to him, and their is no Court Order for him to pay anything, who knows how long he will pay Child Support? Or even if he hadn't stop paying already and why he is getting sued in the first place? Or if he died?  


The one thing I know for sure is that this Girl's Mother will be delighted if they win and she has all this extra money to spend on herself. Maybe buy a new Mercedes and park it at her house for all to see. That is really very sad!


If I am upset at the case at all, it is in how the Girl's Mother. and the Bar Owner, and even these Hotels, got away with no charges. Not just allowing her to work as a Prostitute, but actually taking your 13 Year Old Daughter to a Bar, where she made some kind of deal with the Bar Owner. so she can work as a Dancer and Prostitute. Knowing full well she would sleep with men but not getting her on Birth Control, or getting her to use a Condom, to prevent other diseases. 


If there is anyone here who screwed up this Girl's Life the most, it was her Mother, in my view of things. She still probably has her working in the same Bar. Yet her and the Bar Owner walk away free. Go Figure?  

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54 minutes ago, amykat said:

Goldbuggy, you summed a lot points up incorrectly ... she didn't speak a word of English, so I'm guessing she didn't lie to him


Prosecutors say he bought the girl for the equivalent of NOK 70 (USD 8.40). She came from a poor rural village, didn’t speak a word of English, was said to be age 16 and had started working as a dancer and prostitute in a bar on the popular holiday island of Koh Samui. The man from Oslo allegedly was her first customer.

The girl has claimed he took her to at least one other island in the area, checked them into a hotel and assaulted her repeatedly. His trips to Thailand and his assaults continued until 2011, also after she became pregnant when she was 14. Police claim that DNA tests have shown her child to be the Oslo man’s daughter. He allegedly has met her several times and sent around NOK 1,000 (USD 120) a month in child support.

Halldis Winje, the Norwegian attorney appointed to represent the girl, told NRK that the case portrays a “typical picture” of how affluent western men can exploit “the poverty-stricken world.” In addition to the criminal charges filed against the man, Winje is seeking compensation on behalf of the girl and her family.


The government of Norway is seeking compensation for the child in Thailand so they don't leave them high and dry when the Swedish man goes to jail.

The Girls own testimony presented in court already said she admitted that she lied to him about her age. He could have got this information from her in several different ways other than her speaking English to him. Having the Bar Owner, or her Mother, to translate is one way. 


You probably were never with a Bar Girl who didn't speak English before so let me enlighten you. Many of these Girls carry around a Bar Girl Translation Book that has simple phrases from Thai To English. I used to have one, given to me as a gift, but got lost somehow.  It was really quite a good book and I was very surprised. It covered many topics.


So if you wanted to know how old she was, you go to the English Page that asked this question, and is translated to Thai their also, so she can read your question in Thai. She then flips through the Thai Version to the answer to our question and it in turn is translated into English. It may seem like a real chore in order to have to do this, but I found this to be fun.


Thank you for posting my expanded Link .     

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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:


Out of curiousity, if the Swede had been a Thai male and committed these identical acts, what would be the outcome from a legal standpoint ? Thanks for any insight. 


Since all of this "testimony" appears to be interpretted by the family attorney, I wonder if the claim the girl "only thought of him as a customer" was factual or invented by someone else with an agenda?

If it had been a Thai and not a Swede there still could have been a Police Involvement had the mother wished to lay charges. Having sex with a Minor is still a Criminal Offense in Thailand. But if families want to settle this between themselves, I am not sure the Police would stay or get involved. 


So judging by her age, and her mothers involvement here, and that she gave birth to his child, it would more likely be a Family Matter. In which case the 2 families would have got together to discuss some form of compensation to the family. It depends on the families and their wealth.


I think the part about her not loving him in return and sees him only as a paying customer came from her statement in court. I agree we can't believe everything we read but I do not find it strange she felt this way. I have seen and met many Bar Girls who had Boyfriends coming to visit them quite often and they view him as a "Good Customer" with no love involved. On her part anyway. I am sure he did not feel the same way about her though. Or at least all of them 


Hell! I was even one of those myself, except I wasn't foolish enough to see it differently. I do think she liked me a lot as we always had fun together, I treated her well, and under different circumstances we may have been friend. But she didn't Love Me nor I her. I was a Good Customer for her, and I enjoyed being around her and trusted her. So I guess we both got what we needed at that time.   

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1 hour ago, amykat said:

Goldbuggy, you summed a lot points up incorrectly ... she didn't speak a word of English, so I'm guessing she didn't lie to him


Prosecutors say he bought the girl for the equivalent of NOK 70 (USD 8.40). She came from a poor rural village, didn’t speak a word of English, was said to be age 16 and had started working as a dancer and prostitute in a bar on the popular holiday island of Koh Samui. The man from Oslo allegedly was her first customer.

The girl has claimed he took her to at least one other island in the area, checked them into a hotel and assaulted her repeatedly. His trips to Thailand and his assaults continued until 2011, also after she became pregnant when she was 14. Police claim that DNA tests have shown her child to be the Oslo man’s daughter. He allegedly has met her several times and sent around NOK 1,000 (USD 120) a month in child support.

Halldis Winje, the Norwegian attorney appointed to represent the girl, told NRK that the case portrays a “typical picture” of how affluent western men can exploit “the poverty-stricken world.” In addition to the criminal charges filed against the man, Winje is seeking compensation on behalf of the girl and her family.


The government of Norway is seeking compensation for the child in Thailand so they don't leave them high and dry when the Swedish man goes to jail.

Oh Yeah! As to buying a Thai Bar Girl you can do that in Thailand for around $8.40, but usually higher than that. It depends in how busy they are and the time of season.


They even give that a name here! It is called a "Bar Fine!".. 

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1 hour ago, amykat said:

What doesn't make sense at all, is why would they sell her so cheaply?  Certainly if that was her FIRST customer/so her virginity? They would sell that for $9 ...or it was only her first customer but not her virginity ...or all of it is a lie?  It was low season and slow night?


As well, the lie about her age, what was he told about her age, some BS made up after the fact to try to protect him?  To keep the child support coming in?  You really can't depend on anything anyone says here ...we all know that.

I think the $9 was a Bar Fine. Who knows what agreement they came up with for services rendered later? He may have been her first customer but this doesn't make her a Virgin. Doesn't mean she wasn't either I guess. All that I know that if he was her first he probably wasn't her last. 


She is the one who told the court she lied about her age to him, and as he said. The Prosecutor read her statement out, apparently. But like you said you really can't trust a media report anymore these days completely. 

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Goldbuggy,  I don't know if you are joking around with me or what? Do you think I am writing in from abroad somewhere? I have lived here for 12 years.


Don't you think it shows that this Swedish guy was an experienced "sex tourist" at least if he could negotiate a 13 or 16 year old girl he believed to be either a virgin or first time prostitute, for $9 ..when a pack of cigarettes in his country costs about $15?  He was in Koh Samui not in a back alley in Cambodia ...but I bet he has been there too.


Remember your article that you posted says he had many videos/photos of child sexual abuse/rape.  Proving he like these things.  So go with this for a moment.  Let's say you like cocaine. You go into a bar and ask for "baby powder" wink wink, and buy "baby powder" and go home and do "baby powder" and love "baby powder" and do it over and over again for years.  Later you get arrested for cocaine. But you say 'What I thought that was baby powder ...everyone told me it was baby powder, and now bar owner now agrees yes, I sold him baby powder, I don't sell cocaine ..blah, blah, blah"  Get my point?



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The family of the girl are going to get their reward soon. The problem in cases like these , even if the Swede was guilty from the beginning, is that it's so easy to lie and make it sound worse than it really was. The lawyer will believe any word coming from the girl, yes he probably deserves it, still very difficult for him to defend himself.

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7 hours ago, amykat said:

Goldbuggy,  I don't know if you are joking around with me or what? Do you think I am writing in from abroad somewhere? I have lived here for 12 years.


Don't you think it shows that this Swedish guy was an experienced "sex tourist" at least if he could negotiate a 13 or 16 year old girl he believed to be either a virgin or first time prostitute, for $9 ..when a pack of cigarettes in his country costs about $15?  He was in Koh Samui not in a back alley in Cambodia ...but I bet he has been there too.


Remember your article that you posted says he had many videos/photos of child sexual abuse/rape.  Proving he like these things.  So go with this for a moment.  Let's say you like cocaine. You go into a bar and ask for "baby powder" wink wink, and buy "baby powder" and go home and do "baby powder" and love "baby powder" and do it over and over again for years.  Later you get arrested for cocaine. But you say 'What I thought that was baby powder ...everyone told me it was baby powder, and now bar owner now agrees yes, I sold him baby powder, I don't sell cocaine ..blah, blah, blah"  Get my point?



No! Actually the article said he was never charged with having several sex videos and photos of underage girls back in 2012 because they couldn't prove it belonged to him. So in theory at least he is innocent of that. The pictures he had now were of his 13 Year Old Girlfriend. which makes these pictures illegal as she was underage when they were taken. If he has more than that then I don't know as it never said. It only mentioned his Girlfriend and how these picture connected her to him. .  


It was you that said he bought her for $9 and not me. I tried to explain it was probably just a Bar Fine. A Bar Fine is not the negotiated price for a Virgin r any Bar Girl. It only allows her to leave her work to go with him someplace. Maybe just to dinner. But since you have been here 12 years you know that already.


It was also you who said how could she tell him she was 16 years old and lie to him, when she didn't speak English, and I explained to you how. So if I insulted your intelligence, it is only because you did not act intelligent, or ask intelligent questions, or like you have been here 12 years as you just said. I also assumed that if you knew the answers to your own questions you wouldn't ask them here. But judging from your comments to me, I guess I was wrong about that to.


Your scenario about Baby Powder makes absolutely no common sense at all. If you went into a store and bought Baby Powder, and it turned out to be Cocaine, then you have not committed any crime. If you went into a Bar an asked for "Ice", then paid big money to get it, and got high later, as your reference to Baby Powder, then you knew it was Ya Ba, and thus committed a crime. 


I don't know if he was a "Sex Tourist" or not. If he was you would have to arrest about half of the single men who go to Pattaya and visits the bars their. If you mean a "Child Sex Tourist", you have no proof of that. It appears he met this 13 Year Old Girl by chance in a Bar the first time, so you can't prove he went there for the sole intention of being with somebody underage. Unless you have more information or proof which says otherwise.        

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Is it assault if she's a hooker and a willing participant. Seems like maybe the mother should  be charged  for pimping out her daughter and he should  be charged with underage sex.I'm not saying the Swede is innocent but it's really the mother who's the most guilty here, she initiated everything from the sounds of it.

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1 hour ago, balo said:

The family of the girl are going to get their reward soon. The problem in cases like these , even if the Swede was guilty from the beginning, is that it's so easy to lie and make it sound worse than it really was. The lawyer will believe any word coming from the girl, yes he probably deserves it, still very difficult for him to defend himself.


Once there is a baby then it becomes very hard to talk one's way out of this type of charge.

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10 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Yeah! I was thinking the same thing about this Child Support at first as well.


But I think in this case there is Bigger Fish to Fry here. After all, he is said to be a Successful Business Man and who knows what he is worth? She has a Norwegian Lawyer already, which I am sure must be working on  a Commission, so somebody in the know sees bigger money here for sure.


If she sued him for only $50,000 that is double in what she would get for Child Support in a Life Time. Since she is not married to him, and their is no Court Order for him to pay anything, who knows how long he will pay Child Support? Or even if he hadn't stop paying already and why he is getting sued in the first place? Or if he died?  


The one thing I know for sure is that this Girl's Mother will be delighted if they win and she has all this extra money to spend on herself. Maybe buy a new Mercedes and park it at her house for all to see. That is really very sad!


If I am upset at the case at all, it is in how the Girl's Mother. and the Bar Owner, and even these Hotels, got away with no charges. Not just allowing her to work as a Prostitute, but actually taking your 13 Year Old Daughter to a Bar, where she made some kind of deal with the Bar Owner. so she can work as a Dancer and Prostitute. Knowing full well she would sleep with men but not getting her on Birth Control, or getting her to use a Condom, to prevent other diseases. 


If there is anyone here who screwed up this Girl's Life the most, it was her Mother, in my view of things. She still probably has her working in the same Bar. Yet her and the Bar Owner walk away free. Go Figure?  


No doubt the mother has won the Farang Lottery in a big way !


I don't know how to say this without it sounding terrible and I suppose that is because it is terrible to say but sending this girl to become a prostitute was probably the best thing for the girl. Statistically speaking, if it wasn't the farang who knocked her up then she very likely would have been impregnated by one of the local Thai youths within a few years anyway and look at the payout that this Swede has resulted in compared to some impoverished Thai kid.


Although it was correct to call these sexual encounters as "assaults", the fact is she was a willing participant and does not appear to have suffered any long term physical harm...atleast none was mentioned. 


Things could be worse for the grandmother, the young mother and the child...


None of my above post should be misconstrued to suggest that I have any sympathy for the Swede and I do hope the Court system (which hopefully has more details than us to make an appropriate decision) sentences him appropriately.

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9 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

I think the part about her not loving him in return and sees him only as a paying customer came from her statement in court. I agree we can't believe everything we read but I do not find it strange she felt this way. I have seen and met many Bar Girls who had Boyfriends coming to visit them quite often and they view him as a "Good Customer" with no love involved.


Thanks for the insight into a hypothetical Thai father.


As for the claim she did not have any emotion for him, I found that strange as well. 

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1 hour ago, Rob13 said:

Is it assault if she's a hooker and a willing participant. Seems like maybe the mother should  be charged  for pimping out her daughter and he should  be charged with underage sex.I'm not saying the Swede is innocent but it's really the mother who's the most guilty here, she initiated everything from the sounds of it.

I agree!


I also think the Bar Owner should be held accountable to. Especially if he knew she was only 16 years old. I can't speak for everyone here but from my own experience I never came across a Bar in Pattaya at least where they were selling 16 Year Old Bar Girls. But then I wasn't looking for any either. I was busy trying to find some Bar Girl under 40 years old!!!@ 


I did see some underage girls working in places like this as cleaning ladies, but they made it perfectly clear to anyone they were underage and not Bar Girls. That they took this very seriously. But maybe others have seen a lot of this. I don't know?   

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45 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Thanks for the insight into a hypothetical Thai father.


As for the claim she did not have any emotion for him, I found that strange as well. 

She did have emotion for him! Her emotion was that he was a Good Customer!'. So any Bar Girl is always sad to lose that! Especially if he is sending her payment each month. 


Let me try to explain it this way.When you have sex with a Bar Girl you view this as fun and excited. She views this as "Work!" I am not saying she can't enjoy it sometimes, and like you do with your work, but to her it is still just a job. Acting nice to a good customer and treated him with love and respect is part of that job.


Is it possible for a Prostitute to fall into love with her client? Of course it is! But how often does that happen? But when you take into consideration that she was only 13 years old when she slept with him, and in most other countries she would still be playing with dolls,  how can anyone even suggest this to be true adult love. Puppy Love at best!


When I was her age I was going through Girlfriends who one week I loved, and the next didn't, about as often as I changed my underwear! 

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12 hours ago, balo said:

The family of the girl are going to get their reward soon. The problem in cases like these , even if the Swede was guilty from the beginning, is that it's so easy to lie and make it sound worse than it really was. The lawyer will believe any word coming from the girl, yes he probably deserves it, still very difficult for him to defend himself.

I see your point here, and I agree with what you are saying. As in the Prosecution trying to make a stronger case here in the court  then what it really is, and also by using the media. Even though, as you said, he probably deserves it. We even have proof of that happening now and in this case as it is going on.  


For example, the accused said in this OP that he was lied to about this Girls true age and was told this Girl was 18 years old. The Prosecution read out this Girls statement in court in which she admitted she lied to the Accused about her age and also said she did not having feelings of love for him and only saw him as a customer.


But in the media report I posted earlier, the Prosecution was quoted as saying that "it was said this Girl was 16 years old" and it is "Alleged that the Accused was her first customer". Now where did this information come from? The Accused said she told him she was 18 years old. In the Girl's Statement in court, she only admitted that she lied about her age to the Accused but there was not mention of her saying she told him she was 16 years old. Or did this "being her first customer and said to be 16 years old" come from the Girl's Mother. When a present Law Suit is filed in Norway against the Accused for Child Support and Damages?


The only person who I feel for sure is telling the truth here is this Girl, when she said she lied about her age to the Accused. The Accused is in Hot Water, and let's face it, he is going to try and say anything to save his own skin. But yet his story about the Girl telling him she was 18 years old does carry some credence. It would help explain how a 13 Year Old Girl with Fake ID was able to get a job in a Bar as a Bar Girl, and also get into several different Hotel Rooms. But it does not explain how a 13 Year Old Girl can be passed off as an 18 Year Old Woman.


As to the Prosecution, they want to win this case and will make the strongest case they can against him, and as you said. They will hit him with everything they have including the kitchen sink. But fortunately for the Accused, the Prosecution has to prove their case beyond reasonable doubt. If the Girl's Mother's Testimony is all they have, I think I would want more than this, considering everything and that she may be involved in a legal law suit and will be rewarded if he is found guilty.    

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12 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

I agree!


I also think the Bar Owner should be held accountable to. Especially if he knew she was only 16 years old. I can't speak for everyone here but from my own experience I never came across a Bar in Pattaya at least where they were selling 16 Year Old Bar Girls. But then I wasn't looking for any either. I was busy trying to find some Bar Girl under 40 years old!!!@ 


I did see some underage girls working in places like this as cleaning ladies, but they made it perfectly clear to anyone they were underage and not Bar Girls. That they took this very seriously. But maybe others have seen a lot of this. I don't know?   


Okay, this is a good example, YOU are not looking for it, so you do not find it. But other people ARE looking for it.  You see those other underage girls that just happen to be "around" doing other things?  Well they ARE available to those people looking for it and they know how to get them.


You are going way out of your way to defend this Swedish man because I believe you relate to him, because you assume he is like YOU, a normal man, not a sexual child predator.  I also assume most men here are not also.  But some men are child sexual predators and you cannot ignore that ...let your mind accept for a moment that he might be.  The $9 was money he said he gave to the girl, not the bar by the way.  He had a lot of child sexual material on his computer ...you decide to ignore that because they didn't prosecute him for that ...yet the photos of the Thai girl on his computer were actually his girlfriend.  Did he accidentally pick up a stranger's computer that happened to have a lot of child sex on it, but that also has photos of his girlfriend?  You conveniently find a way to ignore any unfavorable information about him, including the fact that he is one cheap bastard.  And yes, maybe I should have said , a "child sex tourist" to be more clear that I am not trying to class all men in Thailand who participate in this activity as one of these men, because I certainly don't think that.


Let me tell you a hopefully short story about a case I had when I worked for the Dept of Corrections.  This parolee had just served 10 years for sexually abusing his 3 children for years.  He liked very young kids. He started raping his children from the age of 1.  Pretty unusual.  His wife knew about it. They were very religious and active in certain church which tends to dominate their people in significant ways. She kept going to the church and reporting him.  They kept telling her not to go to police, that she must be misunderstanding what was going on, that she must not be giving him enough sex, and various other misinformed and ignorant guidance.  Also somewhat sexist and probably based on relating to themselves ..they would NEVER do that, they can't understand that, blah, blah, blah, so of course, don't go to professionals ...who do understand it, and the abuse, and rape continued for years, until she DID go to police. This jackass ... the day I met him, was wearing a t-shirt that proudly said "WORLD'S GREATEST DAD" and he was photographed in that t-shirt for his permanent file with a long list of all his child sexual charges directly under it.



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8 minutes ago, amykat said:


Okay, this is a good example, YOU are not looking for it, so you do not find it. But other people ARE looking for it.  You see those other underage girls that just happen to be "around" doing other things?  Well they ARE available to those people looking for it and they know how to get them.


You are going way out of your way to defend this Swedish man because I believe you relate to him, because you assume he is like YOU, a normal man, not a sexual child predator.  I also assume most men here are not also.  But some men are child sexual predators and you cannot ignore that ...let your mind accept for a moment that he might be.  The $9 was money he said he gave to the girl, not the bar by the way.  He had a lot of child sexual material on his computer ...you decide to ignore that because they didn't prosecute him for that ...yet the photos of the Thai girl on his computer were actually his girlfriend.  Did he accidentally pick up a stranger's computer that happened to have a lot of child sex on it, but that also has photos of his girlfriend?  You conveniently find a way to ignore any unfavorable information about him, including the fact that he is one cheap bastard.  And yes, maybe I should have said , a "child sex tourist" to be more clear that I am not trying to class all men in Thailand who participate in this activity as one of these men, because I certainly don't think that.


Let me tell you a hopefully short story about a case I had when I worked for the Dept of Corrections.  This parolee had just served 10 years for sexually abusing his 3 children for years.  He liked very young kids. He started raping his children from the age of 1.  Pretty unusual.  His wife knew about it. They were very religious and active in certain church which tends to dominate their people in significant ways. She kept going to the church and reporting him.  They kept telling her not to go to police, that she must be misunderstanding what was going on, that she must not be giving him enough sex, and various other misinformed and ignorant guidance.  Also somewhat sexist and probably based on relating to themselves ..they would NEVER do that, they can't understand that, blah, blah, blah, so of course, don't go to professionals ...who do understand it, and the abuse, and rape continued for years, until she DID go to police. This jackass ... the day I met him, was wearing a t-shirt that proudly said "WORLD'S GREATEST DAD" and he was photographed in that t-shirt for his permanent file with a long list of all his child sexual charges directly under it.



Well actually it doesn't say he gave this $9 to the Girl. Please read the OP again. What it clearly states is :" He paid a small amount to the bar to bring the girl to the hotel," In Thailand this is known as a "Bar Fine". 


I am not defending the Accused or have I ever tried here. Quite honestly I think he is guilty. But unlike you, and before I Tar and Feather Him, and then hang him upside-down by his Yanzees, I think he deserves his day in court at a fare trial. You can't put him on Trial when he hasn't been charged for the crime, like having sex videos on a computer. I don't know why the Police didn't charge him and can't prove that these videos don't belong to him. Maybe because they don't? 


In fact, since he has never been charge for that crime of having those sex videos, then it never should have been mentioned or brought out to the Public through the Media. It isn't fare to use the Media to put him on Trial this way. Or in fact to have a Witness Statement read out in Court, but yet no allowing his defense to ask questions to this witness or rebuttal her claim. 


Besides that there are a couple of other things that bother me about this whole case. For one why the Mother or Bar Owner wasn't Prosecuted or charged for this, and why only the Swede Man was. Or at least is never mentioned. Since the Thai Police were bought into this case to investigate, then they know all the ins and outs to this case to.


But the other thing that bothers me is that this Girl has already said she lied about her age to the Accused and he said she told him she was 18 years old. There has been nothing as in evidence to prove that what he said wasn't true. But lots to indicate that it could be true, as her having a False ID for being 18 Years Old would explain how she could get a job as a Bar Girl, and also get in to Hotel Rooms. I can't comment if she looked 18 years old as I never saw what she looked like then, but she obviously convinced more people than just the Accused. 


So if the Accused really thought she was 18 Years Old at that time, by her producing False ID and trying to convince him of that, or her even working in this Bar, of her being able to get into hotel rooms, even she if didn't look like it, does this changes things a little bit? If the Accused really did think she was 18 years old, then I think it does change things. 


One can say now there is no such thing as ignorance of the law, but does this apply here? I mean if he knew she was 13 years old and had sex were her claiming he did not know this was against the law, then he would be charged. He should know he can't have sex with a 13 year old girl.


But what if he really thought she was 18 years old? Can a person be charged for a crime when he did not know he did one, or that it was wrong? In some cases he can't be, otherwise there would be no plead of insanity. But having sex with a minor I am not so sure. He probably can still be charges. But after his day in court we will all find out.   

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From the Norwegian newspaper VG: 



Partially translated from Google. 


The Swedish man was sentenced to 6 years in prison by the Oslo court yesterday.  


The court concluded that the man had repeated sexual intercourse with a child under the age of 16 and had acted cynically and deliberate. 

The man defended himself in court that he did not know the girl's real age, because both the girl and her mother had said she was 18, but the court did not believe in his explanation.

Oslo District Court concluded that the 34 year old had access to a child to satisfy his own desires, and sentenced him to six years in prison. The man appealed the verdict. The 34 year old was also convicted for being in possession of child porn images and drugs.



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1 hour ago, balo said:

From the Norwegian newspaper VG: 



Partially translated from Google. 


The Swedish man was sentenced to 6 years in prison by the Oslo court yesterday.  


The court concluded that the man had repeated sexual intercourse with a child under the age of 16 and had acted cynically and deliberate. 

The man defended himself in court that he did not know the girl's real age, because both the girl and her mother had said she was 18, but the court did not believe in his explanation.

Oslo District Court concluded that the 34 year old had access to a child to satisfy his own desires, and sentenced him to six years in prison. The man appealed the verdict. The 34 year old was also convicted for being in possession of child porn images and drugs.




So they went back and got him on the child porn also?


One question though:


How does one have intercourse "cynically" ?

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